- Abdelal, Rawi, 279n 7
- Adelman, Jeremy, 30, 40, 41, 47
- Adeosun, Kemi, 104
- Advanced economies (AEs), 27
- capital inflows to EMDEs from, 199
- finance networks of, 74
- spillover effects of monetary policy in, 216, 237–238
- Africa, 185
- Chinese financing in, 182
- countercyclical macroeconomic policies in, 280n10
- IMF assistance in, 123–124
- IMF social spending targets in, 128
- Programme for Infrastructure Development in, 259–260n20
- African Development Bank (AfDB), 183–184, 259–260n20
- Agosin, Manuel, 139
- Agricultural Development Bank of China, 181
- Alacevich, Michele, 30, 42, 252n25
- ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America), 186, 277n91–92
- Albert Hirschman Prize (Social Science Research Council), 33
- Aliyev, Ilham, 210
- Althusser, Louis, 254n38
- Ambiguity, 87–91, 125, 133, 247n5, 261n4
- Amsden, Alice, 250n12
- Andean Development Corporation, 168
- Andean Reserve Fund, 152
- Arab League, 157
- Arab Monetary Fund (ArMF), 157–159
- Arab Spring, 123, 159, 266n63
- Argentina, 206
- Argentina, Central Bank of, 194
- Armijo, Leslie Elliot, 80, 116, 118–119, 162, 179
- ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO), 146–150
- Asian Development Bank (AsDB), 140, 183–184, 275n65
- Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), 174–177
- Asian Monetary Fund (AMF; proposed), 6, 68–69, 139
- Chiang Mai Initiative and, 146
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Chiang Mai Initiative and, 146
- Asymmetric international economic relations, 35–36
- Austerity policies, 129–132
- Azerbaijan, 105, 210
- Ban, Cornel, 123, 131
- Bangladesh, 218
- Bank of ALBA, 186, 189
- Bank of the South (BDS), 186–189
- Basu, Kaushik, 111
- Beggar-thy-neighbor policies, 237–238
- Belarus, 160
- “Belt and Road” initiative, 174, 177–178. See also Silk Road Economic Belt; 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
- Berg, Andrew, 131
- Bernanke, Ben, 216, 225
- Best, Jacqueline, 89–90, 92, 247n5, 267n68
- Bhagwati, Jagdish, 195
- Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, 211–212, 219, 221, 226, 232, 282n30, 284n48
- Bilateral swaps, 95–97. See also Currency swaps
- Blanchard, Olivier, 120, 130
- on austerity policies, 130
- on capital controls, 213–214
- on IMF aid to Greece, 101
- Blyth, Mark, 29–30, 239, 255n50
- BNDES (National Bank of Economic and Social Development; Brazil), 178–181
- Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), 186, 277n91–92
- Bräutigam, Deborah, 182
- Brazil, 79, 114–115. See also BRICS
- in BRICS, 160
- capital controls used by, 201–202, 207, 217
- National Bank of Economic and Social Development of, 178–181
- Bretton Woods institutions (BWIs), 27
- after global financial crisis, 3, 20–21
- capital controls after World War II, 193
- “Gentleman’s Agreement” on leadership of, 110–111
- governance reforms in, 105–106
- Main Regional Development Banks as, 183–185
- policy and regulatory diversity in, 240
- transformations in, 9–10
- 2010 IMF Quota and Governance Reform Agreement, 108–110
- Brexit, 25, 80, 201, 238, 245
- BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)
- Contingent Reserve Arrangement of, 160–163
- during global financial crisis, 3, 96
- on ending “gentleman’s agreement,” 110–111
- financial support to IMF, 113–115
- on IMF governance, 106–107, 109–110, 114–117
- meetings of, 81
- New Development Bank of, 172–174
- transformation from BRICs to BRICS, 247n2
- Broome, André, 124
- Brown, Gordon, 259n12
- Bundesbank (Germany), 213
- Bush, George W., 75–76
- CAF (Development Bank of Latin America), 168–171
- Cai, Jin-Yong, 111
- Callable capital, 165
- Camdessus, Michel, 62, 121, 257n16
- Campbell, John L., 24
- Capacity expansion of EMDE financial institutions, 140
- Capital controls, 28, 210, 224–228
- by China, 207–209, 281–282n24
- credit rating agencies reaction to, 203, 205–206, 210,
- East Asian financial crisis and, 58
- by EMDEs, 199–204
- by Eurozone countries, 205–206
- global financial crisis and, 196–198, 204–205, 218–222
- G-20 on, 79, 223–224
- G-24 on, 223
- following global financial crisis, 21–22
- history of, 193–196
- by Iceland, 204–205, 281n20
- IMF on, 124, 233
- inflow controls, 124, 193–196
- Keynes (John Maynard) on, 193–194
- neoclassical economics on, 214–218
- new pragmatism on, 213–214
- new welfare economics of, 215
- outflow controls, 124, 193–195, 204, 213, 219
- rebranding of, 21–22, 198, 282–283n32
- rejected by some countries, 211
- struggles over, 222–224
- White (Harry Dexter) on, 193–194
- Carry trade, 199, 213, 216, 280fn13
- Carstens, Agustín, 110, 207, 214
- Central Bank of Argentina, 194
- Central banks, reserve pooling arrangements among, 141–144
- Chang, Ha-Joon, 250n11
- Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI), 146–151
- Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM), 146–151
- Chicago school, 10, 194
- Chile, 212, 282n27, 282n30
- Chin, Gregory, 149, 173, 247n6, 269n1
- China. See also BRICS
- Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank of, 174–177
- Asian Monetary Fund opposed by, 69
- “Belt and Road” Initiative of, 174
- in BRICS, 160
- capital controls and currency polices of, 203, 207–209, 223, 225–226, 281–282n24
- capital outflows from, 200
- China Development Bank, 181–183
- on CIMM, 146–148, 270n11
- in Contingent Reserve Arrangement, 163
- countercyclical macroeconomic policies of, 280n10
- during East Asian financial crisis, 256n3
- Ellerman on, 44
- in G-20, 80, 81
- in IMF, 64, 115, 118, 119, 265n52
- on IMF governance, 107, 113
- leadership of G-20 and capital controls, 223
- managed convertibility, 207
- in New Development Bank, 172, 173
- Rodrik on, 44
- Silk Road Fund of, 177
- China Development Bank (CDB), 178, 181–183
- Chwieroth, Jeffrey, 279n 7, 283n42
- Clift, Ben, 130
- Cline, William, 214, 219
- Colander, David, 253–254n37
- Colombia, 253n34, 271n28
- Complexity theory, 252n28, 253n33, 254n39
- Conditionality, 187–188
- by IMF, 125–127
- Constructivism, 24, 88–92, 261n4, 279n7
- Contingent Reserve Arrangement (of BRICS), 160–163
- Continuity thesis, 4, 6–9
- on global financial crisis, 11–12
- on IMF, 260n2
- Costa Rica, 152, 203, 207, 271–272n29
- Countercyclical macroeconomic policies, 280n10
- Counter-cyclical Support Facility (of AsDB), 184
- Cox, Robert, 252n30
- Culpeper, Roy, 25, 190
- Cummins, Matthew, 123
- Currencies
- carry trade, 199, 216, 235, 280n13
- Chinese, used in international trade, 276n81
- devaluation of, 100, 262–263n20
- IMF SDR basket of, 119
- used by Development Bank of Latin America, 171
- Currency reserve accumulation, 7, 65, 67–68, 208–209, 226, 242, 257–258n21
- Currency swaps. See Bilateral swaps
- Cyprus, 100, 103
- capital controls used by, 205, 211, 281n22
- da Silva, Lula, 114
- Deaton, Agnus, 254–255n45
- Deglobalize, 80, 238
- DeMartino, George F., 239
- epistemic inadequacy and expert humility, 235, 242, 255n51
- experts, 13
- hubris, 92
- “maxi-max decision rule,” 239
- Developmental finance, definition of, 26–27
- Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), 168–171
- Development banks (infrastructure banks), 164–165, 189
- Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 174–177
- Bank of ALBA, 186
- Bank of the South, 186–187
- Brazil National Bank of Economic and Social Development, 178–181
- China Development Bank, 181–183
- Development Bank of Latin America, 168–171
- governance of, 187–188
- Main Regional Development Banks, 183–185
- New Development Bank, 172–174
- Development economics, 31–34
- Development experts, 44–46
- Development finance, definition of, 26
- Discontinuity
- and architectural innovations in EMDEs, 141
- and capital controls, 124
- and global crisis, 11, 17–22
- and G-20 and FSB, 18
- and IMF, 124
- Dobbs, Richard, 216
- Drezner, Daniel, 31, 82, 250–251n14
- East Asian financial crisis (1997–1998), 3, 27, 57, 69–70
- capital controls and, 194
- IMF after, 61–65
- IMF during, 87
- lasting impact of, 6–7
- neoliberalism during and following, 58–61
- regional and transregional financial architectures after, 138–139
- Easterly, William, 44, 46
- Economic nationalism, 238
- EMDEs and, 25
- neoliberalism and, 248n12
- Economics
- constructivism and, 88
- maxi-max decision rule in, 239
- neoclassical, 214–218, 225, 241
- Ecuador, 170, 206, 271n26, 271–272n29
- Egypt, 123, 129
- Eichengreen, Barry, 62, 113, 134
- Ellerman, David, 33, 44, 46, 249n1, 253n36, 254n40
- EMDEs (Emerging Market and Developing Economies), 27
- architectural innovations in, 141
- capital controls used by, 200–204, 206–207, 212–213, 216–217, 225
- capital inflows to, 199
- capital outflows from, 80, 199–200
- complexity of, 38, 251n20
- coordination between IMF and EMDE institutions, 151
- in current economic climate, 5, 25–26
- development banks in, 164
- on ending “gentleman’s agreement,” 110–111
- escaping from IMF, 65–68
- finance networks of, 74
- on Financial Stability Board, 82, 83
- in G-20, 79–81, 84
- in IMF governance, 106–109, 116–118
- IMF’s influence among, 97–98
- impact of East Asian financial crisis on, 6, 7
- regional and transregional financial architectures in, 138–141
- reserve accumulation by, 66–67 (see also Currency reserve accumulation)
- sovereign wealth funds held by, 67–68
- swap arrangements between Fed and, 96
- Emergency Liquidity Facility, 184
- Energy policies
- of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 176
- of China Development Bank, 183
- Environmental and social policies
- of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 176–177
- of China Development Bank, 183
- of National Bank of Economic and Social Development, Brazil, 180–181
- Epistemic issues, 37–41, 44–45
- Epstein, Gerald, 198
- Erten, Bilge, 217–218
- Estonia, 100
- Ethical issues, 44–46, 254–255n45
- Eurasian Development Bank, 159
- Eurasian Economic Community Anti-Crisis Fund, 159
- Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD), 159–160
- Europe
- IMF power in, 94, 98–99
- overrepresented in IMF leadership, 103–104, 112–113
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 277n85
- European Central Bank (ECB), 99–100
- European Commission (EC), 99
- European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), 115, 262n19
- European Investment Bank (EIB), 277n85
- European Monetary Union, 99
- European Stability Mechanism (ESM), 99, 262n19
- European Union (EU), 211
- Eurozone, 95
- capital controls used by countries in, 205–206
- IMF loans to, 98–99
- Exceptional access, 93, 104, 112, 265n48
- Exit, 34–35
- Experimentation, 15, 33, 43, 240–241, 244
- Export-Import Bank of China, 181, 182
- Federal Reserve system (Fed), 95–96, 200
- Feldstein, Martin, 195
- Finance Group of 20, 75–76. See also G-20
- Finance networks, 73–75
- EMDEs in, 74
- G-20 and FSB in, 83–84
- Financial governance architecture, 26, 28
- Financial Stability Board (FSB), 18, 81–83
- Financial Stability Forum (FSF)
- creation of, 60
- renamed Financial Stability Board, 18, 82
- Fischer, Stanley, 59, 110
- FLAR (Latin American Reserve Fund), 152–157
- Flexible Credit Line (FCL), 65–66, 127
- Fortaleza Declaration (2014), 161, 172
- France, 222–223
- Friedman, Milton, 35
- Fritz, Barbara, 283n41
- Fukuyama, Francis, 32, 43
- Furceri, Davide, 133, 134
- Futilism, 22, 46–47, 162–163
- G-7 (Group of Seven countries)
- Finance G-20 created by, 75
- Financial Stability Forum created by, 60, 82
- G-8 (Group of Eight countries)
- dominance of, 8
- replaced by G-20, 18
- G-11 (EMDEs in World Bank), 111
- G-20 (Group of Twenty countries), 84
- accomplishments of, 79–80
- on capital controls, 222–223
- capital controls used by, 198, 280n11
- currency swap proposal, 78
- EMDEs in, 8
- future of, 80–81
- growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, 77, 121, 129
- G-8 replaced by, 18
- on global financial crisis, 3
- history of, 75–77
- on IMF, 94, 95
- infrastructure financing by, 78–79
- Keynesianism of, 77–78
- on reform of BWI governance, 107–108
- on regional structures, 140
- G-24 (Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development), 264n37
- Gabor, Daniela, 268n78
- Gallagher, Kevin, 182, 284n46
- Geithner, Timothy, 83, 94, 95
- “Gentleman’s Agreement” on IMF and World Bank leadership, 110–111
- Germain, Randall, 248n9
- Germany
- on aid to Greece, 129
- on capital controls, 213
- on IMF and inflation, 100
- on Troika aid to Greece, 100, 101
- Gerschenkron, Alexander, 42, 273n50
- Ghosh, Atish R., 217
- Gibson-Graham, J. K., 247n1, 253n35, 255n51
- Gladwell, Malcolm, 249n2, 252n27
- Global Environment Facility, 171
- Global financial crisis (2008), 3, 17–22, 27
- capital controls and, 196–198, 204–205, 218–222
- continuity view of, 11–12
- countercyclical policy and, 68, 120–121, 198, 280n10
- discontinuity view of, 11
- Group of 20 during, 75–76
- IMF during, 87, 92–95, 97–98, 120–127, 257n13
- IMF governance reform and, 106–109
- Main Regional Development Banks during, 184, 185
- monetary policy in response to, 237
- productive incoherence view of, 12–14
- regional and transregional financial architectures after, 139–140
- in U.S., 95–97, 248n13
- Global financial governance
- definition of, 26
- discontinuities in, 137–138
- Global Infrastructure Connectivity Alliance (of G-20), 79
- Global Infrastructure Facility (of World Bank), 274n63
- Global South. See EMDEs (Emerging Market and Developing Economies)
- Grabel, Ilene, 195, 198, 260n1
- Greece, 19–20, 129
- capital controls used by, 205–206, 211, 281n23
- financial crisis in, 99
- IMF loans to, 98, 112–113
- social programs in, 128
- structural conditions in IMF aid to, 126
- Troika aid to, 100–103
- Green Climate Fund, 171
- Greenspan, Alan, 59, 60, 62
- Grimes, William, 149
- Guerrieri, Paolo, 258n8
- Hanieh, Adam, 123
- Harper, Stephen, 281n18
- Hayek, Friedrich, 38
- Helleiner, Eric, 9, 18
- on Fed’s swaps, 96
- on Financial Stability Board, 83
- on global financial networks, 84
- Helleiner, Gerald, 33–34, 251n15
- Henning, C. Randall, 119, 273n49
- Heritage Foundation, 214
- Hiding Hand, 39–40, 45, 191, 252n26
- Hirschman, Albert O., 14–15, 28, 29–31, 138, 189, 231
- on asymmetric international economic relations, 35–37
- on development experts, 44–46
- on epistemic issues, 37–41
- on exit and voice, 34–35
- on experimental 15, 25, 42–44, 240
- on futilism, 22, 46
- on grand theories, 41–42, 235
- importance of diminutive to, 42–44
- legacy of, 31–34
- methodology of, 51–54
- possibilism of, 46–48
- on rhetoric, 46–48
- on social change, 22–23
- on theorizing, 244
- on uncertainty and limits to intelligibility, 37–38
- Hirschmanian perspective, 245, 249n1
- on development, 234–235
- Drezner and Gladwell on, 249n2
- mandates drawn from, 239–244
- productive incoherence thesis and, 14–15
- risk in, 52–54, 235–236
- on social change, 22–24
- Hirschmanian possibilism, 23, 24, 51
- Historical institutionalism, 260–261n3, 261n7
- Hochstetler, Kathryn, 179
- Hu, Jintao, 115
- Humphrey, Chris, 171
- Hungary, 103
- Hybridization of EMDE financial institutions, 140–141
- Iceland, 98, 204–205, 281n20
- Independent Evaluation Office (IEO; IMF), 64, 266n59, 267n69
- India. See also BRICS
- in BRICS, 160
- capital controls used by, 209
- Indonesia, 203–204
- Inequality, IMF on, 129–132
- Inflation, 131
- Inflow controls. See Capital controls
- Infrastructure banks. See Development banks
- Infrastructure financing, 78–79
- Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank for, 174–177
- development banks for, 164–165
- Global Infrastructure Facility (of World Bank), 274n63
- New Development Bank for, 172–174
- World Bank infrastructure initiative for, 259–260n20
- Institute of International Finance (IIF), 199
- Institutional creation of EMDE financial institutions, 141
- Institutional stasis in EMDE financial institutions, 140
- Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), 95, 184
- Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development (G-24), 264n37
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IDRB), 105, 185
- International Development Association (IDA), 105
- International Finance Corporation, 111
- International Financial Institution Advisory Commission (Meltzer Commission), 62
- International Labour Organization (ILO), 77
- International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC; IMF), 107–108
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 87–88
- ambiguities across, 88, 125–132
- Arab Monetary Fund coordination with, 158
- Asian Monetary Fund proposal as alternative to, 68–69
- on Brazil’s capital controls, 201–202
- on capital controls, 193, 195–196, 212–216, 218–225
- change within, 132–135
- Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation and, 146–147, 149
- constructivist accounts of, 88–91
- coordination with EMDE institutions, 151
- during East Asian financial crisis, 57, 279n 6
- after East Asian financial crisis, 61–65
- EMDEs escape from, 65–68
- as enforcer of neoliberalism, 12
- Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development and, 160
- exceptional access policy of, 93, 104, 112
- during global financial crisis, 19–20, 120–124
- after global financial crisis, 233
- governance of, 105–120
- on Iceland’s capital controls, 204–205
- identity and influence of, 92–98
- institutional change within, 91–92
- “Institutional View” of, 219–222
- Keynesianism rejected by, 259n13
- neoliberal control over, 194
- new multilateralism of, 241–242
- policy inconsistencies within, 129–132
- on regional structures, 140
- rhetoric versus practice of, 125–127
- social spending targets of, 127–129
- Special Data Dissemination Standard of, 59–60
- in Troika, 98–104, 263n31
- 2010 IMF Quota and Governance Reform Agreement, 108–110
- U.S. control over, 7
- Ireland, 129, 263–264n32
- IMF loans to, 98, 100, 103
- Islam, Iyanatul, 122
- James, Harold, 248n7
- Japan
- absent from Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 175
- on CIMM, 147, 148
- in IMF, 265n52
- loan to IMF by, 94
- Jeanne, Olivier, 217
- Jomo K. S., 198
- Jordan, Thomas, 213
- Jorgensen, Helene, 122
- Kamolovich, Nuraliev, 209
- Kantor, Mickey, 62
- Kaplan, Ethan, 195
- Katada, Saori N., 80, 162
- Kattel, Rainer, 262–263n20
- Katzenstein, Peter, 269n 5
- Kentikelenis, Alexander, 90, 123
- Keynes, John Maynard, 29, 40
- on capital controls, 193–194, 219
- Keynesianism
- of G-20, 77–78, 259n13
- post-World War II, 9–10
- Kim, Jim Yong, 111
- King, Lawrence, 90, 123
- King, Mervyn, 62–63
- Kirshner, Jonathan, 248n13, 279n 7
- Kissinger, Henry, 61
- Korea. See South Korea
- Korinek, Anton, 215
- Kranke, Matthias, 268n74
- Krueger, Anne, 10
- Krugman, Paul, 31–32, 195, 253n36
- Kuroda, Haruhiko, 208, 225
- Lagarde, Christine
- on austerity, 129
- on Chinese currency policies, 208
- elected IMF managing director, 110–111
- on EMDEs in IMF, 114–116
- on end of conditionality by IMF, 125
- on IMF aid to Greece, 101, 102
- on unconventional monetary policies, 198, 280n12
- Lanz, Dustyn, 266n63
- Latin America, 151
- Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America in, 186
- Chinese financing in, 182
- countercyclical macroeconomic policies in, 280n10
- Latin American Reserve Fund, 152–157
- National Bank of Economic and Social Development, Brazil, 178–181
- Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR), 152–157
- Latvia, 100, 103, 205
- Leigh, Daniel, 130
- Lepenies, Philipp H., 250n12, 255n46
- Lew, Jacob, 101
- Libertarianism, 214
- Lin, Jianhai, 119
- Lin, “Justin” Yifu, 119
- Lindblom, Charles, 40, 43
- Linkages, 37
- Liquidity sharing (reserve pooling) institutions and arrangements, 141–144
- Lisbon Treaty, 211, 282n28
- Lithuania, 100
- Lombardi, Domenico, 258n8
- Loungani, Prakash, 133, 134
- Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 114, 178–179
- Lütz, Susanne, 268n74
- Macri, Mauricio, 206
- Magud, Nicolas, 217
- Mahoney, James, 279n7
- Main Regional Development Banks (MRDBs), 164, 183–185
- Malaysia, 194–195, 278–279n5
- Mantega, Guido, 106, 115, 215, 216
- Marchenko, Grigori, 110
- Martinez-Diaz, Leonardo, 81
- Mazzucato, Mariana, 254n40, 273n50
- McCloskey, Deirdre, 254n44
- McKay, Julie, 157
- McKinnon, Ronald, 218
- McMillan, John, 44
- Meltzer, Alan, 62
- Meltzer Commission (International Financial Institution Advisory Commission), 62
- Mexico
- financial crisis in, 59
- NAFTA restrictions on, 212
- swap arrangements between Fed and, 96
- Mistry, Percy S., 139
- Mnuchin, Steven, 260n21
- Mody, Ashoka, 113, 268n76
- Momani, Bessma, 91, 266n63
- Monetary policies. See also Capital controls
- in advanced economies, 53, 78, 199–201, 206–207, 216
- in response to global financial crisis, 237–238
- Monterrey Consensus (2002), 139
- Moschella, Manuela, 279n7
- Mossallem, Mohammed, 123
- “Muddling through,” 17, 43, 253–254n37
- National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES; Brazil), 178–181
- National development banks, 178–183
- Nationalism, 245, 248n12
- National self-insurance, 65–68. See also Currency reserve accumulation; EMDEs (Emerging Market and Developing Economies): reserve accumulation
- Nelson, Stephen C., 94, 117, 121, 279n7
- Neoclassical economics, 241
- on capital controls, 214–218, 225
- Neoliberalism, 9–10
- capital controls and, 194–196, 211, 214–218
- decline of, 231
- during East Asian financial crisis, 58–61, 69
- economic nationalism and, 248n12
- in G-20, 80
- Hirschmanian perspective on, 15
- of IMF, 12, 233
- “maxi-max decision rule” in, 239
- new landscape compared with, 190
- Ostry, Loungani, and Furceri on, 133
- productive incoherence thesis on, 15–16
- systemic risk in, 239
- theoretical architects of, 237, 239
- Networks, 18, 37, 60, 73–74
- New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB), 94–95, 262n13
- New Development Bank (NDB), 161, 172–174, 274–275n64
- New International Economic Order (NIEO), 4, 8, 11
- Nigeria, 104–105, 210
- Nogueira Batista, Paulo, Jr., 219–220
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 211, 212, 282n31
- Obama administration, 95
- Obstacles to development thesis, 41
- Obstfeld, Maurice, 102, 134, 195
- Ocampo, José Antonio
- on capital controls, 197–198, 217–218
- on denser architecture, 190
- on economic and social governance, 139
- on G-20, 76
- on Latin American Reserve Fund, 156
- on new role for the IMF, 135
- nominated as World Bank president, 111
- on reformed IMF, 241
- on regional institutions, 241
- Okonjo-Iweala, Ngozi, 111
- O’Neill, Jim, 160
- Opportunism, 33, 43, 235, 241
- Organized hypocrisy, 90
- Ortiz, Isabel, 123
- Ostry, Jonathan D., 131, 133, 134, 218
- Outflow controls. See Capital controls
- Pagliari, Stefano, 18
- Palley, Thomas, 261n6
- Pauly, Louis, 73, 83
- Peru, 170, 203
- Picciotto, Robert, 250n10
- Pigouvians, 215
- Pluripolarity, 5–6, 28, 243–244
- Polanyi, Karl, 29–30, 232, 254n43
- Political science, constructivism in, 24, 88–91, 279n7
- Popper, Karl R., 251n20
- Portugal, 98, 103
- Possibilism, 46–48, 51
- on Contingent Reserve Arrangement, 162, 163
- Hirschmanian 23–24, 51
- Poststructuralist accounts, 255n47, 284n3
- Prasad, Eswar, 218–219
- Prates, Daniela Magalhães, 283n41
- Prebisch, Raúl, 194
- Precautionary Credit Line (PCL), 267n71
- Precautionary support, 188
- Productive incoherence thesis, 4–5
- features of, 15–17
- on global financial crisis, 12–14
- Hirschmanian mindset and, 14–15
- potential dangers in, 25
- Productive redundancy, 25, 150, 189–190, 238, 242
- Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa, 259–260n20
- Qureshi, Mahvash, 217
- Rajan, Raghuram, 209, 215, 227, 241
- Randomized control tests (RCTs), 32–33, 254–255n45
- Rashid, Hamid, 284n49
- Raudla, Ringa, 262–263n20
- Reddy, Sanjay, 254n40
- Regionalism, 138–140
- Regional organizations, 269n 5
- Arab Monetary Fund, 157–159
- Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation, 146–151
- Development Bank of Latin America, 168–171
- Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development, 159–160
- IMF meeting with, 151
- Latin American Reserve Fund, 152–157
- Main Regional Development Banks, 183–185
- National Bank of Economic and Social Development, 178–181
- Reinhart, Carmen M., 217
- Reinold, Theresa, 268n75
- Renminbi (Chinese currency), 207, 208, 276n81
- Reserve pooling (liquidity sharing) institutions and arrangements, 141–144
- governance of, 187–188
- Resilience, 24, 65, 67, 150, 189, 242
- Rey, Hélène, 215, 216
- Rhetoric
- Hirschman and, 46–48, 120–121, 123, 125–133
- Roberts, Cynthia, 116, 118–119, 162
- Rodrik, Dani
- on capital controls, 219, 284n49
- on China, 44
- on economic liberalism, 254n42
- on Hirschman, 30
- on inconsistencies within IMF, 133–134
- on Malaysian capital controls, 195
- on neoclassical economics, 250n11
- on opportunism, 33
- on policy and regulatory diversity, 240–241
- on state of development economics, 32–33
- Rogoff, Kenneth, 113
- Romania, 100, 103
- Rosenstein-Rodan, Paul, 32
- Rousseff, Dilma, 114–115
- Russia. See also BRICS
- in BRICS, 160
- capital controls used by, 209
- in Contingent Reserve Arrangement, 162
- in Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development, 159, 272n39
- on IMF governance, 107
- Sabel, Charles, 254n40
- Sakakibara, Eisuke, 69
- Sarkozy, Nicholas, 115
- Scalability, 50
- Schäubel, Wolfgang, 100, 129
- Seabrooke, Leonard, 261n8
- Sen, Amartya, 37
- Shin, Hyun Song, 215
- Side effects, 37
- Sidgwick, Henry, 45–46
- Silk Road Economic Belt, 177
- Silk Road Fund, 174, 177
- Simon, Herbert, 251n19
- Singapore reforms (in IMF), 64, 106
- Skidelsky, Robert, 29
- Slaughter, Anne-Marie, 73
- Smith, Adam, 39, 45–46
- Social change
- Hirschman on, 22–23
- significance of, 50–51
- Social engineering, 46, 241, 253n36
- Social Science Research Council, 33
- Soederberg, Susanne, 77
- Soros, George, 252n29
- South Africa, 185. See also BRICS
- in BRICS, 161
- South America
- financial regionalism in, 138
- Latin American Reserve Fund in, 152–157
- National Bank of Economic and Social Development, 178–181
- South Korea, 64
- capital controls used by, 204
- in G-20, 78
- IMF and, 65–66
- trade agreement between U.S. and, 282n30
- Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), 67–68
- Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS; IMF), 59–60
- Special Drawing Right (SDR), 3, 20, 78, 119, 207
- Spence, Michael, 216–217, 241
- Spillover effects, 199–201, 215–216, 220, 225–227, 236–237, 240–242,
- State Administration of Foreign Exchange (of China; SAFE), 177, 203, 208
- Stiglitz, Joseph, 3, 29, 284n49
- Stiglitz Commission, 139
- Stock exchanges
- in BRICS, 161
- in EMDEs, 200
- Strauss-Kahn, Dominque, 92
- arrest and resignation of, 110
- on Brazil’s capital controls, 202
- on future of IMF, 63, 94
- during global financial crisis, 120–121
- on Greek debt, 263n23
- on regional structures, 139
- on 2010 agreement, 109
- Stubbs, Thomas, 90, 123
- Stuenkel, Oliver, 11
- Subacchi, Paola, 281–282n24
- Subbarao, Duvvuri, 209
- Subramanian, Arvind, 202, 217
- Summers, Lawrence, 62, 69
- Surveillance, 113, 118, 120, 134, 187–188
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDG; of United Nations), 4, 165, 242, 274n53
- Swap diplomacy, 97
- Swiss National Bank, 213
- Systemic risks, 238–239
- Taiwan, 203
- Tajikistan, 209
- Taleb, Nassim, 21, 45, 235
- Tapering, 200
- Taper tantrum (2013), 200, 207
- Taxation
- capital controls as, 202, 204, 206, 212
- IMF on, 268n79
- Tendler, Judith, 251–252n24
- Thailand
- capital controls used by, 204, 278n3
- East Asian financial crisis starting in, 57
- Thelen, Kathleen, 279n7
- Thomsen, Poul, 102
- Tietmeyer, Hans, 82
- Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 211, 282n27
- Transparency, after East Asian financial crisis, 60
- Troika (IMF, EC and ECB), 98–104, 263n31
- Trump, Donald, 119, 200, 207, 238, 245, 255–256n53
- Trump administration, 119–120, 245
- Trump tantrum, 200, 207
- Tsangarides, Charalambos G., 131
- Tsipras, Alexis, 101, 206
- Turkey, 104
- 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, 177
- 2010 IMF Quota and Governance Reform Agreement, 108–110
- Ukraine, 94, 257n12
- capital controls used by, 210, 281n21
- IMF aid to, 98
- Troika aid to, 103
- Unconventional monetary policy, 198
- Unitary System for Regional Compensation (SUCRE), 277n92
- United Kingdom (U.K.), 175
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 139, 190
- United States
- absent from Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 175
- Asian Monetary Fund proposal opposed by, 69
- Chile and, 212, 282n30
- during East Asian financial crisis, 62
- global financial crisis in, 18, 95–97, 248n13
- on IMF governance, 109, 264n41
- IMF under dominance of, 7, 106, 117
- monetary policies in, 255–256n53
- Urbinati, Nadia, 31
- Uruguay, 203
- Utopianism, 253n34
- Venezuela, 186–187, 206
- Vestergaard, Jakob, 104
- Viola, Lora Anne, 76
- Voice, 35
- Volz, Ulrich, 157
- Wade, Robert H., 104, 139, 224, 261n5
- Walter, Andrew, 119
- Washington Consensus, 10
- G-20 on death of, 77, 259n12
- Rodrik on, 33
- Weaver, Catherine, 261n5
- Weisbrot, Mark, 122, 132
- White, Harry Dexter, 193–194
- Williamson, John, 202, 217
- Wölfinger, Regine, 157
- Woods, Ngaire, 80–81, 113, 134
- World Bank
- Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and, 176–177
- callable capital of, 165
- on capital controls, 221–222
- competition between IMF and, 104–105
- “Gentleman’s Agreement” on leadership of, 110–111
- during global financial crisis, 95, 185
- Global Infrastructure Facility of, 274n63
- Hirschman’s work for, 38–39, 253n34
- on IMF after East Asian financial crisis, 64, 257n16
- infrastructure funding by, 164, 173
- infrastructure initiative of, 259–260n20
- Main Regional Development Banks work with, 184
- World Bank Group, 165
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- capital controls and, 211
- Rodrik on role of, 240
- Zhang, Tao, 119
- Zhou, Xiaochuan, 3, 80
- Zhu, Min, 119
- Zoellick, Robert, 92, 222