Before leaving the Owl, Morgan instructed his son to escort Rian and Tristan to the safe haven with due haste, adding that Rian should consider staying inside the Rose Chapel until an investigation in regard to the wounding of the Tavosh clansmen could be conducted. Morgan warned Rian their hotheaded, deadly brethren would surely be looking to avenge their injured fellow clansmen.
The safe haven of the Rose Chapel was the one hope Tristan Storm had to avoid another nasty encounter with Sir Robar, who would be combing the city for the express purpose of arresting him.
Silk led them to the courtyard of the chapel, and after introducing them to Brother Mathias, the Keeper of the Rose, turned to go. “I have an evening appointment,” he said, smiling sheepishly at Tristan, “with Corey. Sorry, my love, it is strictly business. After I am done, I will return here to you.”
He was halfway to the dark street beyond when he flippantly said, “Besides, until we are bound by marriage, I must ply my trade.”
He was then gone into the night.
Brother Mathias, a lean, white-haired middle-aged man, led Rian and Tristan into the baths beneath the ancient stone chapel, and there he left them to attend his duties as Keeper of the Rose.
Tristan offered Rian a subdued look as he removed the cloak he’d given him from his bare shoulders.
He slipped out of his pants and boots, and soon stood naked before the steaming pool of the chapel baths. He looked rather embarrassed.
“Did Robar cut you with his blade?” Rian asked him, as he too removed his clothes.
Tristan reached down and toyed with his slowly rising dick. “No, I don’t think so, but feel free to check me over if you would like.”
Rian shrugged. “Only if you want me to. I would not want to take advantage of you.”
Tristan reached down and withdrew a vial from his pants pocket. “I filched this in the aftermath of Silk’s play. Shall we put it to good use?”
He squirted the gloppy mixture into the palm of one hand, coaxing Rian to step closer. Once he complied, Tristan smeared a dab up and down his shaft. “Would you place some on my butt ring, Rian?” he asked with a shy smile.
Rian placed two fingers into Tristan’s palm, bringing them away with a fair amount of the minty-smelling gel. He used his free hand to turn the lad around, gently applying the salve to his ass.
Tristan hissed as Rian’s index finger lightly penetrated him. He moved up and down on the balls of his feet, his hands planted on the wall before him. “Ever done it standing up before?” he asked, glancing back at him over one shoulder.
“No,” Rian said. “But we can try it.”
Tristan reached up to the ledge formed by the stone wall of the bath area. He grunted a bit as he drew himself up several inches off the floor. “Guide me down onto your shaft, Rian. I will settle myself into place as you impale me. Okay?”
“Yessss!” Rian gasped as he prodded himself up into Tristan’s greased ass ring, aiming his head directly for the bull’s-eye. “Slow,” he whispered, grasping him by both lean hips. “Slow and easy. Easssseeeee!”
Tristan grunted once more as he felt Rian’s cock pushing up inside. Three inches of his slick cock slid into him, and as he lowered himself into place, four more inches drove in deep. “Ohhh,” he whispered. “Oohhhhhh! Are you…all the way…in?”
“Yes,” Rian said into his left ear, embracing his upper body from behind. He rose up slightly, jabbing deeper.
Tristan grunted once more as he reached down, feeling all around Rian’s pubic mound. “Yes, you are in all the way, aren’t you, Rian?”
Rian did not answer. He bucked up and began making tiny jamming motions, eliciting grunts and groans from Tristan. Pulling himself up with his fingers gripping the ledge above, his third time coming down Rian clasped him firmly around his chest, licked furiously at his left ear, and humped him in a mad frenzy.
“Oooooo! Ohhhhhhh! Mmmmmnnnmmm!” Tristan moaned repeatedly.
“Ahhhh!” Rian was caught up in the tight embrace of Tristan’s suctioning ass, holding him in place. Tristan squirmed and writhed, throwing his head back against Rian’s shoulder, his blond sweaty tangles spilling down his back.
Rian placed his hands on Tristan’s shoulders. He leaned them both forward, planting Tristan’s bare chest on the cold stone wall before snaking one hand down to grab his hard cock. Rian stroked him furiously, all the while still pushing up inside him. Tristan went wild.
“Ahhhhhh! Unnnnnhhhh!” Tristan gasped, his voice going high-pitched with one long “Ohh, yessssss!”
Taking this as a signal he was about to cum, Rian stopped pumping his cock. He slipped both arms around Tristan, snaking them into a full nelson. In this way, he spun Tristan around in a dramatic flourish, and lowered him to the cushions lining the floor of the bath area.
Tristan found himself planted face-first on a soft cushion, still impaled by Rian’s cock. He raised his ass in the air, and Rian released his upper body, grasping him firmly by both hips. He drove inward with one quick jab.
“Can you take it?” Rian asked him, looking down to check the side of his face for any painful grimace. “Can you take me thrusting my lance deep inside you?”
Tristan uttered one long “Yessssssss!”
And Rian pulled him by his hips, plowed in deep, working himself into a frenzied rhythm that had Tristan flopping around uncontrollably. He was dripping with sweat, trickles running down the side of his face, dribbling off his chin. Sweat gathered in the small of his back.
“Ahahaha!” he mumbled, saliva dribbling from his lips. “Ooooooo! Unnhhhhhh!”
Then: “I,” Rian declared, driving himself in rapidly, “am gonna blow!”
With one last terrific lunge, he stuck his cock in deep and lifted Tristan by grabbing onto his chest to gain clear access to his cock, pumping him until he cried.