In Order of Appearance
Most of the following individuals have been personally assessed by Shoya Zichy, except where evaluated by the Myers-Briggs community as noted in their chapter.
Greens: Diane Sawyer, journalist and anchor, ABC World News; Dr. Mehmet Oz, cardiac surgeon, television personality, and author; Her Highness Sheika Hessa Salem Al Salman Al Sabah, chairperson of ATAMANA of Kuwait; Erik Detiger, managing director, Philanthropia, Inc.; Fiona Thompson, director of HR operations, Urban Land Institute; Dr. Mobarak Abdulhadi Aldosari, founder, Rowad Almaarefa Educational Consulting, Saudi Arabia; Carolyn Maloney, United States Congress; Katharine Myers, co-owner Myers-Briggs Type Indicator copyrights; Catherine Atwood, coleader, Bike & Build cross-country bicycle trip.
Reds: Countess Editha Nemes, former designer and real estate broker; Donald Trump, chairman and president, The Trump Organization; Edward Koch, former mayor of New York City; Randolph A. Hogan, freelance writer/editor and former editor of the New York Times Book Review; Sheila L. Birnbaum, co-head, Skadden Arps Mass Torts and Insurance Litigation Group; Michael Naso, partner, FBN Securities, Inc.; Margaret Davis, president and CEO, Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation; Hugh Heisler, partner, Heisler, Feldman, McCormick & Garrow; Christopher L. Dutton, president and CEO, Vermont Electric Power Company; John Sawyer, web developer/computer technical support and owner, Chon Resources; Timothy R., vintage motorcycle restorer.
Blues: Hillary Rodham Clinton, United States secretary of state and former First Lady; Phyllis Haberman, senior managing director, Egret Capital Partners, LLC; Mark W. Smith, founder, Smith Valliere, PLLC; Mark Taylor, chair, Vistage International, Inc.; Vanessa A. McDermott, management consultant, MWH, Inc.; Matthew B. Alsted, vice president, channel marketing and brand strategy, Calvert Investments; James G. Squyres, owner, Buyside Research.
Golds: Sonia Sotomayor, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; Warren Buffett, founder, Berkshire Hathaway; Martha Clark Goss, board member; Steven Brill, president and founder, The Lighting Design Group; Martha Sloane, certified nursing assistant; Dr. Silvester Lango, orthopedic surgeon; George Yarocki, author and Indian motorcycle restorer.
Approach to Innovation: Lily Klebanoff Blake, board member and emerging market specialist.
All other profiles are composites of author Shoya Zichy’s clients and seminar attendees.