Business Coaching
Coaching and Career Reports:
Coaching for High Potential Women: Lynne Morton,,
Cross-Cultural Consulting and Transition Coaching: Susanne Mueller, www.susannemueller. biz,
Emerging and High Potential Leader Coaching: Kathryn C. Mayer,,
Executive Image Coach: Anna Wildermuth,,
Leadership Coach: Robert W. Cuddy,,
Leadership Training and Coaching: Bea Fields,,
Small Business Coach: Craig Jennings,,
Career Coaching
Career Coach: Laura S. Hill,,
Career and Job Search Strategist: Cynthia Shapiro,,
Communications Coaching and Training
Business Communication Coach: Nancy Ancowitz,,
Media Training and Presentation Coaching: Diane DiResta,,, (Speech Maker online template for crafting a speech).
Organizational Development
Consultant to Corporate Wellness Programs: Suzanne Brue,,
Executive Training and Business Workshops: Andrea R. Nierenberg,,
Management Consultant: Mary Lippitt,,
Management Consultant: Rob Toomey,,
Organization Development and Training: Hile Rutledge,,
Organizational Trainer and Consultant: Ray Linder,
Strategy Implementation, Organizational Effectiveness, and Leadership Coaching: Mary Graham Davis,,
Team-Building Training and Coaching: Jane Maloney,,
Workplace Inter-generational Solutions Consultant: Phyllis Weiss Haserot,,
Social Media, Online, and Technology Resources
Social Media Writer and Project Manager: Jeannette Paladino,,
The Small Business Website Guy: John Sawyer,,
Web and Online Technologies Project Management Consulting: Janet Handal,,
Recommended Business Books
Ancowitz, Nancy. Self-Promotion for Introverts: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
Baber, Anne and Lynne Waymon. Make Your Contacts Count: Networking Know-How for Business and Career Success. New York: AMACOM, 2007.
Butler, Susan. Women Count: A Guide for Changing the World. West Lafayette, IL: Purdue University Press, 2010.
Carson, Nacie. The Finch Effect: The Five Strategies to Adapt and Thrive in Your Working Life. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass, 2012.
DiResta, Diane. Knockout Presentations. Worcester, MA: Chandler House Press, 2009.
Fields, Bea. Millennial Leaders: Success Stories from Today’s Most Brilliant Generation and Leaders. Buffalo Grove, IL: Writers of The Round Table Press, 2008.
Hammerness, Paul and Margaret Moore. Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, Train Your Brain, and Get More Done in Less Time. Buffalo, NY: Harlequin, 2011.
Haserot, Phyllis Weiss. The Rainmaking Machine: Marketing Planning, Strategies, and Management for Law Firms. Eagan, MN: Thomson Reuters/West, 2012.
Kay, Andrea. Life’s a Bitch and Then You Change Careers. New York: Stewart, Tabori and Chang, 2005.
King, Patricia. Monster Boss. Avon, MA: Adams Media, 2008.
Mayer, Kathryn. Collaborative Competition: A Woman’s Guide to Succeeding by Competing. New York: Collaborative Competition Press, 2009.
Nelson, Audrey, Ph.D. and Claire Brown, Ph.D. The Gender Communication Handbook: Conquering Conversational Collisions Between Men and Women. Hoboken, NJ: Pfeiffer/Wiley, 2012.
Nierenberg, Andrea. Million Dollar Networking: The Sure Way to Find, Grow, and Keep Your Business. Herndon, VA: Capital Books, 2005.
Sedlar, Jeri. Don’t Retire, REWIRE! 5 Steps to Fulfilling Work That Fuels Your Passion, Suits Your Personality, and Fills Your Pocket, 2nd ed. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha/Penguin Group, 2007.
Shapiro, Cynthia. What Does Somebody Have to Do to Get a Job Around Here! New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2008.
Wildermuth, Anna Soo. Change One Thing. New York: McGraw Hill, 2009.
Zichy, Shoya with Ann Bidou. Career Match: Connecting Who You Are with What You’ll Love to Do. New York: AMACOM, 2007.
Books on the Myers-Briggs and Temperament Models
Baron, Renee. What Type Am I, Discover Who You Really Are. New York: Penguin 1998.
Berens, Linda and Dario Nardi. The 16 Types: Descriptions for Self Discovery. Huntington Beach/Los Angeles: Telos Publications, 1999.
Brue, Suzanne. The 8 Colors of Fitness: Discover Your Color-Coded Fitness Personality and Create an Exercise Program You’ll Never Quit! Delray Beach, FL: Oakledge Press, 2008.
Dunning, Donna. 10 Career Essentials. Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2010.
Hammer, Allen. Introduction to Type and Careers: Career Management and Counseling. Mountain View, CA: Davies Black Publishing, 1993, 1996.
Hirsh, Sandra and Jean Kummerow. Introduction to Type in Organizations. Mountain View, CA: Davies Black Publishing, 1998.
Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II. Del Mar, CA: Prometheus Nemesis Book, 1998.
Kise, Jane. Intentional Leadership: 12 Tools for Focusing Strengths, Managing Weaknesses, and Achieving Your Purpose. Bloomington, IN: Triple Nickel Press, 2012.
Kroeger, Otto and David B. Goldstein. Creative Differences: Using Your Personality Type to Thrive at Work and at Play. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013.
Kroeger, Otto, Janet Thuesen, and Hile Rutledge. Type Talk at Work. New York: Dell Publishing, 2002.
Linder, Ray. What Will I Do with My Money? How Your Personality Affects Your Financial Behavior. Chicago: Northfield Publishing, 2000.
Murray, Rita and Hile Rutledge. Generations: Bridging the Gap with Type. Norman, OK: Performance Consulting Publishers, 2009.
Myers, Isabel Briggs with Peter Myers. Gifts Differing. Mountain View, CA: CPP, 1995.
Myers, Katharine D. and Linda K. Kirby. Introduction to Type Dynamics and Development. Palo Alto, CA: Davies Black Publishing 1987, 1998.
Nash, Susan. Let’s Split the Difference: Your Guide to Clarifying the Differences Between Similar Types. Los Angeles: Radiance House, 2009.
Nardi, Dario. Neuroscience of Personality: Brain Savvy Insights for All Types of People. Los Angeles: Radiance House, 2011.
Pearman, Roger and Sarah Albritton. I’m Not Crazy, I’m Just Not You. Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 1997.
Quenk, Naomi L. Was That Really Me? Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2002.
Segal, Marci. A Quick Guide to the Four Temperaments and Creativity: A Psychological Understanding of Innovation. Huntington Beach, CA: Telos Publications, 2006.
Tieger, Paul D. and Barbara Barron-Tieger. The Art of SpeedReading People. Boston: Little, Brown, 1998.
For additional books and resources on the MBTI and Temperaments, check out:
Center for Application of Psychological Type (CAPT); 1-800-777-CAPT
CAPT offers training, publishes type-related materials, compiles research to advance the understanding of type, and maintains the Isabel Briggs Myers Memorial Library.
Consulting Psychologist Press (CPP);1-800-624-1765
CPP is the publisher and distributor of the MBTI Indicator and related materials.
The Myers & Briggs Foundation
A not-for-profit foundation established by the Isabel Briggs Myers family.
Keirsey Temperament Theory
Publishes and represents the work of David Keirsey and others specializing in the temperament theory.