

Translator’s Introduction


Part One: The People

1. Carranza

2. Garibotti

3. Mr. Horacio

4. Giunta

5. Díaz: Two Snapshots

6. Lizaso

7. Warnings and Premonitions

8. Gavino

9. Explanations in an Embassy

10. Mario

11. “The Executed Man Who Lives”

12. “I’m Going to Work . . .”

13. The Unknowns

Part Two: The Events

14. Where is Tanco?

15. Valle’s Rebellion

16. “Watch Out, They Could Execute You . . .”

17. “Cheer Up”

18. “Calm and Confident”

19. Make No Mistake . . .

20. Execute Them!

21. “He Felt He was Committing a Sin”

22. The End of the Journey

23. The Slaughter

24. Times Stands Still

25. The End of a Long Night

26. The Ministry of Fear

27. An Image in the Night

28. “They’re Taking You Away”

29. A Dead Man Seeks Asylum

30. The Telegram Guerrilla

31. The Rest is Silence . . .

Part Three: The Evidence

32. The Ghosts

33. Fernández Suárez Confesses

34. The Livraga File

35. Blind Justice

36. Epilogue

37. Aramburu and the Historical Trial


Prologue to the Book Edition

(from the first edition, July 1957)


(to the first edition, March 1957)

Obligatory Appendix

(from the first edition, July 1957)

Provisional Epilogue

(from the first edition, July 1957)


(to the second edition, 1964)

Portrait of the Dominant Oligarchy

(end of the epilogue to the third edition, 1969)

Operation in the Movies

Open Letter from a Writer to the Military Junta




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About the Translator

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