Day 13 – Tidy Your Ride
Your car is your personal space too, so you have to keep it clean and tidy. You can keep your ride squeaky clean by following these tips:
  1. Clean your car once or twice a week or whenever it’s necessary. Use baby wipes to remove the dust. Wipe all the surfaces inside your car. Always keep a pack of baby wipes in your car in case you need it.
  2. Dust stuck in your car carpet can cause a variety of diseases. So take the time to vacuum your car carpet at least once a week or as needed. You can use a handheld high power suction device to do this.
  3. Keep an air freshener in your car to freshen it up. You can also make your own homemade carpet freshener by combining baking soda and five drops of lavender essential oil. Sprinkle the mixture on your carpet. Leave it on for thirty minutes and then, vaccum the mixture out.
  4. If you have kids, it’s a good idea to keep a car kit that contains diapers, medicines, water, snacks, and extra clothes.
  5. Keep a trash can in your car. Then, take out the trash at the end of each day.
You spend a lot of time in your car, so make sure to keep it fresh and squeaky clean.