Chapter Twenty-five

Dax Storm, Captain of the Raven Company, rode his black charger between the two groups, his dark eyes fixed on Rian Blackthorn.

“Blackthorn,” the mercenary captain said, “the High Chieftain Kaladan would still very much like to meet with you. He insists that you come without further delay to his encampment.”

Prince Daggan growled, “This is rich! The young, Gypsy-born swordsman who perverts my brother now has allies? One who wants to whisk him away to Rissen, and the other who wishes to take him back to the Gypsy dogs where he was first bred?”

Dax Storm turned his charger around to face the massive prince. “There is a terrible war soon to descend on Brystyn, and you would be wise to ally yourselves with us. I know not what your business is here with young Master Blackthorn, but Kaladan would very much like him to sit at his council fire. As it is, Blackthorn may be the key in securing a great host of the Fairis Dayan to our cause.”

On top of the wall, Rian narrowed his eyes. “Me?” he asked, confusion on his face. “Why does Kaladan believe gaining support of the Elves of the Vale lies with me? I have no ties with them. I am sorry, Dax Storm, but this is folly. I would sadly disappoint the High Chieftain of the Horse Lords.”

“Not true,” Dax told him. “You have a connection to Prince Tannen Rose, son of the High King of Glen Bannon, am I correct?”

Rian stared blankly at him.

Beside him, Corey whispered, “Who is Tannen Rose?”

“An acquaintance,” Rian whispered back, “from my past.”

Dax Storm said, “Kaladan believes that your…friendship…with Prince Tannen will grant you an audience with King Trian Rose. Such a meeting may prove to be the very key to our victory in this war soon to come to the realm, Master Blackthorn.”

With a loud snort, Daggan said, “So is that your little game, Blackthorn? You diddle the sons of kings? You not only suck on the cocklet of Prince Corin of Brystyn, now I hear you suck the cock of this Prince Tannen of the Vale? Why, that would make you a royal cocksucker!”

Daggan locked gazes with Dax Storm. “There will be no council with Blackthorn attending, and he won’t have one more chance of sucking this Elf prince’s cock. He is under arrest for giving aid to my faggot brother. And he comes with me. So go back and tell this Gypsy-born chieftain—”

“Daggan?” Dax said. “You are a stupid, ignorant oaf, but even with the little scrambled brains you have, best consider your options before you ride much farther down this road.”

The mercenary captain raised one glove-covered hand. At once, nearly two hundred black-clad Ravens rode out of the line of trees in the distance. All of the lean, rangy riders were armed with hand-held crossbows, and as they formed up in even rows there on the greenway, all of their deadly bows were pointed at Daggan and his seventy-some guardsmen.

Prince Daggan snapped, “To hell with that!”

Daggan drew his sword, when the shrill sound of a flute drifted down from a tall green mound to the west of the Star Chapel.

There, seated on a dazzling white steed, Will of Winterwood played the flute he’d discovered in the Tower of Taras Gildorian. He sat there, erect in the saddle and naked, his white hair trailing over his tattooed shoulders.

He grinned as he played the Ballad of the Mad King Kaspian, an ancient song filled with extreme threads of chaos and confusion.

Dax made a swift gesture, and the Ravens sitting their mounts behind him turned in their saddles, raised their hand-held crossbows, and fired at the Wizard of Winterwood perched high on the hill in the distance.

Will stopped in the middle of one high note, lowered the flute with one hand, and peered intently at the shimmering field of force between him and the barrage of steel bolts speeding his way. The sharp steel darts struck the shield of warding with soft, airy poofs and fell harmlessly to the ground, littering the green hilltop with nearly four hundred shiny steel shafts that glittered in the morning sunlight.

“Fools!” Will snapped in irritation. “You cannot harm me!”

He lifted the flute once more, played the final notes of the ballad, and sealed the spell around those before the chapel with one final shrill, reedy note that echoed eerily across the green lawn between the chapel’s greenway and the high hill where he sat.

The high, discordant notes ensorcelled those who sat before the walls of the White Star. Sharlyn, Daggan, Dax, and the Raven Company fell motionless, bewitched by the powerful holding spell.

“And now,” Will said, his lust-filled gaze fixed on Prince Corin, peering down at him from the chapel wall, “for some fun! Tell me the word, sweet dove, or I’ll have you dance naked on the wall there, wanking your willy for all to see!”


As morning sunlight filtered in through a broken stained-glass window of the tower of Taras Gildorian, dust motes danced through the air, resembling tiny specks of glittering magic as they drifted over the sweaty, glistening, naked form of Prince Tannen Rose.

Silk had him laid out on a table so his head and chest rested on the flat surface, while Tristan stood between his spread legs, arms looped around his thighs, holding up the lower half of his body. Beneath the writhing Tannen, Silk worked his cock, pumping it furiously as he pointed it down toward the floor. Tristan forced Tannen up so that his ass cheeks parted, revealing his pink, puckered hole.

Tristan lowered his head and began to rim him. “Unh! Ohh! Unh! Ohh!” began to fill the air as Tannen went wild with the two-way play on his already oversensitive body.

The three had been playing with each other for over three hours, left ensorcelled by Will of Winterwood. They would remain his prisoners, continuing their sex play, until he returned for them.

“Almost there, sweet Prince?” Silk asked. “I hear your whimpers, a sure sign that you are close. Is this to your liking? Would you rather we take you on the bed?”

Tannen arched his back. “Yes!” he gasped. “The bed would be more comfortable! Get me up there on my hands and knees, and you two can fuck me at both ends!”

Tristan’s tongue darted into his moist hole, and Tannen gripped the sides of the table, moaning long wails of pleasure.

Silk stopped his pumping. “Come, Tristan,” he urged his lover, “let us take him on the bed. You enter his rear. I will fuck him in the mouth.”

Tristan, gone now with wild abandon, continued to tongue-fuck Tannen’s ass. Silk had to release Tannen’s cock and finally pull Tristan’s head out of his ass, gently lifting him with a cupped hand beneath his chin.

Silk and Tristan helped him off the table by taking hold of his arms. They walked him over to the bed.

Tannen flung himself forward, performing a somersault on the bed.

Silk climbed up onto the bed on his hands and knees. While Tristan climbed up behind him, using both hands to support the upside-down form of Tannen by latching onto his ankles, Silk licked down the entire length of his cock.

“Yes!” Tannen crooned. “Aw, that feels tremendous! Lick me wet! Lick my balls! Lick my dick!”

Tristan, still standing above them, placed his hand on the wall for support, when his eyes were drawn to the long, slender dagger attached to a lacquered plaque on the wall above the head of the bed. A strange blue glow radiated from the gems embedded in the long knife.

Tristan reached out and curled his fingers around the hilt of the fine-looking blade. At once, the glowing gem began to pulsate, sending a powerful light through the very skin of his hand. He pulled the dagger free of the plaque, and the spell of sexual lust was broken.

He stood there for several moments, stunned. “That wizard did this to us,” he said.

Silk and Tannen continued to suck, grappling with each other’s asses as they pulled on each other, greedily working their mouths to maintain a firm, moist lip lock on one another’s cocks.

Tristan simply lowered the glowing dagger, placing it on Silk’s arched back.

He at once gave out a long sigh, and the spell was broken.

Silk stopped sucking and removed Tannen’s well-worked-over cock from his mouth.

“What just happened?” he asked, looking up at Tristan.

“Watch,” Tristan said, kneeling there beside the two and placing the glowing dagger on Tannen’s heaving chest. Tannen let go of Silk’s cock and sat up, looking dazed and confused.

“The Scartan wizard left us here,” Tristan told them, “ensorcelled by a powerful spell of lust. Somehow, this magical dagger has countered his spell. We are free now, and we ride to rescue Prince Corin.”