Scene 9
Lights up on POUBELLE, who is outside sleeping on the porch. She is shivering and wakes up to look at the moon. She crawls to the corner and knocks three times. ANGELIQUE doesn't answer. POUBELLE tries to whisper through the wood.
Splits? Split Lip?… Angelique? Are you awake?
ANGELIQUE doesn't answer. POUBELLE goes back to her blanket. She looks up at the moon.
Bonjour, la lune. Bonjour Maman, bonjour Papa. How is heaven? Shall I tell you a story? Okay, I can remember before we were born, when we were inside you, Maman. I can remember floating with Angelique before she was Splits; I can remember her bumping into me, nothing but a huge heart with a soft skull. It was so rich and so dark. We were happy then, Maman, Papa—
There are three knocks. POUBELLE abandons her story and crawls over and knocks three times. ANGELIQUE knocks again from the other side. POUBELLE then crawls under her blanket to go to sleep.
We were so happy then.
She closes her eyes.