Chapter Nineteen

When Corey came to he found himself sprawled across a large bearskin rug, his arms spread wide, his legs spread wider. He was naked, his erection sticking out, a telltale sign that someone had been fondling him while he was unconscious. He appeared to be in a forest clearing. A fire crackled nearby, illuminating the surrounding trees with bright amber light.

“You are leaking.” A soft voice came from directly in front of him. Then a hand reached out and gently touched his cock, one finger swirling around to wipe pre-cum over his slick, shiny head.

Corey looked down at Will kneeling in front of him. The pale-featured Elven boy of nineteen summers was naked, as well. His shoulders and arms were covered in blue tattoos of forest animals. A bear dominated his left shoulder. A wolf took up most of his right, and a stag with a sixteen-point spread of antlers ran across his bare chest. The tattoo of a tall, slender tree ran down over Will’s ribs, with the trunk continuing down between his hips, its roots buried in his golden pubic thatch. Even his cock, standing tall and firm before him, was tattooed with vines running up and down his wide shaft.

Will’s eyes were moss green. They sparkled with excitement as he peered down at Corey’s pre-cum smeared on his fingertips. He spread his index finger and middle finger wide, creating a web work of milky fluid between them, then raised them to his nose.

“Sweet,” he said, dreamily, “your sperm smells sweet.”

He stuck his fingers in his mouth. He grinned so childlike Corey wondered if he weren’t a bit touched in the head. Wizard of Winterwood, he thought. But what does he want with me?

Corey had heard tales of him from a Gypsy boy he had once bathed with in the heated springs beneath Brystyn. The Gypsy boy spoke of Wild Will as if he were a legendary character haunting the forests of the realm. He warned Corey to never be taken captive by the maniacal deviant, for no one had survived even one night of the debauchery and sexual escapades the wild young man was known for.

“At first,” Will said, “you are not going to like what I do to you.”

He shoved something small and round directly into Corey’s asshole. “Uuhhhnnn!” cried Corey, surprised. “What is that—” was all he managed to say before the object inside his rectum began to vibrate wildly.

“Oh! Unn! Oh, my!” he murmured.

Will said, “The not liking part is over with. Now you are going to feel real good, for a long, long time. And I get to watch you.”

The object inside him buzzed and hummed, sending pleasure all through his anal cavity, striking repeatedly at his prostate. “Ooooooooo! Ohhhhhhh! Mmmmmm!”

He began bucking.

By the light of a crackling blaze, Will’s gaze locked on Corey as he wiggled around on the ground. “Now,” Will said, “as these overwhelming sensations rack your balls and ass, will you willingly tell me the name of the Word of Power that will open the vaults beneath Brystyn?”

“The Word of…?” Corey moaned, licking his lips, his eyes beginning to glaze over. The vibrations inside him caused him to gyrate his hips and softly groan as pleasure washed over him in undulating waves.

“Yes, Word of Power,” Will said, taking hold of his erection. “Yes, my little dove, simply surrender the Word of Power to me. Brystyn’s vaults have a priceless treasure in them, and my people wish to reclaim what was stolen from them long years ago.”

Slowly, the Scart stroked him, his eyes searching his face. “Think on it, dove, or I will be tasting your royal seed many times before sunrise.”

“Ahhh! Ohhhh! This feels so good. I can’t take any…”

“Any more?” Will laughed. “Oh, we shall see just how much you can take, little dove. Unless of course, you share with me the word that will allow me access to the treasure vaults beneath your fair city. Help me to reclaim that which has been stolen by your father.”

Corey tossed back his head. He closed his eyes tightly. “Ah, I can’t take…ahhhh, this feels soooo good…”

He bucked up, his eyes opening wide as the vibrating item inside him began to shiver faster.

“Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, my fucking Godddddd!”

Will ran his pre-cum coated fingers up to Corey’s left nipple. He rested just the tip of his index finger on the very point. “Simply give me the word to unlock the vaults, I will then finish you off, and I promise I will play gently with you, sweet dove.”

He began to swirl his fingertip around the now-erect nipple.

Corey spasmed. “Ohhhhh! Pleeaaasee! Just make me cum!”

“No.” Will laughed. “Not for a long while yet.”

Corey watched as he reached down to pluck the pulsating bead out. Will latched onto his stiff dick bobbing up and down between them, and Corey sighed with pleasure as Will began to work him.


Rian looked on, skeptical of Prince Kellen’s uncharacteristic offer to help find his brother. The boy, his locks of white-blond hair flopping about his head and slim shoulders, was actually sniffing the ground before the shadowy alley like a hunting dog stalking a fox.

Tristan shared uneasy glances with Rian as the unpredictable prince crawled around on the cobbles before them on his hands and knees, sniffing and lowering his head to the stone paving beneath him.

“Yep!” Sparrow quipped. “Magic was used here and more inside this alley. The traces are faint here, but they grow stronger inside the mouth of the alley. Yep, you were right, Silk, it was a Scartan wizard. A most powerful one, too. His trace smells like baked apples coated with cinnamon.”

Silk watched him curiously as the young prince crawled forward into the alley, turning his head from left to right. He came to a stop, and they followed closely behind him, skidding to a stop.

Sparrow placed his nose directly on a wet spot on the cobbles beneath him. He remained that way, nose to the ground, his ass sticking up in the air. “Oh, this is a nasty Scart!” he said. “This is Corey’s sperm! He made him cum right here! Probably how he settled him down to whisk him away! Imagine that, poor Corey was held right here while the wizard wanked his rod and made him shoot his wad!”

Sparrow raised his fingers to his nose. He inhaled deeply. “Yep,” he said, “Corey’s spunk! Wonder what else he made him do?”

Rian felt an unexpected stab of jealousy. What sort of deviant has taken Corey? he thought with great alarm. And why play with him during the first few steps of his abduction? Why make him shoot his sperm right here in the alley?

He shuddered as visions of the Dark Elf filled his head, holding naked, squirming Corey. He winced inwardly. Poor Corey! he thought. What else did he subject him to? And for what purpose?

Sparrow crawled on down the alley, sniffing and chuckling as he went. “I imagine,” he cackled, “that wringing his wiener like that has something to do with capturing his royal seed, and in that way this Scart wizard used a binding spell, shackling Corey with a powerful magic so that he has to obey.”

Silk and Tristan followed closely behind the prince down to the end of the alley. Rian followed the two at a distance, his head still filled with visions of other things Corey might be made to do with his abductor. “Can you tell,” Silk asked Sparrow, “where they went from here?”

Sparrow gave one last final loud sniff. He sneezed. “Nope! The trail grows cold at the end of the alley. The trace of cinnamon lingers slightly, but here,” he leaped to his feet, “it peters out.”

He then laughed uproariously. “Peters out! Get it? Oh, that is hilarious! Pete—pete—pete—peters out!”

Silk complained, “Then how are we to know where Corey was taken to?”

As if answer to his question, a small, dark winged shape entered the alley, and Heather fluttered down to land on Chan’s outstretched right hand. “She knows where Prince Corin is! Jasper is hot on his trail even now, and he sent word back that a Scart has taken Corey off into the Kestrel Woods!”

Looking to Silk and Tristan, Rian said, “Come, let us go rescue Corey.”

Sparrow excitedly said, “Did your bird tell you where he is, Chan?”

“Yes,” Chan answered.

Rian said, “But I must insist you return to the Rose Chapel, Sparrow. It would be too risky to have two princes of the royal house outside the city. We will bring your brother back safely.”

Sparrow stood there, sulking petulantly. “And what of the Scart wizard, Ri? You will need me to deal with him.”

“No,” Rian said. “Absolutely not. You are to remain safe inside the chapel. Either that, or I’ll march you directly to your mother, the queen, and you will suffer the consequences. Your choice, Sparrow.” Sparrow offered him a sour look as Rian added, “Chan? See the prince back to the Rose, please.”

Chan took Sparrow by one wrist, and just before leading him away, he handed Rian a gold ring with a red ruby set within its socket. “Use it,” he told Rian, “to communicate with Jasper.”

Rian slipped it onto his ring finger of his left hand, staring at it curiously.