43 Did Your Angels Grant Your Wish?

Sometimes, your request might not be granted because there is an issue with how you’re doing the asking. To ask your angels for help and guidance, you need to connect with the right feeling. What’s holding you back?


Fear creates an energy block that gets in the way of communication with your angels. Fear of not getting your wish, of not having your needs met, or of not being good enough can block your messages to your angels. Desperation lowers your vibration so the angels can’t hear you. The more negative and fearful your words and thinking patterns, the more likely it becomes that these thoughts can take form in the energy body. These “thought forms” can get in the way of manifesting, so look at your beliefs. Some of these beliefs about yourself may go very deep, and be buried in childhood experience. If so, it’s time to work on letting these go.

If you ask your angels to help you with money, imagine now how you will feel when you have no money worries—to place yourself in the future as if the request has already been granted. Many people find this difficult, particularly if it’s hard for them to remember a time and the feeling of financial stability. If this applies to you, ask your angels for help. With angels, you can ask for everything you need, so begin by asking for help with asking!

Practice a short meditation in which you invite your angels to join you, and help you feel positive about the outcome of your request. You could say, “Please help me let go of fear/lack/uncertainty/anything in the way of manifesting.”


Repeat your request to your angels, with feeling; thank them, and let go. It’s also helpful to play music before you ask for help with asking. Music you love boosts your mood and your vibration (see Tip 42).


When you make requests to your angels, keep your prayers a secret. It’s best not to share them with anyone else for now, because this dilutes the energy around your intention. This is a private matter between you and your angels. It’s fine to share what happened with others after your wish has manifested, but best not before.


If you have negative, draining friends—who may of course still be lovely people, at heart—energize yourself in their company and send them love. They all have a role to play.

A very good friend of ours, Daphne, once reminded me of the saying: “Friends come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Wise words indeed—“reason” and “season” friends are just as important as lifetime ones. The reasons and seasons are those people who seem to point you in the right direction and may literally change your life, but bow out when their work is done. They may even be Earth Angels, sent to intervene on behalf of the angels themselves (see Tip 23). From a spiritual perspective, negative friends are bringing you a lesson about yourself, helping you question your attitudes and values, and pointing you toward your higher purpose. They may be your reason or season friends.

Be kind to the negative people in your life. Treat them with compassion, and send them love by visualizing them in a pink light. This light protects you from their negative thoughts, helps them, and keeps your vibration high—so you can manifest your own wishes.


If your wish hasn’t been granted and you asked your angels to help you within a set time limit, you need to know that in the angelic realms, there is no time—so your angels won’t necessarily understand your deadlines. Make your angel request again, and this time say, for instance, “Please help me board a train as soon as you’re able/help me as soon as possible,” rather than “Can I please get to the city in this taxi in the next 15 minutes.”

Angels love to help, but they get lots of requests, so make your need obvious and direct but without specific timing. Imagine the wish granted; you don’t need desperation in order to be heard.


Ask honestly if any ego is involved in your wish. Deepak Chopra says: “The ego is our self-image, not our true self.” When you ask your angels for help, ask from the place of your soul, from what you feel, rather than what you think you should have. Asking without ego is asking from the place of your true self, without judging yourself or others.


The final reason why your wish may not be granted is that what you are asking for is not right for you. Angels intervene to help you stay on your life path, which means that you, as a soul, are destined to have certain experiences, good and bad. Angels cannot protect you from your soul-destined experiences, but they can support you through them. For example, angels may not be able to prevent the death of a beloved relative, but you can request that they help you accept support from others through the pain of bereavement—which they will always do. You only have to ask.


Don’t think about your wish after you’ve made it. Trust your angels to get to work.