Chapter 2

The Crazy Bow

That night all the family came for dinner. Sofia loved seeing her cousins, especially baby Mariela.

Mariela wore a big bow in her hair. Everyone kept talking about that crazy bow.

“She looks like a birthday present!” Papá laughed.


Abuela couldn’t stop smiling. “Niña hermosa.”

Tío Miguel took a bunch of pictures and showed everyone.

Baby Mariela was hogging all the attention. Sofia knew she had to get her family closer to the piano. Then they would see the picture switch.

¿Mamá?” Sofia asked. “Will you play a song for us?”

“I would love to,” Mamá said.

Mamá was a piano teacher. She knew lots of songs, and the Martinez family loved to sing.

Everyone gathered around the piano and sang and sang. Sofia waited and waited.

Nobody noticed the picture switch. Sofia did not feel like singing anymore. She went and sat down. Her papá followed her.


¿Qué pasa?Papá asked Sofia. “You are always the loudest singer in our group.”

“Not tonight,” Sofia said. “I am too sad to sing.”

¿Por qué?Papá asked.

“No one ever notices me,” Sofia said sadly.


“My sweet Sofia,” Papá said. “There are a lot of people here. Everyone can’t always pay attention to you.”

“Why not? I want to stand out!” Sofia said.

Papá laughed. “Like baby Mariela and that giant bow?”

¡Exactamente!” Sofia said.


Sofia felt better. Thanks to Papá, she had a new idea.

She gave her Papá a big hug and went back to the piano to sing.
