Physician, Heal Thyself
Dewey told Seraphina his secret first instead.
She put her arm around him, and he felt the blood from his shoulders rush to his cheeks.
“I’ll meet you at your place after dinner, and we’ll tell Clara together. Then we’ll figure it out. Don’t worry. Something will give.”
But Seraphina wasn’t so sure. She felt a little lump of sadness in her throat and behind her eyes at the thought of Dewey actually leaving for good.
After all they’d been through, Dewey decided he needed to tell Clara himself, so he asked her to meet him a bit earlier than he expected Seraphina to show up.
So, here she was now, looking directly at him and asking him what was wrong. He didn’t know how he was going to tell her.
“Clara,” he blurted out, “I overheard my parents say we are moving to Alaska this summer for my dad’s work.”
There. He’d said it.
“Hmmm. That’s bad,” she said as if it were any other bit of news. “I need to grab some paperwork off my desk,” she muttered as she headed over to it and busied herself. “Oh, there it is.”
Dewey felt confused by her response. Hadn’t she heard him? “Clara. Did you hear what I said?”
“I heard you, Boss. Hang on one second. I need to print something.”
Dewey was shocked. After all they’d been through. No tears? No upset?
Clara handed him a piece of paper and a pen and led him to sit down on the cushion opposite his desk where his clients usually sat.
“Here,” she said. “Fill this out, please.”
It was their client information form.
“Aw, come on, Clara. What are you doing?” Dewey complained.
Just then, Seraphina came sliding into the room.
“Sorry. Am I late? Is it my fault she plants little cookie stops along the way to distract me?”
“No. You’re not late. Just in time to help me understand what the fruit Clara is doing.”
“Sir, please. The paperwork.”
“This is dumb, Clara.”
“Indulge me, sir.”
So, Dewey filled it out:
Name: Dewey Fairchild
Grade: 5th
School: Franklin Elementary
“Do I really need to fill in my address, Clara?”
“Sir, please. The entire form,” insisted Clara.
Seraphina just sat down next to Wolfie and stroked him and watched with great curiosity.
Home Address: 5555 Franklin Way
Best Entry to Your Home Without Being Noticed:
“Ha! The attic,” he laughed. “OK, sorry. Laundry room door?” he scribbled that down instead.
Top Three Hiding/Observing Places in Your Home: living room closet, behind the couch in family room, under my bed
Siblings (names and ages): Stephanie-fourteen, Pooh Bear-five
Pets: just Wolfie ☺
Parents’ Names: Karen and Don Fairchild
Problem Parent(s) Cause You: They have to move. Don’t know why—has to do with my dad’s job.
Dewey let out a big sigh. “Happy now?”
“Yes,” replied Clara. “Because now I know you aren’t moving.”
“Oh yeah? And why is that?” asked Dewey, half-amused and half-annoyed.
“Because this is what you do! This is what we do! We solve parent problems. Now this kid Dewey and his parents have a big problem. Let’s get to it.”
“Oh yay!” exclaimed Seraphina and clapped her hands together.
“Hmmm,” said Dewey.