If I could be seen right now, I’d be screaming “yes” from the top of the Space Needle with my head thrown back and my arms extended in the air, for I am grateful for every day there is breath in my body. Life. What would it be without pain, trial, error, and love experienced and lost? To those who have experienced it with me, I am grateful.
Rena Logan, you’ve shown me that I could do anything I put my mind to. Thank you for giving me the tools to do so. When I wanted to be a fashion designer, you bought me a sewing machine; when I wanted to be a photographer, you bought me a camera. When I wanted to fly, you said, soar high in your imagination. And it is there that I find my stories, it is there that I hold you near even when you are so far away. I’ve been blessed with two parents who saw light in all of their children’s eyes.
To my husband, Cameron Thomas, the melody in my heart, and the song in my mind: Thank you for showing me life has infinite possibilities and encouraging me to take them on. Your belief in me is my motivation, and your love is my guide.
Tiffany, my dear, thank you for all the sandwiches, keeping me fed when I could not pull myself away from the computer. Quinlan, thank you for the many cups of hot tea brought in by your tiny seven-year-old hands (and without spilling a drop). Mommy loves you both and appreciates your patience. We can bake cookies now.
Without you, my dear sister, Karen Logan, it would have been a lonely road. You are my best friend, bless you for always knowing when to call with ego massages and gentle pushes of encouragement.
Lillian L., your words of advice ignited my determination, changed my path, and delivered a new destination.
Marie D. Brown, I love you. You have an uncanny ability to know just when to call, always there to save the day. Thank you for being a sustaining line in this tightrope business. Your belief in me brought this book to life.
To my editor, Jennifer Hunt—I knew you were going to be the high note on what was a beautiful song, yet needed your ability of fine-tuning. Ayesha Pande, thank you for opening the door and inviting me in. Rachel Kahan, I feel lucky to have you in my corner. Dr. Dwayne Logan, your entire life is an inspiration, a story all its own. Vernon Logan, now it’s your turn; get out your pen. Cynthia Hollis, thank you for sifting through the pages even after they blew away. Your critique was invaluable.
Thank you to:
Dave and Anna for giving me a second home. To Ora for showing me that persistence gives great rewards.
To my Manassas family and friends, you know who you are, thank you for your support. To the Bull Run Library gang, how could I forget you all? Thanks for having every book worth reading.