
WEEK 9: Blossom Step-Out

Blossom is a really easy tangle and also an incredibly flexible one. Once you have the single shape, what you do next is limited only by your imagination. Great as a stand-alone tangle or to add some flair to your existing work, let’s have a go.

STEP 1 Draw a crescent-shaped line; it needs a curve but not a semi-circle appearance.

STEP 2 Add two small stems near the top (you choose which end you want to be the top of the stem). Then add black filled-in circles to the ends, like a blossom would appear.

STEP 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 across the tile; about four across work nicely.

STEP 4 Start a new line, but change the direction of the curve and start about halfway down the last curve.

STEP 5 Add a new line, returning to the first curve direction but changing the starting point. The goal is to build up a flowery cover.

STEP 6 Complete lines of Blossom to suit your taste and shape.


Use these tiles to practice Blossom and experiment with ways you’d like to use it. Also think about ways to use Blossom as a highlight in other tangles you create. Use these tiles to practice Blossom and experiment with ways you’d like to use it. Also think about ways to use Blossom as a highlight in other tangles you create.