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Characters and places in Tolkien’s stories are printed in inverted commas. The titles of his works, published and unpublished, will be found indexed under ‘Tolkien, J. R. R.’.
Abercrombie, Lascelles 149
Ace Books 303–6
Ackerman, Forrest J. 301
Ad Eundem Club 339–40
‘Aelfwine’ 225–9
frikaans language 29
gnew, Lady 260 Alice in Wonderland 242
llegory, Tolkien’s attitude to 128–9, 252–3, 270–8, 322–4
llen, George, & Unwin Ltd, see
George Allen & Unwin Ltd alphabets, invented 58, 139, 321
msterdam 300
Ancrene Wisse 159, 181, 185,
188–9, 233, 319
ndersen, Hans 39
nglo-Saxon language 54–5, 70, 73, 89–93, 99–100, 129, 141, 146, 159–60, 178–84 passim, 286
‘Animalic’ 56
polausticks, The 79
riosto 291, 292
Arthurian legends 39, 55, 224–8, 229
ssisi 298
Atlantis 40, 227–8
uden, W. H. 13, 178, 179, 220, 294, 297, 330–1
Babbitt 220, 233
‘Bag End’ origin of name 147, 234 ‘Baggins, Bilbo’ 233ff. and passim ‘Baggins, Frodo’ 136, 248ff. and passim
‘Balin’ 278
Ballantine Books 302–4
Barber, E. A. 80
‘Bard’ 239
Barfield, Owen 152
Barnt Green (Worcs.) 56–7, 88
Barrie, J. M. 71
Battle of Maldon, The 286
Baynes, Pauline 221, 324
Bedford 110
Belgium 189, 283
Beowulf 55, 70, 135, 148, 160, 179–80, 187–8, 224, 234, 237, 239, 256 ‘
Beren’ 136, 148, 194, 195, 222–3, 226, 237, 245
Berkshire Downs 85, 214, 217
Bird and Baby, see Eagle and Child
Birmingham 21–2, 25, 28–76, passim, 120, and passim; see also King Edward’s School, Birmingham
Birmingham Oratory 32–66 passim, 100, 111
‘Black Riders’ 248–50; see also ‘Ringwraiths’
Blackwell, Sir Basil 156, 190
Bloemfontein, 21–31
Bodleian Library, Oxford 162, 181
‘Bolger-Baggins, Bingo’ 247–251
‘Bombadil, Tom’ 216, 229, 234, 250
‘Boromir’ 264, 301
Bournemouth 17, 170, 173, 211, 327, 328–336 passim, 338, 340
Bradley, Henry 140–1
Bratt, Edith see Tolkien, Edith
Bratt, Frances 59
‘Bree’ 250
Brendan, St 229
Breton language, 96, 224
Brewerton, George 46, 54, 71
Brill (Bucks.) 214
British Academy 187
British Broadcasting Corporation 190, 286, 308
Brittany 96, 224
Brodax, Al 301
Bromsgrove (Worcs.) 49
Brookes-Smith family 74, 101
Bryson, John 163
Buchan, John 220
Campbell, Alistair 317
Carr, Charlie 336
Catcher in the Rye, The 306
Catholic Church 40–3, 50–1, 93–5 and passim
Cecil, Lord David 267
Celtic literature and mythology, Tolkien’s interest in 82–3, 96, 126, 224, 229, 245, 298; see also Welsh language Chambers, R. W. 149, 224
Charlton-on-Otmoor (Oxon.) 214
Chaucer 46, 54, 90, 186, 286
Cheltenham 65–8, 88, 93, 98, 134–5, 204, 329
Cherwell River 213
Chesterton, G. K. 193 ‘Cirith Ungol, Tower of’ 294
Clark Hall, J. R. 239, 256
Coalbiters, The, see Kolbítar Coghill, Nevill 142, 164, 258, 286
Coles, Phoebe 157
Collins & Co. 277–84
Collins, Sir William 278, 282–4
Collyer, Naomi 318
Cornwall 100–1, 105, 213
Craigie, W. A. 91, 137, 149 Crist 92, 101–2
Cullis, Colin 99, 103
Cynewulf 92, 101–2
Dagnall, Susan 240
Daily Telegraph 293
Daniel, Glyn 339
d’Ardenne, Simonne 189, 210
Davidman, Joy 315
Davis, Lena 317–8
Davis, Norman 307, 317–8, 332
Dawkins, R. M. 164
Dinard (Brittany) 96
Doran, Mgr Wilfred 343
Dormston (Worcs.) 147
Dragon School, Oxford 157, 207
Dublin 294
Dutch language 140, 300
Dyson, Hugo 142, 196–200, 265, 341
Eagle and Child public house, Oxford 200, 267, 315
‘Earendel’ (‘Earendil’) 92, 101–2, 108–9, 125, 129, 148
Early English Text Society 185
Earthly Paradise, The 127
Eastgate Hotel, Oxford 196, 336
Edda, Elder (or Poetic) 93, 194, 199, 237
Edda, Younger (or Prose) 93
Edinburgh University 338
‘Eldamar’ 108–9
‘Eldarin, Primitive’ 131
Elves in Tolkien’s writings, origin of 71–2, 128, 129–30, in early poems 106–9; in The Silmarillion 127–31; nature and function 129–31
Elvin, William 326
Elvish languages 86, 107–8, 130–2, 137, 260, 320; their contribution to Tolkien’s skill as a philologist 180–2; see also ‘Quenya’ and ‘Sindarin’
English Language and Literature, Oxford Honour School of, see Oxford University
‘Ents’ 334
‘Eriol’ 127, 225
Esperanto 57
Essays and Studies 286
Evesham 35, 178, 212, 337
Exeter College, Oxford 73, 77–99 passim, 142, 164, 196, 206, 257, 318
Exodus (Anglo-Saxon) 159, 188
‘Faramir’ 264
Farnell, L. R. 90, 207
Faulkner, Mrs 59–60, 65
ëFanorian alphabet 225, 255, 295, 321
Field family 67, 87–8, 94
Filey (Yorks.) 146, 215
Finnish language 73, 86, 104, 107, 131, 177
Four Loves, The 193, 199, 202, 204
French language 32, 38, 54, 57, 96
Furth, Charles 247, 249 ‘
Galadriel’ 334
Gamgee, Tolkien first hears the name 37; invention of ‘Gaffer Gamgee’ 213, 251; a real Sam Gamgee 299
‘Gamgee, Sam’ 114, 251
‘Gandalf’ 76, 180, 237, 240, 250, 306, 320
Gandalf’s Garden 307
Gawain, Sir, see Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
George Allen & Unwin Ltd 190, 239–41, 243, 251, 256, 258, 269–70, 277–80, 283, 285–309 passim, 313, 316, 324, 333, 339
German language 32, 47, 54–5, 70, 140–1
‘Gildor’ 249
Gilson, R. C. 53–4
Gilson, R. Q. 68–9, 84, 97, 116–18, 121
‘Goldberry’ 217
Golden Key, The 322
Golding, William 306
‘Gollum’ 247, 249, 262–3, 293
‘Gondolin’ 129
Gordon, E. V. 145–6, 161, 162, 168, 185, 188–9, 224, 249
Gordon, George 142–4, 149–50, 164
Gordon, Ida 189n.
Gothic language 58, 81–2, 86, 160, 177, 285
Great Divorce, The 265n.
Great Haywood (Staffs.) 113, 120, 126, 129, 133, 134, 210
Greek language 45–6, 53–4, 57, 70–4, 80–2, 139
Green, Peter 293
Green, Roger Lancelyn 268 Grettis Saga 164
Griffiths, Elaine 210, 239
Grove, Jennie 60, 63, 93–6, 98, 113, 134, 138, 205
Hardie, Colin 338
Harting, Piet 300
Havard, R. E. 200, 321
Headington (Oxford) 13, 289, 300, 313–27
Hebrew alphabet 139
Hill, Joy 333, 339
Hitler, Adolf 252, 258
Hobbit, The, see Tolkien, J. R. R., writings
‘Hobbiton’ 234
Hobbits, origins and significance of 220, 233–5, 247–54
Houghton Mifflin Company 243, 294, 302 House of the Wolfings, The 99–100
Hughes, Richard 291
Hull, 134, 137
Icelandic language see Norse Illustrated London News 294
Incledon family 28, 41, 49, 56, 86–7, 339
Inklings, The 199–203, 228–9, 267, 278, 316, 321, 341
Ireland 183, 283, 294
Islip (Oxon.) 213
Italian language 137
‘Ithilien’ 264
Jenkinson, Phyllis 318
Jessop family 67, 94, 329
Jones, Gwyn 224
Juliene 189
Kalevala, The 73, 86, 104, 125, 135
Katerine 189
Keats, John 71
Kilby, Clyde S. 308
King Edward’s Horse 85
King Edward’s School, Birmingham 32, 41–76 passim 84, 97, 222
Kolbítar, The 163–5, 166, 185, 193, 199
Lakeside Road, Bournemouth 331–3
Lambert, J. W. 293
Lamornd Cove (Cornwall) 213
Lancashire Fusiliers 103, 110, 114–138 passim
Lang, Andrew 39, 55, 220, 253
Latin language 32, 38, 45, 53–6, 70–3, 80, 140
Lean, Tangye 199
Lear, Edward 217
Leeds 142–50, 206–7, 219
Leeds University 143–9, 179, 188, 207
‘lembas’ 301
Letters to Malcolm, Chiefly on Prayer 321
Leverhulme Research Fellowship held by Tolkien 242
Levin, Bernard 296
Lewis, C. S. 68, 158, 160, 161, 164, 167, 169, 176, 180, 185–6, 192–204, 208, 221, 226–8, 236, 242, 253, 258, 261–3, 266–8, 272–3, 285, 288, 292, 296, 306, 314–15, 321, 322, 329, 341
Lewis, Sinclair 220
Lewis, W. H. 200, 262, 341
Lickey Hill 48, 52, 63
Liège University 189, 294
Life and Passion of St Juliene 189
Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe, The 268
‘Little Kingdom, The’ 222
Lord of the Flies 306
Lord of the Rings, The, see Tolkien, J. R. R., writings
Lumsden, Elisabeth 318
‘Lúthien’ 136, 148, 194–5, 222–3, 226, 237, 245
Lyme Regis 59, 213, 218
McCallum, R. B. 163
Macdonald George 39, 220, 237, 322–3
Madlener, J. 76
Magdalen College, Oxford 164, 192–6 passim, 267
Malory 291
Marquette University 218, 299
Marvellous Land of Snergs, The 220
Masefield, John 286
Mathew, Rev. Gervase 278
Mawer, Allen 149
Merton College, Oxford 160, 162, 192, 267, 269, 281, 315, 326
Merton Street, Oxford 64, 336–9
Metcalf, John 297
‘Middle-earth’ meaning of the phrase 127
Middle English language 55, 90–1, 99, 144–5, 151, 158, 177–91 passim
Mills, Stella 210
Milton, John 71, 184 ‘Minas Morgul’ 264
Miramar Hotel, Bournemouth 328–31, 335
‘Mirkwood’ 100 ‘Misty Mountains’ 247
Mitchison, Naomi 291 ‘Mordor’ 250ff, 265, 289, 294
Morgan, Father Francis 44–73 passim, 85, 88–9, 111, 135, 213
‘Morgoth’ 127, 148, 226
‘Moria, Mines of’ 258, 290
Morris, William 99–100, 104, 127, 129
Muir, Edwin 292–3, 297
Murray, Sir James 140, 210
Murray, Rev. Robert 210, 291, 342
Murray, Rosfrith 210
Mythopieic Society 306
‘Naffarin’ 58
Napier, A. S. 91
Neave, Edwin 48
Neave, Jane (aunt of Tolkien) 21, 33, 48, 74, 147, 234, 324
‘Necromancer, The’ 226, 237, 248–9
‘Nevbosh’ 56
New English Dictionary 137, 140–1, 179
New York Herald Tribune 243 New York Times 294
Newman, John Henry 44, 48 Nibelungenlied 270
Nichol Smith, David 162, 267
Norse language and mythology 55, 70, 73, 91–3, 99, 110, 127, 137, 146, 164, 178, 185, 193–4, 197–9
North Borneo Frodo Society 307
Northmoor Road, Oxford 155–7, 165, 204–15 passim 235, 240–1, 252, 257, 260, 269
‘Númenor’ 227–9, 296, 320; see also Atlantis
Observer, the 292, 297
old English, see Anglo-Saxon ‘Old Man Willow’ 217
onions, C. T. 140, 164
orange Free State 22–4
Out of the Silent Planet 227, 227n
Oxford, 76, 77ff., 155ff. and passim
Oxford English Dictionary: see New English Dictionary
Oxford Magazine 216, 229
Oxford Poetry 111
Oxford Times 293
Oxford University, Tolkien’s first sight of 64, 77; wins scholarship to 72–3; character of in 1911 77–80; his undergraduate life there 79; his daily life there in 1920s and 19308 155–65; and passim
Oxford University Honour School of English Language and Literature 90ff., 99, 110, 161–2, 177–91 passim; reform of syllabus in 184–5
Paris 96
Pearl 55, 70, 161, 188, 190, 319
‘Pelargir’ 296
Pembroke College, Oxford 159, 162, 163, 267
Perelandra 227n., 228
Peter Pan 71
Philological Soceity 186
Pied Piper, The 39
Pilgrim’s Regress, The 202–3
Plotz, Dick 308
Potter, Beatrix 217
Problem of Pain, The 203
Queen’s College, Taunton 192n.
‘Quenya’ 86, 131, 260, 320
Rackham, Arthur 217–18
Raleigh, Sir Walter 142
Reade, Father Vincent 100–1
Ready, William 308
Red Fairy Book, The 39, 55
Rednal (Worcs.) 48–9, 51, 52, 56, 63
Reeve’s Tale, The 186, 188, 286
Reynolds, R. W. 71, 76, 222
‘Ring, The One’ 136, 248–50, 261, 265, 271
‘Ring-wraiths’ 250
Rivals, The 84
‘Rohan’ 260, 264
Roos (Yorks.) 135
Rotterdam 300
‘Rumil, Alphabet of’ 139
Russia, Soviet 252
Russian language 137, 140
Sadler, Sir Michael 149
St Aloysius’ Church, Oxford 157, 213
St Andrews University 253–7
St Anne’s Church, Alcester Street, Birmingham 40–1
St Gregory’s Church, Oxford 213
St Philip’s Grammar School, Birmingham 44–5
Salinger, J. D. 306
Salu, Mary 210, 263, 338
Sandfield Road, Oxford 13, 313–31 passim
Sarehole (Warwickshire) 35–43, 48, 52, 169, 170, 178, 234
‘Saruman’ 301
‘Sauron’ 227, 246, 251, 266, 300, 307
Sayer, George 285
Science Fiction Writers of America 305
Screwtape Letters, The 203
Seafarer, The 188
‘Shadowfax’ 320
Shakespeare 46, 62, 184
‘Shelob’ 265
Sheridan, R. B. 84 ‘Shire, The’ 234, 249, 251, 295
Sidgwick & Jackson (publishers) 111, 113
Sidmouth (Devon) 255, 213, 250, 251
Silmarillion, The, see Tolkien, J. R. R., writings
‘Silmarils, The’ 127, 148, 226, 246, 255
‘Sindarin’ 131, 260, 320
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 55, 70, 145, 172, 185, 188, 190, 234, 302, 319
Sir Orfeo 190
Sisam, Kenneth 91, 145, 149, 188
‘Smaug’ 237–9
Smith, Geoffrey Bache 70, 80, 84, 85, 97, 103–7
Somme, battle of the 115–21, 129, 192
South Africa 21–3, 25, 29, 33, 35, 40, 144, 262, 266; see also Bloemfontein and Orange Free State
Spanish language 58, 96, 137
Staffordshire 110, 113, 137
Stewart, J. I. M. 179
Suffield family 21–3, 147, 178, 234
Suffield, Beatrice 51–2, 59
Suffield, John (grandfather of Tolkien) 22, 33, 41, 147, 234
Suffield, Mabel, see Tolkien, Mabel
Sunday Times 293, 297
Surprised by Joy 68, 195
Swann, Donald 302, 326
Swedish language 300
Swiss Alps 74–6, 237
‘Taníquetil’ 109
‘T.C.B.S., The’ 69–73, 79, 84–5, 97, 103–4, 116, 118–21, 125, 192, 199, 316
That Hideous Strength 202, 227n., 228
Thompson, Francis 72, 130
‘Thorin Oakenshield’ 237
‘Thror’ 241
Time & Tide 201, 229, 292, 296
Times, The 180, 242
Times Literary Supplement 242
‘Titus, Timothy’ 216, 234
Tolhurst, Denis and Jocelyn 340
Tolkien family, origins of 21–3, 32–5
Tolkien, Adam (grandson of J. R. R. T.) 337
Tolkien, Arthur (father of J. R. R. T.) 21–31, 41
Tolkien, Baillie (daughter-in-law of J. R. R. T.) 337
Tolkien, Christopher (son of J. R. R. T.) 136, 149, 157, 191, 207, 226, 227n., 236, 239, 249–50, 257, 259–63, 266, 267, 269, 282, 288, 295, 317, 332, 340
Tolkien, Edith (wife of J. R. R. T.) appearance 14, 59; birth and upbringing 59–61; meets Tolkien 61; romance with him 61–6; separation from him 65–6, reunion with him 87–9; becomes a Catholic 94–8; marriage 111–12; makes fair copy of his work 133; identified with ‘Luthien’ 135–6; unhappiness with Oxford life 204–9; interest in Tolkien’s writing 210; increasing infirmity 211, 283, 316, 325, 327; retirement in Bournemouth 327–32; death 335 and passim
Tolkien, Faith (daughter-in-law of J.R.R. T.) 317
Tolkien, Hilary (brother of J. R. R. T.) 28–76 passim, 101, 103, 147, 212, 234, 337
‘Tolkien in Oxford’ (BBC television programme) 309
Tolkien, Joan Anne (granddaughter of J. R. R. T.) 324
Tolkien, John Benjamin (grandfather of J. R. R. T.) 34
Tolkien, John (son of J. R. R. T.) 135, 156, 207–11, 215–6, 219, 236, 257, 264, 269, 317, 340, 342
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel (1892–1973)
LIFE: ancestry 21–3, 33–5; birth 25; names given to him 26; infancy at Bloemfontein 26–9; return to England 29–30; childhood at Sarehole 35–42; receives first lessons from his mother 38–9, 45; childhood reading 39–40; early interest in languages 39; encounters Norse legends 39–40; writes first story 39; mother becomes a Catholic 40–1; family moves into Birmingham 42–4; attends King Edward’s School Birmingham 41–6; 49, 53ff.; encounters Welsh language 43–4; encounters Middle English 46, 55; learns Anglo-Saxon 54–5; death of mother 49; interest in Rugby football 53, 62–3, 72–3, 79; begins to invent languages 56–8 (see also Elvish languages); romance with Edith Bratt 61–6; separated from her 64–6; formation of ‘The T.C.B.S.’ 68–71; wins Oxford scholarship 73; visits Swiss Alps 74–6; goes up to Oxford 77ff.; reunion with Edith Bratt 87–9; takes Honour Moderations 89–90; changes to English School 30; wins First Class Honours 110; wartime service 110ff; marriage 111–12; serves in Somme 114–19; begins to write The Silmarillion 127–35; obtains job on Oxford Dictionary 137–41; keeps a diary in invented alphabets 139 (see also alphabets, invented); moves to Leeds 142–3; elected Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford 149–50; his life there 156–7; teaching methods 158–61; duties as Professor 182–3; reform of syllabus 184–5, 195; friendship with C. S. Lewis 192–203, 207–8; formation of ‘The Inklings’ 199–203 buys a car 212; tells bedtime stories 215, 219; writes The Hobbit 234–9; begins to write The Lord of the Rings 246; progress on the book 246–73; made Professor of English Language and Literature 267; completes The Lord of the Rings 271; negotiations for its publication 277–84; success of The Lord of the Rings 297ff.; retirement 314–18; continued work on The Silmarillion 318–20, 333–5, 338; financial prosperity 325–7; moves to Bournemouth 327–33; death of his wife 335; returns to Oxford 336; life there 336–9; recieves C.B.E. and academic honours 338; final illness and death 257
CHARACTER: appearance 13, 15–17, 167; manner of dress 167; manner of speaking 16, 62, 72, 171–3; self-declared resemblance to a hobbit 234–5; manner of lecturing and teaching 158–60, 178–82; skill as a philologist 55–6, 90–2, 177–8; interest in West Midland dialect 55, 92, 178, 181, 185, 188; concern for accuracy and perfection 182, 185–7, 259; love of revision 186, 194–5, 271; reaction to criticism 195; love for memory of his mother 50–1, 174–5, pessimism 50, 175–6; sense of humour 50, 172–6; a man of shifting moods 175–6; made friends easily 172; humility 176; attachment to countryside 35–7, 40, 52; sorrow at destruction of natural scenery 169–70; identification with West Midlands 35, 55, 95, 177–8, 181, 234; dislike of France, French language and cooking 38, 96, 163, 175; certainty of own station in life 173–4; political views 173; feelings towards Catholic church 50, 174; practice of his religion 52–3; 85, 95, 134, 174, 203; relation of Christianity to his writings 127–8; belief in the ‘truth’ of mythology 128–9, 197; views of allegory 128, 252–4, 270–1, 324; views on drama 212–13; lack of interest in travel 168; lack of interest in modern literature 99–100, 107, 220; interest in handwriting 38, 83; painting and drawing 38, 83, 217–19, 241–3; diaries kept by him 64–6, 139, 225, 296, 321–3
WRITINGS – PRINCIPAL BOOKS: The Silmarillion, origins of 101–2, 107–10, 125ff.; ‘a mythology for England’ 86, 125–7; begun 126; Tolkien’s working methods 127, 131–3; elves in 127–8; elvish languages in 131; invention of names for 129–32; Christianity related to 128; believed to be ‘true’ 128, 129; continuing work on 134–6, 147–8, 225; poems related to 148, 194–5; drawings related to
Tolkien, J. R. R. – cont. 217; read aloud to C. S. Lewis 199; shown to Allen & Unwin 244; reader’s report on 255; offered to Collins 277ff.; Tolkien’s work on in old age 315–16, 318–20, 333–5, 337–8; to be completed by Christopher Tolkien 338 and passim
The Hobbit: origins of story 233–5; story begun 230, 233–6; related to The Silmarillion 237; writing abandoned 239; read by C. S. Lewis 236; read aloud to the Inklings 201; comes to notice of publisher 239–40; Tolkien completes it 240; he prepares illustrations 241–3; production problems 241–2; publication 242; reviews 242; revision of ‘Riddles in the Dark’ 271 and passim
The Lord of the Rings : begun 247; written ‘out of the leaf-mould of the mind’ 171; title chosen 250–2; not an allegory 252–4, 270–2; not a trilogy 289; purpose declared 252–3; diction and style 254–5; topography and chronology in 259–61; names in 260; read aloud ot the Inklings 256, 262–7; writing of Book IV 262–7; discussed by C. S. Lewis 267–8; offered to Collins 277ff.; accepted by Allen & Unwin 287–8; appendices compiled 288, 295–6; volume titles chosen 289; spelling altered by printers 290; maps drawn 259, 290, 294; ‘The Book of Mazarbul’ 290; publication 292ff.; reviews 292–3, 244–7; sales 293ff.; readers’ response to 301–5; Tolkien’s views on this 307; sales of manuscripts 299; translations 14, 308, 299–300; film proposals 301; unauthorised American paperback 302–6; ‘campus cult’ 306–7; Tolkien’s reaction to success 313 nd passim
OTHER WRITINGS: The Adventures of Tom Bombadil 106, 216, 324; Ancrene Wisse (edited by Tolkien) 185, 319; (Tolkien’s article on language of Ancrene Wisse) 181, 185; ‘Beowulf: the Monsters and the Critics’ 186–8; Beowulf, Tolkien’s perface to revised edition of Clark Hall’s translation 256; ‘The Bloodhound, the Chef, and the Suffragette’ 86; ‘The Book of Lost Tales’ see The Silmarillion; ‘The Bovadium Fragments’ 218n., ‘The Children of Húrin’ 135; Earendel, early poem about 101, 103; ‘English and Welsh’ 298; ‘The Fall of Arthur’ 224; ‘The Fall of Gondolin’ 129–31, 133, 142, 228; Farmer Giles of Ham 220–1, 244, 269, 279, 299; proposed sequel to 221; the ‘Father Christmas Letters’ 219; The Fellowship of the Ring, see The Lord of the Rings; ‘The Gest of Beren and Lúthien’ 148, 194–5, 222–3, 245; ‘Goblin Feet’ 106–7, 111, 130; The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth 286; ‘Imram’ 229; ‘The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun’ 224; ‘The Lay of Earendel’ 108–9; ‘The Lay of Leithian’ see ‘The Gest of Beren and Lúthien’ Leaf by Niggle 128, 210, 261, 319, 322, 343; ‘The Lost Road’ 227–9, 244, 266; ‘The Man in the Moon came down too soon’ 106; ‘Mr Bliss’ 217–18, 299; ‘Mythopoeia’ 197n., 198, 253–4; ‘Namárië’ 302, 316; ‘The New Shadow’ 303; ‘The Notion Club Papers’ 229; On Fairy-Stories 128, 253, 324; poems, juvenile 71–2, 101–2, 105–7; poems written during 1920s and 1930s 222–6; The Return of the King, see The Lord of the Rings; The Road Goes Ever On 326; ‘The Shores of Faery’ 108–9; Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (edited by Tolkien and E. V. Gordon) 145, 185, 188; Sir Gawain, Pearl and Sir Orfeo (translation by Tolkien) 190–1, 319; Songs for the Philologists 146; Smith of Wootton Major 210, 221–2, 323–4; ‘The Story of Kullervo’ 104; ‘Tales and Songs of Bimble Bay’ 147; Tree and Leaf 324; The Two Towers, see The Lord of the Rings
Tolkien, Mabel (mother of J. R. R. T.) 21–52 passim, 234
Tolkien, Michael (son of J.R.R. T.) 143, 156, 161, 162, 207, 211, 213, 215, 216, 236, 240, 257, 269, 317, 340
Tolkien, Priscilla (daughter of J. R. R. T.) 156, 161, 207, 257, 269, 282, 289, 296, 317–18, 321, 337, 340
Tolkien, Rachel (granddaughter of J. R. R. T.) 337
Tolkien, Simon (grandson) 337
Tolkien Society of America 305–8, 330
Treasure Island 39
Treebeard 258
‘Trotter’ (7‘Strider’) 250
Truth 296
‘Túrin’ 134, 148, 223
‘Two Trees, The’ 108
Unwin, Rayner 240–1, 248–9, 269–70, 280–309 passim, 324, 339
Unwin, Sir Stanley 240, 243, 244–8, 253, 259, 270–1, 273, 277, 279, 280–1, 283–4, 287
‘Valar, The’ 128 ‘Valinor’ 108–9, 127, 148
Venice 296
Völsungasaga 70, 99, 194
Völuspa 93
Wagner, Richard 70, 270
Waldman, Milton 278–80, 282–3, 288
Wanderer, The 188
Warwick 95–6, 97, 110, 113, 134, 307
Warwickshire 37, 43, 234
Water Eaton (Oxon.) 213
Wayland’s Smithy 214
Wells, Joseph 150
Welsh language 43–4, 57, 82–3, 96, 99, 298
Welsh Review 224
White Horse Hill 214
White Horse public house, Oxford 262
Williams, Charles 201–2, 227n., 262–4, 266, 306, 341
Williamson, Dick 339
Wilson, F. P. 267
Wiseman, Christopher 53, 58, 68–70, 84, 97, 104–5, 118, 120–1, 126, 149, 192, 337
Wood Eaton (Oxon.) 213
Worcester College Oxford, 221, 253
Worcestershire 35, 48, 147, 178, 234, 285
Worminghall (Bucks.) 214, 221
Wrenn, Agnes 208
Wrenn, Charles 183, 208, 213, 256, 317
Wright, E. M. (Lizzie), 205–6
Wright, Joseph 58, 80–3, 90, 91, 181, 206
Wyke-Smith, E. A. 220
Wyle, H. C. 162
Zimmerman, Morton Grady 301