39 Mystic Canyon
A day hike through the colorful bigtooth maples tucked away in the deep Hill Country canyons of Lost Maples State Natural Area.
See map 38 Lost Maples State Natural Area.
Distance: 4.5-mile loop
Approximate hiking time: 2 to 3 hours
Elevation: 1,800 to 2,260 feet
Trail surface: Dirt path, dirt road closed to vehicles
Best season: Fall through spring
Water availability: Seasonal in Can Creek
Land status: State park
Nearest town: Utopia
Fees and permits: Entrance and camping fees
Maps: USGS Sabinal Canyon; Lost Maples State Natural Area map
Trail contacts: Lost Maples State Natural Area, 37221 FM 187, Vanderpool 78885; (830) 966-3413
Finding the trailhead: Several approaches are possible. From Kerrville drive about 35 miles west on TX 39 to RM 187. Go left on RM 187 about 15 miles to the Lost Maples State Natural Area entrance on the right. About 0.75 mile into the park from the entrance, turn left across the Sabinal River to the Can Creek trailhead and overflow parking area.
The Hike
Lost Maples State Natural Area is most famous for its stands of bigtooth maples. In good years the trees turn brilliant shades of gold and scarlet in fall. The maples grow in only a few areas of the Texas Hill Country, with most in the deep canyons in and around the park. The canyons are deeper and narrower than most areas of the Hill Country and apparently provide conditions favorable to the maples’ growth.
The park, in one of the least-developed areas of the Hill Country, contains about 10 miles of hiking trails. The trails provide one of the best opportunities to see wild country in central Texas.
From the large gravel parking area with its bird blind, follow the dirt road up Can Creek. The well-marked trail is a road for the first 0.5 mile or so. The road is closed to all but park vehicles. At a bit less than 0.5 mile, at a fork in the canyon with several park buildings, the trail forks. The right fork will be the return of the loop hike. Go left, up the side canyon, and climb at a mild grade. The canyon is quite steep walled and narrow, with good stands of maples. At about 1.4 miles the trail passes primitive camping area D. A little beyond, the trail makes a short, fairly steep climb out of the canyon onto a ridge. The ridgetops are less protected and the vegetation is sparser and drier than in the canyons. The maples generally concentrate in canyon bottoms and north-facing slopes.
The trail forks soon after reaching the top. The right fork goes a short distance to primitive camp area F. A composting toilet lies near the junction. Continue along the ridgetop on the left fork. Within about 200 yards, another fork goes to the left, to primitive camping area E. Bear right and make the short, fairly steep descent into Mystic Canyon after about 200 yards. Maples become more common again as the trail reaches the canyon bottom.
Follow Mystic Canyon downstream to a trail junction at a little less than 2.5 miles. The left fork makes a short loop up another canyon fork. Take the side trip, less than 2.0 miles long, if you have time. It leads to more canyon country and probably the two least-used primitive camp areas in the park. The right fork continues downstream to Can Creek and some ponds. At a little less than 3.5 miles, the trail reaches primitive camp area C and a trail fork. The left fork leads the Lost Maples loop. Continue right (downstream) for about 1.0 mile to the trailhead. You’ll pass the start of the loop on the right after a little more than 0.5 mile.
Water can usually be obtained in the ponds of Can Creek, but carrying water is better and easier for this short a hike. Summers are usually hot and humid, but the hike is shady enough to be pleasant early in the day. Be prepared for mosquitoes, ticks, and chiggers, especially in spring and summer. The fall color can be spectacular, but try to avoid weekends, when Lost Maples can be packed with people. The park, especially the backcountry, is usually relatively quiet the rest of the year.
Miles and Directions
0.0Start at the trailhead at the gravel parking lot.
0.4Trail junction at park buildings. Go left.
1.4Primitive campsite D.
1.8Junction with campsite F spur trail. Go left.
1.9Junction with campsite E spur trail. Go right.
2.5Junction at confluence of Mystic Canyon and Can Creek. Go right.
3.5Junction at primitive campsite C by pond. Go right (downstream).
4.1Junction at start of loop. Go left (downstream).
4.5Arrive back at the trailhead.