
WEEK 44: Tiramissoo Step-Out

I’m going to have to start this section with a small confession: as much as I’m a coffee addict, tiramisu has never been a dessert I enjoyed. However, I admire the layers of browns and beiges in the treat. When I was designing this tangle, the layers of cake sprang to mind, and the name Tiramissoo kind of stuck! So, meet Tiramissoo.

STEP 1 Draw thin double lines at even intervals across your tile (or a section of your tile).

STEP 2 Across each gap, draw a zigzag. Keep it as even as possible and not too thin—give the zigzag some space.

STEP 3 Inside the downward-pointing triangles of the zigzag, draw and color in circles.

STEP 4 Draw a circle in the upward-facing zigzag, but color in the part outside of the circle.


This is a very flexible tangle that you can change up as desired. The key is consistency, however you choose to do it.

Use these tiles to practice Tiramissoo and the many variations you can create.

Downloadable worksheet available at