“We’ve reviewed dozens of personality profile approaches, and what I love about the Color Q method in this book is that it does what personality assessments rarely do well—it answers the great “So what?” question. It teaches what your personality means for your career and how to make the most of it. We coach with Color Q because it gets to this extremely important bottom line: finding a job that really fits and keeping it.”
—John Courtney, CEO, NextJob, Inc.
“We all know that ‘people skills’ are important in one’s career. Perhaps no one has defined those skills and their potential applications as well as Shoya Zichy in her book Personality Power. At last, the mysteries of successful, professional interactions are solved, laid out in plain English and organized to allow the reader to immediately understand difficult personality types. Even people who don’t read this book will benefit—as others apply what they have learned from the book.”
—Ellen Reynolds, Senior Vice President and
Chief People Officer, The Segal Group, Inc.
“Personality Power opens the floodgates to improved profitability, productivity, and communication. Individuals who embrace the principles in this book are happier, more productive, and committed to their career choices, and organizations learn how to make internal and external meetings and conversations more successful and less stressful and ensure that the ‘right people are in the right seats on the bus.’ ”
—Jeannette Hobson, Senior Vice President,
Eastern Division, Vistage International
“I recommend Personality Power, a unique reading selection in today’s crowded business literature. The ideas work; the suggestions are easy to remember. One can bring out the best in oneself and others while succeeding on the job. The key is to insightfully access and understand the personalities that surround us in our work environment, including most importantly one’s own personality and style, its strengths and shortcomings.”
—Sergio I. de Araujo, Chairman, AnSer
Latin American Opportunities Fund
“Leadership is about bringing out the best in people or an organization. This book provides a unique framework, combining business experience and psychological insight.”
—Kathleen Waldron, President, William Paterson University
“Zichy is masterful at boiling down into plain English the complex topics of career and personality. Personality Power is like a wise career adviser at your fingertips.”
—Nancy Ancowitz, business communication coach
and author of Self-Promotion for Introverts®