C.J's Buns Song

I sing a Song of baking a bun, la la la la la la.

I sing this song because it's much fun, la la la la la la.

I make a bun and they call me a bun, la la la la la la.

I sing this song until I am done, la la la la la la.

I let the buns rise until it's a mound, la la la la la la.

I knead them and give them a pound, la la la la la la.

Next, I take and shape them round, la la la la la la.

Baking in the oven they're found, la la la la la la.

Baked and cooled is how it will go, la la la la la la.

I kneaded the dough, I am a doe, la la la la la la.

They smell so good and this I know, la la la la la la.

People love them and the sales will flow, la la la la la la la.

(To hear C.J's song sung, visit our website!)