Blood: A Scientific Romance premiered at the Pumphouse Theatre in Calgary on September 30, 2010, produced by Sage Theatre, with the following cast and crew:
Poubelle: Nicola Elson
Angelique: Ellen Close
Dr. Glass: Christopher Youngren
Max: Tyrell Crews
Director: Valerie Planche
Stage manager: Rachel Parris
Apprentice stage manager: Michelle Kennedy
Assistant director: Dylan Metcalfe
Set, properties, and lighting designer: Cimmeron Meyer
Costume designer: Julia Wasilewski
Costume assistant: Anastasia Vogl
Composer and sound designer: Andrew Blizzard
Production manager: Carla Ritchie
Technical directors: Ajay Bondoni and David Smith
Production assistant: Marcia Liber
Set construction: Jed Tomlinson