AE (A. E.), see George W. Russell
Aeschylus (?525÷4-456÷5 B.C.), Athenian tragic dramatist
Works by: Orestian Trilogy, 75, 253n 26
Ainley, Henry Hinchliffe (1879-1945), English actor, 132, 267n28
Aislinge meic Conglinne, see The Vision of Mac Conglinne
Alexander II (1818-81), tsar of Russia, 235n 17, 240n 37
Allgood, Sara (1883-1950), Irish actress, 175, 199, 279n 2, 287n 11
Allingham, William (1824-89), Irish poet, 152-53, 272n 3
Antoine, André (1858-1943), French actor and manager, 12, 74, 236n 5, 252n 24, 252n 25, 270n2
Appia, Adolphe (1862-1928), Swiss theatrical designer and producer, 78-79, 253n31
Archer, William (1856-1924), English critic and translator, 69, 251n 6, 251n7
Ariosto, Ludovico (1474-1533), Italian writer, 59
Works by: Orlando Furioso, 248n12
Aristophanes (ca. 450-ca. 386 B.C.), Greek comic dramatist, 34,86
Arnold, Matthew (1822-88), English writer and critic, 115, 154, 274n13
Aucassin and Nicolette, 106, 260n23
Augustine, Saint (354-430), 128
Works by: Confessions, 266n12
Bacon, Francis (1561-1626), English writer
Works by: “On Beauty,” 80, 253n5
Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850), French novelist, 29, 120, 121, 239n34
Works by: Comédie humaine (The Human Comedy), 121, 122, 264n24
Les Comédiens sans le savoir (The Unconscious Mummers), 119-20, 264n20
“L’épicier” (“The Grocer”), 122, 264n25
Un grand homme de province à Paris (A Distinguished Provincial at Paris), 115, 262n3
Banim, John (1798-1842), Irish novelist, 117, 263n9
Banim, Michael (1796-1874), Irish novelist and playwright, 117, 263n9
Barrett, Wilson (1846-1904), English writer and actor
Works by: The Sign of the Cross, 45, 245n13
Basterot, Florimond de (1836-1904), French count, 115, 262n2
Battle, Mary (d. ca. 1907), 274n7
Beckford, William (1759-1844), English writer
Works by: Vathek, an Arabian Tale, 62, 249n18
Bedell, William (1571-1642), Church of Ireland bishop, 283n21
Beerbohm, Sir Max (1872-1956), English author and caricaturist, 69, 251n6
Works by: “Mr. Pinero’s Literary Style,” 69-70, 251n8
“Mr. Street, Playwright,” 251n 8
Benson, Sir Frank Robert (1858-1939), English actor
and manager, 4, 6, 10, 11, 187, 234n 8, 253n 26, 284n3
Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832), English philosopher, 262n4
Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923), French actress, 12-13, 195, 236n 8, 286n2
Bigger, Francis Joseph (1863-1926), Irish writer and antiquary
Works by: “‘Hugh Roe O’Donnell’: An Irish Historical Masque,” 238n23
Binyon, Laurence (1869-1943), English poet and art critic
Works by: “Mr. Bridges’ ‘Prometheus’ and Poetic Drama,” 148, 271n4
Bíobla Naomhtha, An (The Holy Bible), 17, 238n31
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne (1832-1910), Norwegian writer and political leader, 65, 118, 250n 29, 254n6
Blake, William (1757-1827), English poet and engraver, 14, 17, 33, 171
Works by: “Annotations to The Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds,” 279n2
Auguries of Innocence, 72, 252n17
The Book of Thel, 132, 267n24
Descriptive Catalogue, 159, 275n10 “Genesis Manuscript,” 17, 238n31
Jerusalem, 71, 252n14
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 14, 237n 17, 268n33
Milton, 152, 162, 272n 1, 276n 5, 279n2
Public Address, 58, 70, 71, 76, 248n 9, 251n 9, 251n12
A Vision of the Last Judgment, 148, 272n7
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen (1849-1922), English writer
Works by: Fand, 205, 281n2
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313-75), Italian writer, 57, 86
Boehme, Jacob (1575-1624), German theosophist and mystic, 119, 263n16
Book of the Dun Cow, The, 274n8
Bóroime, Brian (Brian Boru, 941-1014), king of Ireland, 254n10
Boucicault, Dion (1820-90), Irish actor and playwright
Works by: The Corsican Brothers, 200, 287n14
Boyesen, Hjalmar (1848-95)
Works by: A History of Norway from the Earliest Times with a New Chapter on the Recent History of Norway by C. F. Keary, 254n6
Boyle, William (1853-1922), Irish playwright, 81-82, 178, 189, 198, 284n 1, 284n 2, 285n2
Works by: The Building Fund, 50, 81, 82, 85, 86, 204, 246n 28, 254n 4, 254n 8, 255n 17, 259n 12, 281n 2, 283n 3, 287n9
The Eloquent Dempsy, 180, 205, 281n 2, 282n3
The Mineral Workers, 178, 189, 205, 281n2
Bridges, Robert (1844-1930), English poet
Works by: The Return of Ulysses, 272n6
Brown, Ford Madox (1821-93), English painter, 150, 272n10
Burke, Edmund (1729-97), Irish writer and politician, 64, 250n25
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley (1833-98), English painter, 170, 278n1
Burns, Robert (1759-96), Scottish poet, 115, 129
Works by: “The Cotter’s Saturday Night,” 63, 249n21
“Highland Mary,” 63, 249n21
Byron, George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824), English poet, 17, 266n 15
Ċ, writer in The Leader
Works by: “Ethics and Economics,” 53, 247n2
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (1600-1681), Spanish dramatist, 7, 70, 145, 148, 270n 5, 271n11
Callanan, Jeremiah J. (1795-1829), Irish poet and translator, 9, 144, 235n16
Campbell, John Gregorson (1836-91), Scottish folklorist
Works by: Superstitions of the West Highlands & Islands of Scotland, 11, 236n1
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick (Beatrice Stella Tanner, 1865-1940), English actress, 195, 202, 286n2
Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844), English poet, 64, 250n24
Carleton, William (1794-1869), Irish writer, 117, 263n9
Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881), Scottish historian, 154, 263n 12, 274n13
Carr, Philip (1874-1957), English drama critic and producer, 80, 235n2
Casey, W. F. (1884-1957), Irish journalist and writer
Works by: The Man Who Missed the Tide, 205, 206
The Suburban Groove, 205
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616), Spanish novelist and dramatist, 57, 59
Works by: Don Quixote, 58, 91, 248n 10, 256n28
Chaliapin, Fedor Ivanovich (1873-1938), Russian bass singer, 130, 267n27
Chaucer, Geoffrey (ca. 1343- 1400), English poet, 57, 63, 83-84, 88, 97, 107, 129, 249n22
Works by: “The Knight’s Tale,” 57, 248n8
The Legend of Good Women, 255n12
Romaunt of the Rose, 83-84, 255n12
Troilus and Crisyede, 83,255n12
Clark, Barrett H. (1890-1953), Canadian actor, director, and critic
Translation by: The People’s Theatre, 265n1
Clery, Arthur (“Chanel”), Irish journalist
Works by: “The Deserted Abbey,” 180, 282n2
“Mr. Yeats and Theatre Reform,” 29, 249n1
Colum, Padraic (1881-1972), Irish writer, 23, 81-82, 84, 175, 279n 2, 284n1
Works by: Broken Soil, 49, 80, 204, 246n 26, 252n4
The Fiddler’s House, 254n4
The Land, 81, 82, 86, 204, 255n17
The Miracle of the Corn, 288n17
The Saxon Shillin’, 21, 240n4
Columbanus, Saint (?543-615)
Works by: Sermon V, 62, 249n17
Conchubar, High King of Ulster, 184
Congreve, William (1670-1729), English playwright Works by: The Way of the World, 73, 77, 252n 19, 252n20
Connell, Norreys (Conal Holmes O’Connell O’Riordan, 1874-1948), Irish writer
Works by: The Piper, 196, 205, 286n7
Contemporary Review, The, 156, 187
Corneille, Pierre (1606-84), French dramatist, 101, 181, 194
Works by: “Discours de la tragédie et des moyens de la traiter selon le vraisemblable ou le nécessaire,” 86, 255n19
Cousins, James H. (1873-1956), Irish writer, 11, 236n4
Works by: The Racing Lug, 22, 204
The Sleep of the King, 204
Craig, Gordon (1872-1966), English stage designer, 78, 253n 30
Cuchulain (Cú Chulainn), mythical hero of Ulster, 97, 146, 193, 255n 11, 259n 6, 285n2
Cúirt an Mheán-Oíche, see Brian Merriman
Cumann na nGaedheal (Society of the Gaels), Irish nationalist organization, 11, 22, 86, 236n3
Curtin, Jeremiah (1836-1906), American ethnologist and folklorist, 88
Works by: Myths and Folklore of Ireland, 256n21
Daily Mirror, The (London), 124, 265n2
D’Annunzio, Gabriele (1863-1938), Italian writer, 133, 286n31
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Italian writer, 92, 128, 129, 130
Works by: Il Convito, 128, 266n 12, 266n13
The Divine Comedy, 86
“Donne, ch’avete intelletto d’amore,” 130, 267n21
La Vita Nuova, 267n21
Darley, Arthur (1873-1929), Irish musician, 184, 282n 4, 283n4
Darragh, Miss (Florence Laetitia Marion Dallas, d. 1917), Irish actress, 182, 283n3
Daughters of Erin, Irish nationalist organization, 12, 20, 234n 5, 234n 9, 236n 6, 240n 4, 289n2
Davis, James (Owen Hall, 1853- 1907)
Works by: The Girl from Kay’s, 100, 259n12
Davis, Thomas Osborne (1814-45), Irish poet and nationalist,201, 262n 3, 263n 8, 288n20
Defoe, Daniel (1660-1731), English writer, 133, 268n32
De Max, Édouard (1869-1925), French actor, 12-13, 236n8
Diarmaid, 235n19
Digges, J. Dudley (1874-1947), Irish actor, 120, 264n20
Dinneen, Father Patrick S. (1860-1949), Irish writer and scholar, 4, 7, 15, 24, 48,
Works by: An Tobar Draoidheachta (The Enchanted Well), 15, 20, 48, 234n 5, 238n 20, 240n1
Creideamh agus Gorta (Faith and Famine), 7, 15, 48, 238n20
Gírle Guairle (Hurly Burly), 46, 245n18
Dionysius the Areopagite (fl. 1st cent. a.d.)
Works by: The Celestial Hierarchy, 161, 276n3
Doheny, Michael (1805-63), Irish poet and nationalist
Works by: “A Cuisle Gael Mo Chroidhe” (“Bright Pulse of My Heart”), 33, 243n4
Dolmetsch, Arnold (1858-1940), English musician, 14, 75-76, 237n 14, 253n28
Dome,The (London), 148
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-81), Russian novelist, 133, 268n32
Dowden, Edward (1843-1913), Irish critic and professor of English, TCD, 63, 249n 18, 258n38
Dryden, John (1631-1700), English writer
Works by: Preface to Fables Ancient and Modern, 249n22
Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan (1816-1903), Irish journalist and nationalist, 63, 243n 42, 249n 23, 258n38
Dulac, Edmund (1882-1953), English artist and musician, 131, 132, 267n24
Dumas, Alexandre, père (1802-70), French novelist and playwright, 95, 259n4
Works by: The Corsican Brothers, 200, 287n14
Early, Biddy (1798-1874), 156, 274n2
Echegaray y Eizaguirre, José (1832-1916), Spanish playwright, 143, 270n 2
Eckermann, Johann Peter (1792-1854), German writer
Works by: Conversations of Goethe, 257n32
Edgeworth, Maria (1767-1849), Irish novelist
Works by: Castle Rackrent, 117, 263n8
Edward VII (1841-1910), king of England, 207, 289n2
Edwards, Osman (1864-1936), English teacher, critic, and translator
Works by: “Émile Verhaeren,” 242n2
Eglinton, John, see William Kirkpatrick Magee
Elizabeth I (1533-1603), queen of England, 8, 130, 235n 12, 238n21
Elizabeth of Thuringia, Saint (1207-31), 30, 242n4
Emerald Tablet, 95, 259n5
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-82), American writer, 52, 263n12
Ervine, St. John (1883-1971), Irish writer and critic, 127, 266n10
Eschenbach, Wolfram von (1170-1220), German writer, 30, 103, 104
Works by: Parzival, 242n 4, 259n10
Euripides (ca. 485-406 b.c.), Greek dramatist, 162, 276n4
Works by: Hippolytus, 76, 106, 261n23
The Trojan Women, 106, 261n23
Everyman, 44, 50, 245n8
Eyck, Hubert van (?1370-1426), Flemish painter, 118, 263n14
Eyck, Jan van (?1390-1441), Flemish painter, 118, 263n14
Falstaff, character in Shakespeare, 26, 36, 55, 58, 70, 91, 241n 4, 243n 2, 248n 6, 251n 16, 257n29
Farr, Florence (1860-1917), English actress, 14, 75-76, 106, 237n 14, 253n 28, 260n 22, 261n 23, 283n3
Fay, Frank J. (1870-1931), Irish actor, 74-75, 175, 188, 198, 234n 5, 244n 2, 252n 25, 279n 3, 286n 8, 287n10
Fay, W. G. (1872-1947), Irish actor and producer, 4, 6, 7, 12, 171, 175, 180, 187-88, 197-99, 234n 5, 239n 36, 244n 2, 279n 3, 286n 8, 287n10
Feast of Briciu, 256n26
Fenians, 9, 54, 235n15
Fenollosa, Ernest Francisco (1853-1908), American scholar, 267n23
Ferguson, Sir Samuel (1810-86), Irish poet and scholar
Works by: “The Abdication of Fergus Mac Roy,” 145, 271n12
Fhionnghaile, Peadar Mac, see Peter MacGinley
Fielding, Henry (1707-54), English novelist and dramatist, 133, 268n32
Works by: The Historical Register for 1736, 245n12
Pasquin, 245n12
Finn (Fionn), Irish mythical hero, 15, 26, 46, 57, 97, 145, 236n 1, 238n 21, 245n 15, 248n 8, 259n6
Fitzmaurice, George (1877-1963), Irish playwright
Works by: The Pie-Dish, 205
The Country Dressmaker, 205
Flaubert, Gustave (1821-80), French writer, 29
Works by: Salammbô, 65, 250n28
Fled Bricrenn, see Feast of Briciu
Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston (1853-1937), English actor and manager, 242n3
Fortuny y Madrazo, Mariano (1871-1949), Spanish painter, 78, 253n31
Four Old Irish Songs of Summer & Winter, 57, 248n8
Fourier, Charles (1772-1837), French philosopher and socialist, 119
Freeman’s Journal, The (Dublin), 191, 196
Frohman, Charles (1860-1915), American manager and producer, 198, 286n8
Fuller, Thomas (1608-61), English writer
Works by: The History of the Worthies of England, 235n12
Gaelic League, 4, 11, 20, 21, 24, 46, 48, 81, 86, 91, 129, 167, 201
Galsworthy, John (1867-1933), English writer, 127, 266n9
Garrick, David (1717-79), English actor and playwright, 72, 252n18
Garvey, Mary (d. 1946), Irish actress, 175, 279n2
Gawain, 30, 98, 103, 259n10
Gill, T. P. (1858-1931), Irish editor, 247n3
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832), German writer, 13, 29, 49, 54, 83, 92, 118, 257n32
Works by: Conversations of Goethe, 257n32
“Il conte di Carmagnola. Tragedia di Alessandro Mazoni. Milano,” 248n 5, 263n15
Maxims and Reflections of Goethe, 236n 9, 246n 25, 263n13
Golden Treasury, The, 37, 243n2
Goldsmith, Oliver (?1730-74), Irish writer, 64, 110, 250n25
Gonne, Maud (1866-1953), Irish nationalist and Yeats’s beloved, 12, 234n 5, 236n7
Gordon, John Campbell Hamilton, earl of Aberdeen (1847-1934), lord lieutenant of Ireland, 207, 289n1
Gore-Booth, Constance (1868-1927), Irish artist and politician, 287n17
Gráinne, 163, 235n 19, 236n1
Grattan, Henry (1746-1820), Irish politician
Works by: The Speeches of the Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan, 154, 274n14
Great Visitation to Guaire, The, 241n19
Greene, Robert (1558-92), English writer
Works by: “The Shepheards Wives Song,” 109, 261n3
Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta (1852-1932), Irish dramatist, folklorist, and translator, 3, 6, 23, 25, 81, 82, 124-34, 156, 175, 179, 180, 188, 197, 208, 233n 1, 258n 40, 263n 11, 274n 3, 277n 2, 277n 3, 282n 2, 288n 1, 289n1
Works by: “The Best Men of the Fianna,” 241n2
The Canavans, 205, 281n 2, 283n3
Cuchulain of Muirthemne, 16, 184, 238n 24, 283n1
Dervorgilla, 122, 199, 205, 264n 25, 287n11
The Gaol Gate, 120, 180, 205, 264n 22, 281n 2, 282n4
Gods and Fighting Men, 238n 21, 241n 2, 259n 6, 265n 28, 274n5
“The Grief of a Girl’s Heart,” 129, 267n19
Hyacinth Halvey, 50, 179, 205, 246n 27, 254n 4, 281n 1, 281n 2, 282n2
Ideals in Ireland, 274n7
The Jackdaw, 177, 205, 281n3
Kincora, 41, 49, 80, 81, 83, 86, 177, 204, 246n 27, 254n 10, 255n 17, 281n3
“The Legend of Diarmuid and Grania,” 235n19
“Oisin’s Laments,” 259n6
“Midhir and Etain,” 157-58, 274n5
Our Irish Theatre, 138, 269n3
“The Poet Raftery,” 234n 6, 260n17
Poets and Dreamers, 148, 234n 6, 246n 23, 258n 3, 260n 17, 267n 19, 271n 5
“Raftery,” 260n17
The Rising of the Moon, 53, 120, 197, 205, 247n 4, 264n 22, 281n 2, 286n8
Spreading the News, 81, 204, 282n1
Twenty-five, 22, 204, 278n1
The Unicorn from the Stars, 205
“West Irish Ballads,” 267n19
The White Cockade, 80, 122, 182, 204, 264n 25, 281n 2, 283n3
The Workhouse Ward, 205
Gregory, Robert (1881-1918), Irish artist, 41, 80, 177, 184, 186, 244n 3, 281n 2, 283n4
Grein, J. T. (1862-1935), Dutch-born English theatrical producer, 270n3
Griffin, Gerald (1803-40), Irish writer, 84, 85, 117, 255n 14, 263n9
Grundy, Sydney (1848-1914), English playwright, 8, 234n10
Gwynn, Stephen (1864-1950), Irish writer, 175, 279n2
Hall, Owen, see James Davis
Hare, Sir John (1844-1921), English comedian and manager, 255n16
Hauptmann, Gerhart (1862-1946), German playwright, 109, 143, 270n2
Henley, Ernest William (1849-1903), English writer and critic
Works by: “Ballade of Dead Actors,” 195, 286n3
The Poetry of Robert Burns, 129, 266n15
Hereford, C. H. (1853-1931), professor of English, Manchester University
Works by: “The Scandinavian Dramatists,” 270n1
Hettner, Herman (1821-82), German literary historian
Works by: Das moderne Drama, 119, 264n18
Holinshed, Raphael (d. ?1580) English historian
Works by: The Chronicles (History of England), 55, 248n7
Homer (8th cent. B.C.), Greek epic poet, 34, 106
Works by: Odyssey, 256n28
Hood, Thomas (1799-1845), English poet
Works by: “The Dream of Eugene Aram, the Murderer,” 102-3, 260n16
Hook, James Clarke (1819-1907), English genre painter and etcher, 85, 255n15
Horniman, Annie Elizabeth Fredericka (1860-1937), English patron and theatrical producer, 40, 41, 44, 68, 100, 173-75, 188, 196, 244n 1, 244n 2, 251n 2, 260n 13, 279n 2, 287n11
Hughes, John (1865-1941), Irish sculptor, 88, 256n22
Hyde, Douglas (1860-1949), Irish scholar and political activist, 4, 8, 12, 16-17, 24, 48, 59, 153, 167, 175, 233n 4, 240n 1, 244n 2, 277n 2, 279n2
Works by: Beside the Fire, 238n30
Casadh an tSúgáin (The Twisting of the Rope), 8, 10, 11, 14, 23, 48, 167, 203, 234n 11, 241n12
An Cleamhnas (The Matchmaking), 21, 240n3
Dráma Breite Críosta (The Nativity), 16, 23, 46, 48, 238n 28, 245n14
Love Songs of Connacht, 16, 238n27
An Naomh ar Iarraidh (The Lost Saint), 16, 21, 23, 47-48, 238n 24, 240n 4, 241n 12, 246n23
“The Oireachtas Ode,” 24, 241n11
An Pósadh (The Marriage), 14, 20, 23, 43, 237n 15, 240n1
Songs Ascribed to Raftery, 256n 21, 258n 3, 260n 17
Hyde, Douglas (1860-1949)
Teach na mBocht (The Poorhouse), 25, 205, 241n 13, 281n2
An Tincéir agus an tSidheóg (The Tinker and the Fairy), 14, 237n 16, 237n18
Ibsen, Henrik Johan (1828-1906), Norwegian dramatist, 8, 65, 69, 85, 89, 90, 109, 116, 118, 127, 143, 250n 29, 254n 6, 270n 2, 271n3
Works by: A Doll’s House, 69, 251n 5, 251n7
Ghosts, 71, 251n 13, 252n19
Independent, The, see The Irish Daily Independent and Nation
Independent Theatre (London), 45, 143, 245n 10, 270n3
Independent Theatre Society (Dublin), 200, 288n 17, 288n18
Inghinidhe na héireann, see Daughters of Erin
Irish Daily Independent and Nation, The (Dublin), 32, 36, 38, 165, 243n1
Irish Peasant, The (Dublin), 179, 281n1
Irish Statesman, The (Dublin), 124
Irish Times (Dublin), 165, 199
Irving, Sir Henry (1838-1905), English actor, 132, 255n 16, 267n29
Jerome, Jerome Klapka (1859-1927), English playwright
Works by: The Passing of the Third Floor Back, 199-200, 287n13
Johnson, Lionel Pigot (1867-1902), English poet, 116, 257n 34, 276n3
Works by: “The Countess Cathleen,” 145, 270n10
Poetry and Ireland: Essays by W. B. Yeats and Lionel Johnson, 116, 263n6
Johnson, Richard (1573-?1659), English writer
Works by: The Nine Worthies of London, 259n11
Johnston, Charles (1867-1931), friend of Yeats at the Erasmus Smith High School, Dublin, 276n3
Jones, Henry Arthur (1851-1929), English playwright, 8, 234n10
Jonson, Ben (1572-1637), English writer, 80, 110, 194, 235n12
Works by: The Alchemist, 110, 261n1
Timber: or, Discoveries, 235n12
Underwoods, 9, 235n 12, 261n1
Volpone, 110
Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules (1855-1932), French writer, 86
Works by: The Literary History of the English People, 255n18
Keats, John (1795-1821), English poet, 64, 105, 132, 266n15
Works by: “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” 32, 67, 91, 250n 30, 257n29
Kempis, Thomas à (?1380-1471), German monk and writer, 92, 257n35
Works by: Imitation of Christ, 257n35
Keohler (Keller), Thomas Goodwin, Irish solicitor, poet, and theosophist, 175, 279n2
Kickham, Charles Joseph (1828-1882), Irish novelist, poet, and political activist, 84, 85, 117, 255n14
Kropotkin, Prince Pyotr Alexeievitch (1842-1921), Russian revolutionary, 38, 244n8
Lafayette, James (James Stack Lauder), Dublin photographer, 119, 120, 264n17
Laird, Helen S. (Honor Lavelle, 1874-1957), Irish actress, 41, 175, 244n 3, 266n 11, 279n 2
Lane, Sir Hugh Percy (1875-1915), Irish art collector, 90, 256n27
Larson, Harold
Works by: Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson: A Study in Norwegian Nationalism, 254n6
Lavelle, Honor, see Helen S. Laird
Leader, The (Dublin), 53, 180
Lecky, W. E. H. (1838-1903), Irish historian, 152, 272n2
Letts, Winifred M. (1882-1972), Irish writer
Works by: The Eyes of the Blind, 205
Lever, Charles (1806-72), Irish novelist, 117, 263n10
Lochner, Stefan (?1410-51), German painter
Works by: Madonna of the Rose Bower, 88-89, 256n24
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, (1807-82), American poet, 129, 266n15
Lovelace, Richard (1618-57÷58), English poet
Works by: “To Althea: From Prison,” 87, 256n20 Lowell, James Russell (1819-91), American poet and essayist, 63, 249n20
Loyd, Lady Mary (1853-1936), translator
Translation by: Villiers de l’Isle Adam: His Life and Works from the French of Vicomte Robert du Pontavice de Heussey, 237n19
Luther, Martin (1483-1546), German religious reformer, 74, 252n24
Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800-1859), English historian and politician, 16, 117, 263n5
MacCarthy, Denis Florence (1817-1882), Irish journalist and writer
Works by: St. Patrick’s Purgatory, 144, 270n5
MacDonagh, Thomas (1878-1916), Irish writer and patriot
Works by: When the Dawn Is Come, 205
MacGinley, Peter (1857-1940), Irish writer, 4, 11
Works by: Eilis agus an Bhean Déirce (Lizzie and the Beggarwoman), 7, 234n 5, 236n 2, 289n2
Macleod, Fiona, see William Sharp
MacManus, Seumas (?1870-1960), Irish writer
Works by: The Town-land of Tamney, 49, 204
Maeterlinck, Maurice (1862-1949), Belgian writer, 45, 71, 133, 143, 270n2
Works by: Aglavaine and Sélysette, 252n14
Intérieur (Interior), 206
L’Intruse (The Intruder), 45, 245n10
Pelléas et Mélisande, 195, 286n2
Maeve (Medb), queen of Connacht, 145, 157, 158, 159, 246n 24, 281n1
Magee, William Kirkpatrick (1868-1961), Irish writer
Works by: “What Should be the Subjects of a National Drama?” 65, 250n26
Mancini, Antonio (1852-1930), Italian artist, 119, 120, 264n17
Mangan, Henry Connell, Irish writer
Works by: Robert Emmet, 201, 288n19
Mangan, James Clarence (1803-49), Irish poet, 116, 288n19
Markiewicz, Casimir Dunin, Count de (1874-1932), Polish artist, 201, 288n17
Works by: Seymour’s Redemption, 201, 288n17
Martyn, Edward (1859-1923), Irish playwright, 3, 8, 18, 152-54, 161, 233n 1, 239n36
Works by: “A Comparison between Irish and English Theatrical Audiences,” 154, 273n 11
Martyn, Edward (1859-1923)
An Enchanted Sea, 154, 273n9
The Heather Field, 8, 144, 162, 177, 203, 270n7
“The Irish Literary Theatre,” 168, 278n1
Maeve, 152-53, 156, 157, 158, 162, 164-65, 203, 273n 6, 274n 1, 274n 8, 277n 6, 288n7
The Tale of the Town, 273n 6, 276n4
Matthews, Brander (1852-1929), American writer and scholar
Works by: “The Development of the French Drama,” 65, 250n27
Mayne, Rutherford (Samuel Wad-dell, 1878-1967), Irish actor and playwright
Works by: The Turn of the Road, 287n12
McGee, Thomas D’Arcy (1825-1868), Irish journalist and writer
Works by: A Memoir of the Life and Conquests of Art Mac-Murrogh, 272n2
Meidhre, Brian Mac Giolla, see Brian Merriman
Merriman, Brian (?1745-1805), Irish poet
Works by: The Midnight Court (Cúirt an Mheán-Oíche), 88, 256n21
Meyer, Kuno (1858-1919), German scholar and translator
Works by: “Finn and Grainne,” 11, 236n1
Meyerfeld, Max (1875-1952), German critic and translator, 254n5
Midnight Court, The, see Brian Merriman
Milligan, Alice (1866-1953), Irish writer, 234n9
Works by: The Deliverance of Red Hugh, 7, 234n9
The Last Feast of the Fianna, 153, 160, 161-62, 164-66, 203, 273n 5, 275n 1, 276n 2, 277n6
Milton, John (1608-74), English writer, 62
Works by: Paradise Lost, 67, 250n31
Samson Agonistes, 46, 245n16
Mistral, Frédéric (1830-1914), Provençal poet, 17, 48-49, 97, 238n29
Mitchel, John (1815-75), Irish journalist and nationalist, 201, 288n20
Molière (1622-73), French dramatist, 22, 71-72, 180, 282n2
Works by: Les Fourberies de Scapin (The Rogueries of Scapin), 206
Le Médecin malgré lui (The Doctor in Spite of Himself ), 180, 200, 206, 281n 2, 282n 1, 288n16
Le Misanthrope (The Misanthrope), 134, 267n24
Money of the Narrow Cross, The, 47
Monsell, Elinor (1878-1954), Irish artist, 281n1
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533-92), French essayist, 52, 239n 33, 241n 3, 285n3
Moore, George (1852-1933), Irish writer, 3, 6, 8, 14, 89-90, 91-92, 152-54, 161, 233n 1, 237n 16, 257n31
Works by: The Bending of the Bough, 152-53, 163, 164-66, 203, 235n 21, 252n 25, 273n 6, 275n 1, 276n 2, 276n 3, 277n 5, 277n6
Diarmuid and Grania, 8, 10, 11, 154, 234n 11, 237n9
“The Irish Literary Theatre,” 278n1
“Is the Theatre a Place of Amusement?” 154, 161, 273n 11, 275n1
“Stage Management in the Irish National Theatre,” 74, 252n24
Moran, David Patrick (1871-1936), Irish journalist, 51, 247n1
Morris, William (1834-96) English writer, designer, and
socialist, 100, 107, 120, 149, 154, 170, 195-96, 244n 8, 274n 13, 278n1
Works by: The Earthly Paradise, 107, 261n24
Morshead, E. D. A., 253n26
Moses, 10
Murray, Gilbert (1866-1957), English scholar and translator, 261n23
Musˇek, Karel (1867-1924), Czech actor and stage manager, 254n5
Musical News (London), 105, 260n22
Nation, The (London), 207, 290n 1, 290n3
National Players, 201
Nero (a.d. 37-68), Roman emperor, 264n21
Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900), German philosopher, 126, 266n6
Norman, Harry F. (1868-1947), Irish theosophist, 175, 279n2
North, Sir Thomas (?1535-?1601), English translator, 243n2
North American Review, 158, 274n7
Nutt, Alfred T. (1856-1910), English publisher, folklorist, and Celtic scholar, 153, 286n5
O’Beirne, Seamus, Irish writer
Works by: An Doctúir (The Doctor), 47, 246n20
O’Byrne, Fiach MacHugh (ca. 1544-97), chief of the O’Byrnes, 259n6
Ò Ceallaigh, An tAthair Tomás, see Father Thomas O’Kelly
O’Connell, D., 233n4
O’Dempsey, Brigit, Irish actress, 268n8
O’Donnell, Frank Hugh (1848-1916), Irish politician and author, 176
Works by: Souls for Gold!: A Pseudo-Celtic Drama in Dublin, 282n2
The Stage Irishman of thePseudo-Celtic Drama, 282n2
O’Donnell, Hugh Roe (ca. 1571-1602), chief of the O’Donnells, 281n23
Odysseus, 91, 256n28
Ogilby, John (1600-1676), Master of Revels in Ireland, 252n18
O’Grady, Standish James (1846-1928), Irish writer and historian, 14, 15-16, 178, 244n 7, 281n1
Works by: History of Ireland: Heroic Period, 170, 278n1
Hugh Roe O’Donnell, 15, 144, 238n 23, 270n6
“Notes and Comments,” 14, 236n12
O hAodha, Tomás (1866-1935), Irish writer
Works by: Seaghán na Scuab (Sean of the Brushes), 47, 246n20
Oisin (Oisín), mythical Irish hero, 3, 46, 145, 148, 153, 163, 233n 3, 245n 15, 271n 5, 272n4
O’Kelly, Father Thomas (An tAthair Tomás Ò Ceallaigh, 1879-1924), Irish playwright and translator
Translation by: Caitlín Ní Uallacháin, 254n5
Ò Laoghaire, An tAthair Peader, see Father Peter
O’Leary Oldcastle, Sir John (d. 1417), 55, 248n6
O’Leary, Father Peter (1839-1920), Irish writer, 4, 8, 48, 59, 234n9
Works by: La an Amadán (Fool’s Day), 15, 48, 238n22
Meadhbh (Maeve), 20, 48, 240n2
Tadgh Saor (Tadgh the Smith), 6, 48, 234n9
O’Leary, John (1830-1907), Irish patriot, 37, 243n4
O’Neill, Hugh (1550-1616), chief of the O’Neills, 20, 240n1
O’Riordan, Conal Holmes O’Connell (Norreys Connell, 1874-1948), Irish writer
Works by: The Piper, 196, 205, 286n7
Ò Séaghdha, Pádraig (1855-1928), Irish writer,
Works by: Aodh Ò Néill, 20, 240n1
O’Toole, E. L. (Lorcán Ua Tuathail), Irish writer
Works by: The Exile, 47, 246n22
The Rent-Day, 21, 240n3
Paley, William (1743-1805), English theologian, 262n4
Palgrave, Francis Turner (1824-97), English anthologist
Works by: The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language, 37, 243n2
Pandora, 37, 243n2
Paracelsus, Philippus Aureolus (Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, ?1493-1541), Swiss alchemist and physician, 49, 246n25
Parsival, 30, 103
Pascal, Blaise (1623-62), French mathematician, scientist, and theologian, 52
Patmore, Coventry (1823-96), English poet
Works by: “Peace in Life and Art,” 92, 257n33
Religio Poetae Etc, 257n33
Patrick, St. (d. ?493), Christian missionary and patron saint of Ireland, 3, 37, 46, 233n 3, 243n 3, 245n 5, 273n4
Percy, Thomas (1729-1811), English writer
Works by: Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 100, 260n14
Petrarch, Francesco (1304-74), Italian poet, 185
Petrie, Sir George (1789-1866), Irish artist and archaeologist
Works by: “The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, Anterior to the Norman Invasion, Comprising an Essay on the Origin and Uses of the Round Towers of Ireland,” 158, 274n8
Petronius Arbiter (?-a.d. 66), Roman writer
Works by: Satyricon, 89, 256n26
Plunkett, Sir Horace (1854-1932), Irish agricultural leader, 152, 272n2
Plutarch (A.D. ?46-120), Greek historian, 36, 129, 243n 2, 267n17
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-49), American writer, 54, 62, 266n15
Works by: “Ligeia,” 253n3
Preface to The Raven and Other Poems, 244n7
Poel, William (1852-1934), English actor and director, 199, 287n11
Pollexfen, George (1839-1910), 274n7
Polti, Georges (1868-?)
Works by: Les Trente-six situations dramatiques, 69, 251n4
Pound, Ezra (1885-1972), American writer, 132, 140, 267n 28, 270n2
Works by: Certain Noble Plays of Japan: From the Manuscripts of Ernest Fenollosa, Chosen and Finished by Ezra Pound, 267n23
Powell, Frederick York (1850-1904), professor of history, Oxford, 63, 249n23
Purcell, Lewis (David Parkhill), Irish writer
Works by: The Enthusiast, 288n17
The Pagan, 287n12
Purser, Sarah Henrietta (1848-1943), Irish artist, 40, 244n2
Quinn, John (1870-1924), American lawyer and patron of the arts, 247n4
Rabelais, François (ca. 1494-ca. 1553), French physician,
humanist, and satirist, 73, 252n21
Works by: Gargantua, 74, 252n23
Racine, Jean (1633-99), French dramatist, 72, 118
Works by: Andromaque, 65, 68, 250n 27, 251n2
Athali, 43, 244n5
Esther, 43, 244n5
Phèdre, 12, 65, 68, 177, 236n 8, 250n 27, 251n 2, 281n3
Les Plaideurs (The Pleaders), 281n2
Radcliffe, Anne (1764-1823), English novelist, 117, 263n9
Raftery, Anthony (Antoine Raiftearí, 1779-1835), Irish poet, 14, 94-95, 103, 104, 234n 6, 258n2
Works by: “Argument with Whiskey,” 234n6
“I am Raftery the poet,” 94-95
“Story of the Red-haired Man’s Wife,” 88, 256n21
“Vision,” 4, 234n6
“The Wedding at Shlahaun Mor,” 103, 260n17
Raiftearí, Antoine, see Anthony Raftery
Ralegh, Sir Walter (?1554-1618), English courtier, explorer, and writer, 50, 247n32
Redford, George Alexander (d. 1916), Lord Chamberlain’s Reader of Plays, 207, 208, 290n2
Renan, Ernest (1823-92), French philosopher and historian, 153, 273n7
Ricketts, Charles de Sousy (1866-1931), English artist, 42, 244n 4, 272n11
Roberts, George (1873-1953), Irish publisher, 175, 279n2 Robertson, Miss Le Fanu, 9, 235n13
Works by: A Daughter of Erin, 9, 235n 13, 235n14
Robertson, Thomas William (1829-71), English actor and playwright, 89
Works by: Caste, 85, 255n16
Robin Hood, 97, 259n7
Robinson, [Esmé Stuart] Lennox (1886-1958), Irish playwright and theatre manager
Works by: The Clancy Name, 205
Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917), French sculptor, 147, 273n3
Rolland, Romain (1866-1944), French writer
Works by: Le Théâtre du peuple (The People’s Theatre), 124, 265n1
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-82), English artist and poet, 43, 62, 83, 100, 147, 150, 249n 16, 271n3
Works by: “The Ballad of Dead Ladies,” 105
“St. Luke the Painter,” 44, 82, 127, 244n 6, 254n 8, 266n6
Rossetti, Gabriele (1783-1854), Italian patriot, 249n16
Rummel, Walter Morse (1887-1953), American musician, 131, 132, 267n24
Ruskin, John (1819-1900), English writer and scholar, 17, 154, 274n13
Russell, George W. (AE, 1867-1935), Irish poet, mystic, and social reformer, 11, 13, 14, 18, 52, 116, 175, 236n 4, 244n 2, 247n 1, 258n 38, 278n 1, 279n2
Works by: Deirdre, 12, 13, 22, 49, 236n6
“The Dramatic Treatment of Heroic Literature,” 14, 170, 236n 13, 239n35
Ryan, Frederick J. (1876-1913), Irish journalist and playwright, 11, 175, 204, 236n 4, 282n 5, 289n3
Works by: The Laying of the Foundations, 22, 204, 240n5
Ryan, Joseph, Irish writer
Works by: A Twinkle in Ireland’s Eye, 21, 240n 4
Ryley, Madeleine Lucette (1868-1934), American playwright
Works by: Mice and Men: A Romantic Comedy in Four Acts, 30, 242n3
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (1804-69), French writer and literary critic, 17-18, 26, 193-94, 239n 33, 241n 3, 250n 28, 285n3
Saint Louis World’s Fair (1904), 50, 246n29
Salvini, Tommaso (1830-1915), Italian actor, 132, 267n29
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von (1759-1805), German historian, poet, and dramatist, 83, 84, 255n13
Works by: Wallenstein, 257n32
Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832), Scottish writer, 16, 95, 116, 117, 238n 26, 259n4
Segantini, Giovanni (1858-99), Italian painter, 90, 256n27
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (ca. 4 B.C.-a.d. 65), Roman writer
Works by: Letter to Lucilius, 276n4
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), English dramatist and poet, 4, 6, 9, 29, 42, 52, 90, 91, 125, 126, 129, 130, 134, 148, 194, 235n12
Works by: Antony and Cleopatra, 36, 61, 62, 65, 70, 72, 101, 243n 2, 249n 13, 249n15
Coriolanus, 61, 62, 72, 249n 13, 249n 15, 252n16
Hamlet, 26, 91, 126, 256n 28, 265n5
King Lear, 125
Macbeth, 61, 150, 236n 10, 249n 13, 272n8
Measure for Measure, 199, 286n11
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 158
Richard II, 55, 248n7
Richard III, 58, 248n10
The Tempest, 100, 258n 1, 259n12
Timon of Athens, 67, 250n31
The Winter’s Tale, 163, 276n6
Sharp, William (Fiona Macleod, 1865-1905), Scottish poet
Works by: Fand and Cuchullain, 144, 270n6
The Hour of Beauty, 144, 270n6
The Tanist, 144, 270n6
Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950), Irish writer, 23, 91, 209, 290n1
Works by: John Bull’s Other Island, 23, 50, 154, 241n 10, 273n9
The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet, 207-8, 210, 289n 1, 290n1
Sheehy, Minnie, 233n4
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822), English poet, 57-58, 64, 105, 132, 185, 266n15
Works by: The Defence of Poetry, 154, 274n 12, 287n15
“Ode to the West Wind,” 32
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816), Irish dramatist, theatre manager, and politician, 64, 74, 110, 250n25
Works by: The Rivals, 252n22
A School for Scandal, 252n22
Shiúbhlaigh, Máire Nic, see Mary Walker
Shiúbhlaigh, Proinsias Mac, see Frank Walker
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-86), English courtier, soldier, and poet, 51, 247n32
Sinn Féin, Irish nationalist party, 191, 285n3
Smith, Alexander (1829-67), Scottish writer
Works by: Dreamthorp: A Book of Essays Written in the Country, 239n 33, 241n 3, 285n3
Socrates (?470-?399 B.C.), Greek philosopher, 263n10
Son of Lugaidh, 26, 241n2
Sophocles (496-406 B.C.), Greek tragic dramatist, 90, 129, 148
Works by: Antigone, 281n2
Oedipus at Colonus, 150, 272n9
Oedipus the King, 45, 177, 245n 11, 281n3
Spencer, Charles Robert, Viscount Althorp (1857-1922), lord chamberlain, 207, 289n1
Spenser, Edmund (ca. 1552-99), English poet
Works by: The Faerie Queene, 249n22
Spirit of the Nation, The, 32, 33, 91, 243n 3, 257n30
Starkey, James Sullivan (1879-1958), Irish actor, 175, 279n2
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle, 1783-1842), French novelist, 239n34
Stepniak, Sergius (1852-95), Russian revolutionary, 38
Sudermann, Hermann (1857-1928), German playwright and novelist
Works by: Teja, 206
Sunday Independent, The (Dublin), 112, 262n3
Sutro, Alfred (1863-1933), English dramatist, 252n14
Works by: The Walls of Jericho, 182, 282n3
Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688- 1772), Swedish scientist, mystic, and religious writer
Works by: The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugal Love; After which follow the Pleasures of insanity relating to Scortatory Love, 104, 125, 265n3
Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745), Irish writer, 62, 249n16
Swinburne, Charles Algernon (1837-1909), English poet
Works by: Locrine, 149, 272n8
Symons, Arthur (1865-1945), English poet and critic
Works by: “Coventry Patmore,” 257n33
Synge, John Millington (1871-1909), Irish writer, 23, 63, 70, 81, 82, 84, 85, 127,
129, 130, 131, 175, 188, 189, 197, 241n 8, 242n 1, 284n 1, 284n 2, 288n1
Works by: In the Shadow of the Glen, see The Shadow of the Glen
The Playboy of the Western World, 32, 81, 110-12, 113-14, 117, 130, 182, 189, 190-92, 196, 204, 205, 254n 4, 261n 2, 262n 1, 267n 22, 281n 2, 282n 3, 284n 1, 286n7
Riders to the Sea, 25, 49, 127, 180, 182, 204, 241n 13, 246n 26, 266n 11, 281n 2, 282n4
The Shadow of the Glen, 23, 32, 49, 54, 81, 86, 88, 182, 196, 242n 1, 244n 1, 246n 26, 254n 5, 255n 17, 264n 20, 279n 2, 281n 2, 286n7
The Well of the Saints, 49, 81, 85, 196, 204, 254n 5, 286n7
Túin Bó Cuailgne (Cattle Raid of Cooley), 8, 234n 10, 246n 24, 285n2
Taine, Hippolyte (1828-93), French critic, 250n27
Tale of Beryn, 129, 266n16
Tarpey, W. Kingsley (1858-1911), Irish barrister and writer
Works by: Sigrid, 50, 246n28
Windmills, 50, 246n28
Taylor, Ann (1782-1866), English poet
Works by: “The Star,” 75, 253n27
Taylor, Jane (1783-1824), English poet
Works by: “The Star,” 75, 253n27
Taylor, John (?1578-1653), English poet
Works by: All the Workes of John Taylor, the Water Poet, 267n20
Taylor, John Francis (1850-1902), Irish barrister and journalist, 53, 151, 247n 3, 272n11
ThÉâtre Libre (Paris), 12, 143, 236n 5, 252n 24, 270n2
Theatre of Ireland, 200-201, 288n 17, 288n18
Thomas, Augustus (1857-1934), American journalist and playwright, 246n29
Times, The (London), 165
Todhunter, John (1839-1916), Irish physician, writer, and scholar, 147
Works by: The Poison Flower, 147, 271n2
A Sicilian Idyll, 147, 271n2
Tolstoy, Count Lev Nikolaevich (1828-1910), Russian writer, 133, 268n32
Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm (1853-1917), English actor and manager, 100, 258n 1, 258n12
Troncy, Madame, French painter, 244n2
Truffier, Jules (1856-?), French actor and dramatist, 282n1
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich (1818-83), Russian novelist
Works by: Smoke, 129, 266n14
Turner, J. M. W. (1775-1851), En glish painter, 250n30
Tynan, Katharine (1861-1931), Irish poet and novelist, 116, 236n7
Ua Tuathail, Lorcún, see E. L. O’Toole
Ulster Literary Theatre, 199-201, 287n11
United Irishman (Dublin), 32, 93, 171, 196
Urquhart, Sir Thomas (1611-60), Scottish writer and translator, 73, 252n21
Verhaeren, Émile (1855-1916), Belgian poet, 29, 242n2
Victoria (1819-1901), queen of England, 159, 275n9
Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Philippe-Auguste (1838-89), French writer
Works by: Tribulat Bonhomet, 15, 237n19
Villon, François (?1431-?1463), French poet, 88
Works by: “Ballade des dames du temps jadis,” 67, 250n 31, 261n21
Virgil (70-19 B.C.), Roman poet, 67
Works by: Aeneid, 250n30
Fourth Eclogue, 58, 248n11
Vision of Mac Coinglinne, The, 88, 256n21
Wagner, Richard (1813-83), German composer, 78, 253n 31, 283n5
Walker, Frank (Proinsias Mac Shiúbhlaigh), Irish actor, 175, 279n2
Walker, Mary (Múire Nic Shiúbhlaigh, d. 1958), Irish actress, 175, 279n2
Walkley, Arthur Bingham (1855-1926), English drama critic, 22, 69, 176, 240n 6, 251n 6, 280n1
Walpole, Sir Robert (1676-1745), prime minister of England, 45, 245n12
Walsh, Edward (1805-50), Irish poet and translator
Works by: Irish Popular Songs, 270n4
Reliques of Irish Jacobite Poetry, 270n4
Walsh, William James (1841-1921), archbishop of Dublin, 207, 289n2
Webster, John (ca. 1578-ca. 1632), English playwright
Works by: The Duchess of Malfi, 50, 247n31
Weekes, Charles Alexandre, (1867-1946), Irish poet and publisher, 258n36
Whitman, Walt (1819-92), American poet, 62-63, 249n18
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900), Irish writer, 91-92
Works by: SalomÉ, 182
Wordsworth, William (1770-1850), English poet, 100
Wright, Mrs. Theodore (Alice Austin, d. 1922), American actress, 73, 252n19
Wright, Udolphus (1887-1942), Irish stage manager, 175
Wycherley, Margaret (1884-1956), American actress, 50, 247n30
Wycliffe, John (ca. 1320-84), English religious reformer, 248n6
Yeats, John Butler (1839-1922), Irish painter and Yeats’s father, 8, 40, 63, 235n 12, 244n 2, 244n 8, 249n 18, 279n3
Yeats, W. B. (1865-1939)
Works by: “The Adoration of the Magi,” 140, 269n1
Alterations in Deirdre, 288n1
“‘And Fair Fierce Women,’” 274n8
“Answers to Some of the Criticisms from the ‘Samhain’ of 1905,” 284n1
“Art and Ideas,” 248n9
“At Stratford-on-Avon,” 248n7
At the Hawk’s Well, 132, 138, 267n 28, 269n1
“Away,” 259n 6, 274n2
“Baile and Aillinn,” 238n24
A Book of Irish Verse, 93, 258n38
Calvary, 138, 269n1
Cathleen ni Houlihan, 12, 13, 16, 18, 22, 23, 33, 49, 50, 81, 92, 120, 122, 180, 199, 203, 236n 6, 254n 5, 264n 22, 264n 25, 281n 2, 282n 4, 286n11
“The Celtic Element in Literature,” 273n7
The Celtic Twilight, 93, 140, 258n 39, 260n 19, 260n 20, 269n 1, 274n7
“The Child and the State,” 260n18
Collected Works in Verse and Prose, 288n1
“The Controversy Over The Playboy,” 193, 284n1 “Coole and Ballylee, 1931,” 237n19
The Countess Cathleen, 38, 53, 138, 139, 144, 145, 176, 191, 203, 235n 21, 236n 7, 247n 3, 269n 1, 270n 8, 278n 1, 280n 2, 285n4
The Cutting of an Agate, 267n23
Deirdre, 182, 184, 193, 195, 202, 205, 283n 4, 286n 2, 288n1
Diarmuid and Grania, 8, 10, 11, 154, 203, 234n 11, 273n9
“The Double Vision of Michael Robartes,” 134, 268n 34, 268n36
Dramatis Personae, 247n3
The Dreaming of the Bones, 138, 269n1
“Dreams that have no Moral,” 260n19
Early Poems and Stories, 269n1
Essays, 272n11
Explorations, 269n1
“The Fool of Faery,” 260n20
Four Plays for Dancers, 131, 138, 269n1
“The Future of Irish Drama,” 236n11
The Golden Helmet, 205
The Hour-Glass, 22, 27, 29, 41, 49, 50, 75, 120, 171, 182, 204, 264n 20, 278n1
“Hypnotised. ÷ W. B. Yeats on Commercial Conquest. ÷ National Theatre’s Aim,” 262n1
Ideas of Good and Evil, 93, 258n 39, 271n 1, 272n 6, 272n 11, 273n 7, 275n1
“Impetuous heart, be still, be still,” 144, 270n9
“Ireland Bewitched,” 274n2
“The Irish Literary Theatre,” 270n1
“The Irish Literary Theatre, 1900,” 275n1
The King’s Threshold, 23, 37, 41, 49, 193, 204, 244n 5, 246n 26, 251n 2, 259n12
The Land of Heart’s Desire, 23, 50, 138, 269n1
Yeats, W. B. (1865-1939)
“The Literary Movement in Ireland,” 274n7
“Literature and the Living Voice,” 187, 284n1
“The Lover to his Heart,” 144, 270n9
“Mr. Robert Bridges,” 272n6
Mosada, 286n5
On Baile’s Strand, 41, 81, 83, 193, 204, 255n 11, 281n2
The Only Jealousy of Emer, 138, 269n1
“On Taking The Playboy to London,” 285n1
A Packet for Ezra Pound, 270n2
Per Amica Silentia Lunae, 265n3
“The Phases of the Moon,” 134, 268n34
Plays and Controversies, 269n1
Poems (1895), 271n13
Poetry and Ireland: Essays by W. B. Yeats and Lionel Johnson, 116, 236n7
“Popular Ballad Poetry of Ireland,” 272n3
The Pot of Broth, 22, 23, 49, 197, 204, 246n 26, 286n8
“Previous Attacks on Irish Writers of Comedy and Satire,” 189, 284n1
“The Queen and the Fool,” 260n20
“The Reform of the Theatre,” 171, 241n 1, 278n1
The Return of Ulysses, 272n6
Reveries Over Childhood and Youth, 243n 4, 247n3
The Secret Rose, 140, 269n1
The Shadowy Waters, 41, 49, 80-81, 177, 182, 185-86, 204, 205, 273n 7, 281n 3, 283n 1, 283n 3, 284n2
“Speaking to Musical Notes,” 237n 14, 253n30
Stories of Red Hanrahan, 140, 269n1
“The Tables of the Law,” 140, 242n 2, 269n1
“The Theatre,” 271n 1, 275n1
“The Theatre of Beauty,” 253n31
The Trembling of the Veil, 274n7
Two Plays for Dancers, 269n1
The Unicorn from the Stars, 205
“Verlaine in 1894,” 280n3
A Vision, 268n 35, 276n3
The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems, 286n5
Where There Is Nothing, 252n24
“Who goes with Fergus?” 270n9
“Who will go drive with Fergus now,” 144
The Wild Swans at Coole, 268n34
“Windlestraws,” 167, 277n2
Young Ireland, 109-10, 116, 117, 129, 262n2
Zeitschrift für Keltische Philologie, 11, 236n11
Zola, Émile (1840-1902), French novelist, 18
Works by: The Experimental Novel and Other Essays, 239n24