Chapter Thirty

As the Scartan horde drew close to Brystyn, King Mandan relented, allowing the High Chieftain and his large company of Gypsies inside the safety of the city walls. He decreed, however, that their hundreds of painted wagons remain outside. The beloved homes of the Gypsies had been left lined up in even rows before the front wall of the city, and as the massive gates swung closed behind them, chaos and confusion reigned.

Captain Morgan Rivers found himself in the center of all the commotion. Despite the fact he had been commanded by the king to arrest Prince Corin the moment he returned to Brystyn, Morgan located his son in all the press of men, women, children, and horses flooding the central courtyard. “Robin,” he sternly told Silk, “whisk Corey away through this courtyard and vanish into the masses of the thousands of Gypsy-born seeking sanctuary inside the city. Take him at once to the haven of the Rose Chapel.”

Standing there at the center of the crowded courtyard, Morgan looked up at Rian slumped in his saddle, Corey’s arms wrapped around him from behind. “Best take Master Blackthorn with you, as well. Is he not well?”

“He has been poisoned,” Silk told his father, “by a Scartan dart.”

“I carry warrants for the arrest of you and Corey,” Morgan said. “Just hurry and be gone, Robin.”

Silk did so at once, realizing his father was risking his life by allowing them to escape arrest. Silk and Tristan escorted Corey and Rian to the Rose Chapel, not only to claim sanctuary, but also so Brother Mathias could to tend to Rian’s wound until a cure could be obtained. By the time Mathias got him settled into a bed, Rian was barely conscious.

“Come, Prince Corin,” Tristan said, “there is nothing more for us to do. Let us get cleaned up, and we will check back in on him once we have bathed in the spring-fed pools beneath the chapel.”

Rian barely moved as Corey planted a kiss on his sweaty brow and smoothed back his sweat-drenched black hair. Reluctantly then, Corey allowed Silk and Tristan to lead him downstairs to the steaming bathing pools.

As the three of them undressed there before the pools, Corey promised himself there would be no more dallying with Silk and pleasuring himself like he’d done in the past. Corey was determined not to cheat on his lover.

But the moment Silk and Tristan slipped naked into the steaming bathing pool before him, he practically ripped his own clothes off to join them. Memories of Will’s artful play with him caused a stirring in his loins. The remnants of the wizard’s spells were still in effect. A power beyond him pulled him forward, instigating sexual play whether he was willing or not.

As Silk leaned his head down to take Corey’s hard rod in between his lips, Corey turned and sprang forward toward a surprised Tristan.

“Get some lotion!” Corey commanded Silk. “There is a vial over there beside the bench. Get some pads, too, while you’re at it.”

Corey led Tristan by his bobbing erection out of the pool. His hand wrapped firmly around his cock, Corey drew him over the pile of cushions as Silk arranged them to accommodate the three of them.

Without releasing his dick, Corey took a generous amount of lotion from the vial. He smeared it all up and down the length of Tristan’s shaft. “Get yourself lotioned up, Silk,” he urged. “Make your cock all slick and shiny, make it slippery to slide inside me with ease. You sit on the bottom. I will take the middle. Tristan will impale himself on my shaft.”

Silk lathered himself with lotion and sat as Corey led Tristan over to the cushions. Silk reached up and grabbed onto Corey’s hips to help lower him so that his cock slid up inside him.

“Ahhhh,” Corey mewled as he sat down, his ass fully opened to Silk’s cock.

“Tristan!” hissed Corey. “Lotion up inside your ass, then lotion up my dick.”

Tristan readily complied. He then turned himself around and slowly, carefully sat down on Corey’s lotion-coated cock.

The three of them then began to gyrate their hips, first working Silk’s penis up into Corey. Corey humped himself up deeper inside Tristan.

Corey was more active, sandwiched between the other two. Tristan went wild, his hands grasping fitfully at Corey’s pumping hips.

Silk simply sat, allowing Corey to ride down and up. He could do nothing but keep his hands planted on Corey’s hips to keep him centered.

Tristan stood up, Corey coming loose from him. As Corey reached to grab him back, Silk withdrew from Corey’s ass. Silk climbed out from under Corey.

The two spread Corey’s legs wide and took turns fingering him. Corey moaned. The second he withdrew his fingers, Silk used his thumb to pluck and plunge inside Corey.

Corey brought his arms up and snagged both of their heads, grappling with their hair, their ears, any part he could run his hands over. Tristan pushed Corey’s legs back and over his head and inserted himself.

Silk moved around to Corey’s head and inserted his dick directly into Corey’s mouth.

Silk humped his face while Tristan humped his ass, working themselves into a frenzy.

“Ahhhhh!” Tristan cried as he spurted.

“Oohhhhhh!” gasped Silk as he, too, spewed his seed down Corey’s throat.

Corey gave out one loud sigh and closed his eyes.


Corey awoke to find himself being carried through the doors of the Rose Chapel by two burly guardsmen of his father’s Home Guard. He caught a glimpse of Silk being escorted down the steps of the chapel by two other large guardsmen.

Morgan Rivers stood at the center of the courtyard, a troubled look on his face.

Brother Mathias confronted him. “You have trespassed this night on sacred ground, Captain Rivers,” Mathias said. “The prince and his comrades claimed sanctuary here at the Rose. Do not think the other king you serve will not hear about this breach of protocol. The Outlaw King Talas Winter would not be pleased with your behavior, Morgan Rivers.”

Morgan gestured at the four guardsmen, directing their attention to the two horses tethered to a post outside the gateway of the chapel grounds. “This is not a breach of haven law,” he said to Mathias. “I have come here to send my son and the prince away from the city before Prince Daggan comes here to arrest them. Even the Rose will not prove to be a safe haven for them this night, Mathias. The king has already found them both guilty. He holds the trial only to satisfy Queen Lendra, but his mind is made up as to their punishment.”

Corey was planted on his feet by one of his guards. The big man handed him a parcel of clothing, saying, “Dress quickly, my lord. You must be away from here before Daggan arrives.”

While Corey dressed, Silk was embraced by his father. “Robin,” Morgan said, “once you are outside the city gates, ride with all haste to Delvaria. The Scart horde comes down from the north, so you two should seek sanctuary in the southern kingdom.”

Silk shook back his hair. “Thank you, Father,” he said. “You risk much by giving us fair warning.”

Two guardsmen untethered the horses and stood waiting for Prince Corin and Silk to mount up. “But what about Rian?” Corey said. “I cannot leave him in this condition. He may die—”

“You can do nothing for him.” Morgan cut him off. “You must save yourself. I will do all within my power to see a master healer is brought here to aid him in his recovery.”

A loud shout startled the two horses so they sprang forward, nearly pulling the guardsmen holding their reins off their feet. In the dark street beyond the chapel grounds, Daggan and a large band of guardsmen came charging through the gateway at a run.

Daggan snapped, “Nice work, Rivers! You saved me the trouble of breaching haven law! You are under arrest, Corey-boy! And your skinny little whore Silky is, too!” Daggan laughed cruelly. “You are to be tried before the King’s Court and sentenced before the sun rises in the morning. Prince Corin. You are to be exiled to the city of Les Callas, and I think you know what lies in store for you there. Silk? For your indiscretions with Prince Corin, you are to die by burning at the stake!”