Intensify Metallic Hues

Metal’s subtle coloring shifts when viewed from different angles. For example, the gold coloring of gold leaf subtly flips between a red-gold and green-gold. Steel, aluminum or silver can shift between yellow and violet, while copper often shifts between blue and orange. Adding transparent glazes of those colors will intensify the color shift. Use this technique on surfaces such as metal sheet, real gold leaf, imitation leaf and metallic paint. For more dramatic enhancement pour these colors using Technique 29.

Materials List


A pair of complementary acrylic paint colors


Metal or leafed surface that is either smooth or textured (if leafed, seal before starting as in Step 7, Technique 1)


Painting or mixing knife, cups with lids, lint-free rag or smooth flat paintbrush


Slow-drying acrylic gloss medium (or retarder or gloss gel)

For clean-up

Water, water container, paper towels or rags

STEP 1 Prepare Paint

Select a pair of complementary colors and mix each color into a glaze by combining the paint color with a slow-drying medium. Here Quinacridone Crimson and Permanent Green Light are each mixed with Acrylic Glazing Liquid Gloss in a 1:1 ratio. Lid the containers to keep them from drying while continuing to the next step.

For best results test the mixture’s transparency over a scrap surface, to determine that the metal is still visible and reflective under the glaze when dry. Transparency is obtained two ways; by applying opaque color in very thin applications, or transparent color in thin or thick applications. The 1:1 ratio is a good starting point, but can be changed to accommodate the colors you choose and the way you work. Blow dry to speed drying time, or wait until fully dry to see the true transparency and color intensity of your glaze mixture.

STEP 2 Apply the Glaze

Use a rag for thin applications or brush apply for thick. Since the mixture is slow drying it can be removed easily by wiping off with paper towel directly after applying if application is unsatisfactory. For larger areas, apply in small size patches like a quilt, adding uncolored slow-drying medium at the borders where one patch will meet the other to avoid a quilted look or heavier color applications at edges.


Finished Example

Red and green glazes add interest to this gold leaf surface.

Metallic hues are intensified with many glazes of transparent color over a gold leafed background keeping the gold gleaming through the paint colors.


David L. DeVary

Oil and gold leaf on canvas

58" × 46" (147cm × 117cm)