Before You Begin

Most of the rituals and meditations ask you to ground, protect, and open up before you begin—grounding is to keep yourself centered and connected to the earth, while “opening up” means opening a channel of communication with your angels through being in a “feeling” place, rather than using your thoughts.

When you have finished your meditation or ritual, you should always close down—shutting the communication door to the angelic realms and coming back into the here and now.

With practice, you will be able to ground, protect, open up, and close down quickly, and it will soon feel like second nature.

Grounding and Protection

Staying grounded during a meditation helps you maintain a connection with the earth when you are traveling to other levels of awareness and communicating with the angelic realms. You need to ground yourself first by visualizing roots growing from the soles of your feet into the earth, going deeper and deeper. Here’s how:

* Sit comfortably. Take some relaxing deep breaths and focus on the soles of your feet, feeling them planted firmly on the floor. Feel the weight of your body in your feet. Now imagine that roots are growing from the soles of your feet deep into the earth. As you do this, you can visualize the colors of the earth—brown and deep red—as your roots go deeper and deeper.

* Now anchor your roots. Imagine great boulders of crystal near the earth’s core. See your roots twining around these crystal boulders (you can visualize your favorite crystal for this, if you like). You are rooted in the earth, supported and safe.

After grounding, you need to protect yourself from negative or distracting energies from other people:

* Imagine that you are in a protective bubble. It is wide and high enough for you to reach around in every direction, and it is transparent, so that you can still see and feel everything. Imagine that your bubble is a force field, repelling any negative energy.

* Now imagine sealing your bubble so that nothing can enter. You can see this as like tying the top of a balloon, or imagine that you have a big zipper in the front of your bubble—zip it right up to the top. When you have done this, you might like to visualize a symbol at the top of your bubble, such as a gold or silver star. You might see this naturally.

Opening Up: The Breathing-Connection Technique

Now you are ready to open up, to open your awareness so that you can attune to the angelic vibration. We do this through the breath, and using visualization:

* Lie down or sit comfortably.

* Turn your attention to your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply, and become aware of the energies around you. Tune in to your senses and really feel your breath flowing in and out of your body. If you like, you can try breathing in for a count of five, then out for five. Take shallower breaths when you feel ready.

* Visualize energy coming up from your roots, then through your feet, up through your legs, through the base of your spine/genital area, up through your sacral chakra (below your navel), and into your solar plexus. Move the energy up into your heart, your throat, your third eye (between your brows), and up to the crown of your head. See the energy flowing from the crown of your head up to the angelic realms and your angels.

* Sense your angels sending energy back down through your whole body—through the crown of your head, through your third eye, throat, heart, and solar plexus, then down through your sacral and base chakras, through your feet, and back down to the earth again. Feel this energy flowing through you. It is the pure white light of your angels.

* Now imagine a small wheel at your solar plexus. This will be the “exchange point” for your energy with the angels’ energy so that they can fill you with light.

* See the wheel turning, bringing up energy from the earth through your feet to your solar plexus. As the wheel turns, it is also bringing down pure, white angelic light from the angelic realms to your solar plexus. Here the energy is exchanged—the angels are pouring light into your body and you are sending up your energy for them to purify from your feet, through your legs, base of spine, navel area, up to the solar plexus.

* You might see the energy coming up from your feet as darker energy at first, then becoming lighter as you breathe. As you keep breathing, keep this exchange going by focusing on your solar plexus, and feel your whole body expanding and filling with light.

* Sense this lovely angelic light vibration. You might feel a wave of relaxation as your angels’ vibrations uplift you.

When you’re moving energy in this way, it flows freely through the seven major chakra points on your body. You might see your chakras as colors and sense their different vibrations, or visualize them as spinning wheels of energy; others see them as small doors that open up, or as vibrantly colored flowers. When the chakras open, you might experience this as spinning energy vortexes or flowers that transform from buds to full bloom. But it’s fine if you sense something different. Whatever you experience is perfect.

Closing Down

When you have finished your meditation, you must close down every time by closing your chakras. This is to protect you from being exposed to other people’s energies—the vibration of their thoughts, feelings, and sensations. You can do this by visualizing the chakras closing in this order: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, then base. If you see your chakras as doors, close them down by seeing each little door close in turn. If you see your chakras as flowers, close them down by closing the petals of each flower. You might see one type of flower, such as a rose, with a different color for each chakra; or you might see a different flower for each chakra, such as:

Our developing chakras

Since about 15,000 BCE, chakras have been identified as spinning vortexes of energy located in the human energy field. There are seven principal chakras and hundreds of minor chakra points. Each chakra has particular qualities, and the balanced or imbalanced energy of each one tells a healer about the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health of a person. As we raise our consciousness through self-awareness and communication with our angels, guides, and other beings in the spiritual realms, “new” chakras are awakened, known as the developing, or multidimensional chakras (see Tip 36).

Crown: white lily

Third eye: purple freesia

Throat: blue cornflower

Heart: pink rose or green chrysanthemum

Solar plexus: sunflower or buttercup

Sacral: orange gerbera

Base: red poppy

It can be helpful to use a slow count of three for closing each chakra. When all your chakras are fully closed, your protective bubble can disappear, and you can open your eyes and gently readjust to your surroundings.

The more you practice this, the faster you will become, and you’ll be able to open up and close down quite quickly whenever you have a moment or two to tune into your angels. In a nutshell:



Open up

Close down

The Seven Principal Chakras

7. Crown

6 Third eye

5 Throat

4 Heart

3 Solar Plexus

2 Sacral

1 Base

The Developing Chakras

Stellar gateway

Soul star

Fourth eye


Higher heart

Heart seed


Earth star

(see also Tip 36)

The Chakras and Their Colors
