Chapter Fourteen


Late Wednesday night Tom finally had a chance to return to his To Do List.

Now to find an antifreeze disposal company. I can’t believe Mr. Everett was mixing antifreeze with oil and sending contaminated oil to American Kleen Up.

He searched for local companies then jotted down their numbers on his notepad.

Tomorrow I’ll get up a little early and make some calls.

He checked their business hours.

Damn it. I’ll have to wait until lunchtime to call them.

He spent an hour going through his record of sales and tallying them. Then he tallied up his business expenses. He leaned back in the creaky office chair, studying the two numbers.

I’m going to need someone to help while I’m taking care of business issues.

He flipped through the old Personnel files.

Tony is a great mechanic but won’t do oil changes. Jimmy’s not as good a mechanic as Tony, but he can handle oil and tire changes.

He reached for the phone.

One o’clock? That can’t be right.

He double-checked his watch and the computer.

Rubbing his eyes, he shut off the light as he made his way up to his apartment. A short while later, he climbed into his empty bed, his thoughts drifting to Anjali.

Thursday morning went smoothly. He called Jimmy to offer him a job and he said he could start that afternoon. Auto Body Kleen Up picked up the used oil containers and dropped off two more. Although it was more than he could afford, he arranged to pay Auto Body Kleen Up’s extra fees to take the contaminated oil containers and dispose of them properly.

Jimmy showed up just before lunch, so he was able to return to his office. He called several antifreeze disposal companies and found one with a reasonable fee. He made an appointment to sign the contract on Friday.

An older man in a perfectly starched suit stood by his office door.

“Mr. Keller?”

“Yes, Sir. How can I help you?”

“I’m Rick Wallace from the EPA.”

He stopped breathing as time slowed down.

EPA? Holy Fuck.

He stood and shook Mr. Wallace’s hand, heart pounding in his chest.

“How can I help you, Mr. Wallace?”

“I’m looking for the owner, Mr. Everett.”

“I recently bought this business from Mr. Everett, Sir.”

Mr. Wallace studied him briefly before asking, “Do you have the contract showing the sale of Everett’s Auto Body Shop?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He opened the file cabinet and found the documents. He handed them to Mr. Wallace.

“I’ll need to make a copy for my files.”

Mr. Wallace set his briefcase down on the side of his desk.


He opened the briefcase and pulled out a thin manila folder.

“We received some complaints from American Kleen Up about contaminated oil from this business.”

“Contaminated oil,” he repeated.

“Since you are the new owner, I can’t fine you for Mr. Everett’s actions.”

Oh, thank goodness—


He tensed.

“—I need to make a thorough assessment of this Garage to ensure that you are in compliance.”

He stared at Mr. Wallace.

“You have to shut down your business.”

He shut his eyes, a tiny part of him hoping once he opened them again, Mr. Wallace would be gone.

This is only a dream. A nightmare.

“How long does your assessment take?” he croaked.

“A few days.”

He rubbed his neck.

Closed until Tuesday? Wednesday? That’s too long.

“The oil—the contaminated oil—I paid for it to be disposed of. I have the paperwork. Right here.”

He rifled through the papers on his desk and found the work order.

“I’m running an honest business, Mr. Wallace. Can’t you work with me on this?”

Mr. Wallace glanced around the office. It was obvious he wasn’t taking short cuts to pad his wallet.

“I’ll make you a deal, Mr. Keller. I will allow you to remain open for the rest of this week. Saturday morning, I will begin my assessment. If I find any violation, I will fine you and shut you down. Permanently. Agreed?”

“Yes, Sir. I understand.”

The rest of the week went by in a blur. While Jimmy handled their customers, he checked everything to ensure his shop was up to EPA guidelines. He discovered his Class C fire extinguisher had expired two years ago and his Class B fire extinguisher was missing.

If there had been a gasoline fire….

He couldn’t finish the thought.

How could Everett put me at risk like that? That son of a bitch couldn’t shell out seventy bucks?

Shaking his head, he marched out of the office.

“Jimmy, I’m going to sign a contract then pick up a few supplies. I’ll be back by closing.”

“Okay, Boss.”

He stood a little taller, proud of his new title. Jimmy’s comment reminded him of his date with Anjali later that night.

I should buy her some flowers.

He grinned.

And I know the perfect gift for my Honey.

By the time he finished his errands and returned to his Shop, it was after five.

Spying the roses in his hand, Jimmy asked, “So who’s the lucky lady? Anyone I know?”

“I doubt it,” he replied. “Anjali moved here recently.”

“Judging from that goofy look on your face, she must be something special.”

He shrugged.

Jimmy laughed.

“Hoo-boy, I think I hear wedding bells.”

“You should probably see a doctor about that.”

“I think I touched a nerve. Enjoy your date, Boss. See you Monday.”

He nodded then pulled down the heavy roller door. It glided close smoothly and quietly.

Jimmy must have oiled it.

He leaned the fire extinguisher against the wall and walked into this office. He set the roses down on his office desk and found a drill. He attached the Class B fire extinguisher to the wall then returned to his car to get the Class C fire extinguisher. After mounting the Class C to the wall, he carried the expired canister to his office.

I have to fax over some papers to the insurance company. Then a quick shower and dinner with my Anjali.

Yawning, he faxed over the first paper and waited for it to go through.

Should I change the sheets? Maybe it’s better if she isn’t here when Mr. Wallace shows up in the morning.

The thought of Mr. Wallace seeing her half naked in his shirt made his blood heat. He faxed over another paper then sat in the office chair.

Beep. Beep. Beeeeep.

The fax machine printed out an error message.

He punched in the numbers again, then faxed the papers. The first paper went through. He leaned forward, waiting for it to process the second paper.

His lids seemed to weigh a ton. He closed them for a moment and dreamed of Anjali.




Bon, as the name implied, was a French restaurant. Understated elegance was the theme. And judging from the long waiting line, it was a successful one. Beyond the bright wall of the Maitre d', the dining room walls were a dark gray. Instead of being dreary, it provided intimacy. Soft light illuminated cream tablecloths and elegant chairs. Romantic tables for two, discreetly placed along the walls featured elegant Queen Anne chairs. Even larger tables seemed intimate, a lone island in a sea of darkness.

“Happy Birthday, Beti!” her mother said.

Her bangles jingled loudly as she opened her arms.

“Thanks, Ma.”

She hugged her mother then turned to her father. He kissed her on the cheek.

“Happy Birthday, Beti,” he said, giving her arms a gentle squeeze. His eyes were misty. Full of suspicion, she glared at Jiji.

Jiji glanced away, a guilty expression on her face.

“Beti, where are the children?” her mother asked.

“Dinesh’s parents are babysitting for us tonight,” Jiji said.

“Everybody’s here. What are we waiting for?” Dinesh asked impatiently.

“Beti?” her father asked.

She plastered a smile on her face

“I…invited someone to join us. He must be running late.”

She turned to the Maitre d'.

“But we can go ahead and be seated.”

The Maitre d' led her family to their table. She walked behind the group. Her fingers reached for her phone.

What am I doing? I’m his girlfriend, not his mommy. He knows it’s my birthday and we’re meeting at Mikey’s restaurant. Either he will show up or he won’t.

She left the phone in her purse and smiled at Jiji.

Tonight one of us is going to be proved right.

Once they were seated, she gave in to the urge and discreetly checked her phone.

No text.

She ran her fingers through her hair, ignoring Jiji’s satisfied expression.

The waiter presented them with menus then disappeared. Someone discreetly placed a basket of bread on the table. A sommelier appeared with a bottle of Merlot and offered a sample. She accepted with a curt nod. The wine barely registered on her taste buds. She downed the sample, ignoring her mother’s shocked expression.

Jiji took a polite sip while Dinesh sniffed his wine as if he were a connoisseur. The sommelier raised his brow and she nodded. He refilled her glass then filled the others.

“Sorry I’m late.”

She stared at the man standing to her right. He bowed his head with respect to her parents.

“I’m Dr. Kumar. I was held up in surgery,” he explained.

Nostrils flaring, she glared at Jiji.

Jiji didn’t bother to hide her grin. Face flushed, she greeted Dr. Kumar with a warm smile.

Ma clasped her hands together in front of her chest.

“Beti—” Too choked up to speak, her mother fell silent, a single tear running down her face.

The vein in her head throbbed painfully and she squeezed her eyes shut.

Please let this be a dream.

“Happy birthday, Anjali,” Dr. Kumar said as he sat next to her.

That’s Tom’s seat, she wanted to scream. Instead, she nodded mutely.

Dr. Kumar was polite. Knowledgeable. And boring. He droned on in a monotone that made her eyelids feel heavy.

Is that how he puts his patients to sleep? By talking to them?

Halfway through dinner, Dinesh received a phone call.

“I’m needed in the ER,” he said, leaning over to kiss Jiji on the cheek.

She leaned back, crossing her arms and raising her brow.

Jiji shrugged.

“At least he shows up for dinner.”

She narrowed her eyes but didn’t respond.

After Dinesh left, Jiji seemed more relaxed. More bold.

“So what do you think of my sister, Dr. Kumar?”

“She’s every bit as lovely as you promised.”

He raised his glass in salute.

Though her skin crawled, she forced a polite smile. Her glass was empty and she longed for another drink. Where is that sommelier?

“You’ve barely touched your food. Or said a word,” Dr. Kumar said quietly. “Are you worried about your hobby?”


He nodded.

“Nandini mentioned something about writing.”

She set down her fork and turned to face him.

“I’m an author.”

“Of genre fiction. Nothing worth pursuing once we’re married,” he said.

Her mouth hung open.

“That’s right, Anjali. I’m as ready to be married as you are. Shall we inform your parents tonight?”

His proposal was so ridiculous she couldn’t help but laugh. Three glasses of Merlot didn’t help, either.

“No, Doctor. I’m not interested in getting married.”

She cleared her throat.

“Ma, Dad. Jiji. I’ve decided that I’m not getting married. I was thinking of adopting and I’m going to file the paperwork on Monday.”