When you connect with angels, you might sense an aroma that tells you your angels are present. Many people report these angelic scents as having natural floral or herbal notes. You may find the aroma is very delicate. It is never synthetic, or unpleasant.
You might be able to detect an aroma for one of your angels. Angels, like people, have different energies, and bring with them different gifts: some come with music (see Tip 42), others with intense light and color; your guardian angel may simply touch your hair, or he may leave another sign for you.
If you have an angel that brings an aroma, what do you feel? Do you see a flower that comes with the fragrance? This can be your angel showing you its color and scent. A feeling of deep peace and the color white can tell you your peace angels are with you. Peace angels are a heavenly group that work together to bring peace to the world. When I (Liz) connect with them, I get the fragrance of sandalwood.
Sensing Other Beings in Spirit
If you detect other scents while you are connected, one of your spirit guides may be near. Tobacco smoke is very common when a guide is bringing through in spirit a loved one who used to smoke; or you might recognize a particular feminine scent, such as rose or lavender, which may signify an older female relative who has passed on and is now present to you in spirit. Angels love floral smells, too, but you might distinguish between an angelic scent and a spirit-guide scent as follows: angelic aromas are subtle and reassuring; spirit-guide scents may be much more powerful, and spark strong emotions associated with the person who has passed. If this happens to you, allow the experience to unfold and accept what is being shown to you through this scent. Thank your guides, then ask your angels to step forward so you can continue your connection with them.
You can choose specific essential oils to connect with a particular angel (see below). Sandalwood and frankincense as incense or essential oil have long been used in spiritual practice to aid prayer, meditation, and a connection with the divine; frankincense was also one of the gifts of the Magi in the Bible. If you like these aromas, add a few drops of the essential oils to the water bowl of an aromatherapy burner, or burn some incense on your angel altar (see Tip 18). There are many more aromatherapeutic associations with archangels, but here is a selection using the most commonly available oils:
• Haniel Geranium, rose, ylang-ylang, lemon, jasmine
• Raphael Lavender,* bergamot, geranium, chamomile, juniper, sandalwood, pine
• Michael Basil, clary sage, sandalwood
• Zadkiel Lavender,* rosemary,* frankincense, sandalwood, peppermint, spearmint
• Jophiel Lemon, bergamot, jasmine
• Gabriel Neroli, clary sage, melissa
* Avoid handling during pregnancy