Tannen vaulted through the window and into the room.
Corey gasped in alarm. “This room is four stories off the ground! How did you scale the walls to get in here?”
“Very carefully,” Tannen said, moving across the room. “I came to meet with my rival, the Boy Prince who has plans to steal from me the love of my life.”
“Rian told me that you were simply an old acquaintance,” Corey said, defensively, “certainly not a former lover.”
“If it is any comfort to you, my lord Prince,” Tannen said with just the hint of a smile on his thin lips, “we’ve only made love to each other twice since first meeting two years past in the Vale.”
Corey’s brow furrowed deeply.
“So,” Tannen said, “this is where they’ve locked you up at after the trial. This high, lofty tower room is four stories from the ground, offering you little chance of escape. I know not where Silk has been taken, but I do know that after valiantly trying to save both of you with his declaration of championing your cause, the poison sent Rian spiraling into unconsciousness. Unless an antidote is found soon, Rian Blackthorn will surely die.”
Corey said, “Is it true that Will of Winterwood offered to trade the antidote for the Jewel of Sorrow? If so, let him have it. There is no one in the entire kingdom of Brystyn who stands a chance against my brother Prince Daggan. Rian is the only one with skill enough to even offer my brother a good fight. And even then, that might not be enough.”
“Why,” Tannen said with a grin, “Prince Corin, you are indeed a comely lad. I can see why Rian might have been tempted to dally with you.”
Planting a kiss on his forehead, the Elven Prince said, “Now, I know this is hard for you to understand, my lord, but for Rian there can be only one of us.”
Corey opened his mouth to protest, but Tannen reached down and placed his fingers across Corey’s lips. “Shh!” he whispered. “Say no more about this matter. It has already been settled.”
Corey tried to think of a strong argument, but he could think of nothing that wouldn’t make him look like a foolish, jealous wretch vying for Rian’s love.
“Still,” Tannen said as he returned to the tower window, “we can’t have you being made to be a whore in Les Callas, can we? It would not be what Rian wants for you. Although Rian is in no condition to champion you and Silk, rest assured, there is one who will stand in Blackthorn’s place.”
With that, he slipped out through the window and vanished into the night.