Lorri Horn, born and raised in California, has been working with kids all her life. She got her first babysitting job when she was nine years old, became a camp counselor, and went on to be a teacher. It’s true she did eat all of the pickles and popsicles on her first babysitting gig, but she did manage to feed that kid a cheese and pickle sandwich before polishing off the rest of the jar herself. No one complained. Evidently, she had a knack with kids.

Lorri spent a few years studying cercopithecus aethiops (vervet monkeys) and thought she’d be a famous biological anthropologist. But it turns out you have to rough it and camp to do that kind of job, and Lorri’s more of a pillow-top mattress and no bug-repellent kind of gal. Plus, while it was fascinating to study and observe our little non-human primate brothers and sisters lip-smacking to communicate things like “Oh, gee, I’m sorry, is that your branch?”, Lorri found it much more rewarding to share a good book with a kid. Not once did those vervets gather round for story-time.

So Lorri became an educator and an author for humans, who, admittedly, sometimes monkey around. She has a degree in English, a teaching credential, has been Nationally Board Certified, and has taught public school for over 14 years. She loves cheese (if she had to choose between cheese and chocolate on a deserted island, she’d have to say cheese—and that’s saying a whole lot, because she’s not sure how’d she live without chocolate), humor, baking, books, and spending time with her husband, son, and their dog—you guessed it—Wolfie.