WEEK 8: Five-Oh Zendalas


Five-Oh, Purk, Sez

I’m a little bit excited about these Zendalas because they really bring Five-Oh to life. Not only can Five-Oh be used as a quasi-border, but it can become a real focal point. Is it just me, or do these Five-Oh Zendalas feel a little futuristic?

Zendalas don’t have to have the balance that mandalas do, so play with some of the strings and really get a feel for how Five-Oh can be interpreted “in the round.”


Five-Oh, Hollibaugh, Floo

Here are some basic Zendala tiles to practice on. How can you make Five-Oh work within the strings?

Downloadable worksheet available at http://www.createmixedmedia.com/zentangle-untangled-workbook