This is my first novel. As such, it is as much the product of good fortune and the beneficence of others as it is anything I might have done. The following people contributed their time, talent, and heart to this novel. I cannot thank them enough.

Jerry Cleaver, Deborah Epstein, Laura Fleury, Anna Gardner, David Gernert, Garnett Kilberg-Cohen, Erinn Hartman, Bill Kurtis, Leslie Levine, Tania Lindsay, Diane Little, Maria Massey, Dan Mendez, Megan Murphy, Mary Frances O’Connor, Jordan Pavlin, Pegeen Quinn, Roel Robles, John Sviokla Jr., John Sviokla III, and Patrick Sviokla.

Special thanks to my mom and dad for sacrificing so much, and to my five sisters and brother for being the best people I know.

Most of the action in this novel takes place in Chicago. I have, whenever possible, tried to be faithful to the city’s geography, buildings, and institutions. Where necessary, however, I have intentionally taken certain liberties to fit the needs of the story. My apologies in advance to those of you who live in the world’s greatest city and know full well where all the imperfections lie.