19 Keeping an Angel Journal

Connecting with angels is not a finite process. Once you are connected, your relationship can blossom—just like earthly relationships. Your angel journal records the positive changes that angelic connection brings.

The more you work with your angels, the more sensitive you become to their energies (and to the energies of the people in your life). Your compassion grows, and it becomes easier to love and to forgive. Also, reflect on your relationship with yourself. Are you finding it easier to be more compassionate toward yourself now that you are working with your angels? You may find that you don’t give yourself as hard a time when things go wrong, and that you’re able to step back from a situation and see the bigger picture. Are you finding it easier to let go? Do you just “know” things for no reason, generally feel stronger in your beliefs, and have more direction?

Your angel journal is the place to express all these inspiring changes.

Dedicate a journal just for you and your angels.

You could note:

* Angels in your dreams

* Angel occurrences

* Earth Angels—when strangers help (see Tip 23)

* Your angel card readings (see Tip 39)

* Your angel wishes, with dates

* Outcomes, intuition, impressions

* Words and sketches

* Colors

* Ideas for stories and projects


Include a gratitude section at the back of your journal. Each night, write down three things to be thankful for. Try to write down something, even if it’s small: for being warm, for a friend at the end of the phone, for your affectionate dog/cat, or just for it not raining! This gratitude practice shifts your mood at the end of a difficult day, and reinforces the positives after a good day.

However your angels help you in life, keeping a journal tracks your developing relationship. As you recognize your important connection with your angels, you evolve spiritually and begin to get more information and messages during meditations, visualizations, angel rituals, and dreams.
