Note on the Text

The Pléiade edition of Rousseau’s Oeuvres complètes was used as the basic text for the translations of the Letters Written from the Mountain, Letter to Beaumont, “Fragments from the Letter to Beaumont,” and “History of the Government of Geneva.” These works can be found in Volumes III, IV, and V respectively. The “Fragments” represent the major fragments from drafts of the Letter. Other fragments, along with manuscript variants of the Letters Written from the Mountain, can be found in Pléiade. The Vision of Pierre of the Mountain can be found in Volume II of Pléiade, but we have relied on the more recent version to be found in “Des Pierres dans mon jardin”: Les années neuchâtelois de J.-J. Rousseau et la crise de 1765 by Frédéric Eigeldinger (Paris-Geneva: Champion-Slatkine, 1992). Beaumont’s “Pastoral Letter” can be found in Rousseau, Oeuvres complètes, Volume 3 (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1971), which is cited as “Launay.”