Chapter 4 – The Power Of Focus
People may say that talent, resources or perhaps luck are the reasons why a person is successful compared to the others. Now let me tell you, that is a lie. Without the power of focus, no matter how talented, resourceful or lucky they are success might just be another illusion. Focus is just like an untapped superpower that every human have and once you have discovered it you will discover the true giant hidden within you. Focus is like a magnifying glass, magnifying everything in its path. Wherever focus goes energy flows. Focus equals feeling, emotions and direction as well. If you choose to magnify whatever you have lost, you are going to live in what you lost. Remember, if you are not going to take control of your focus today, the world around you will!
Day 14 – Recalibrate Your Focus
Focus only on:
  1. What can be controlled or actionable. This will motivate and push us to do our best in the things that we are in control of.
  1. What you have (gratitude and appreciation). When we give or contribute, we don’t just get something which one day will disappear, we become something. This is the true meaning of fulfillment in life, something that you don’t necessarily get, even if you achieve great success. There are plenty of people who are rich, famous and successful but are still depressed.
  1. The present and the future. Focusing on the present helps us enjoy the process in whatever we do. Just like baking cakes together, you enjoy the smell, the taste, the texture and the sound at the moment. Focusing on the future helps us in setting huge goals, have hope, and constantly trying to improve ourselves. After all, the future is what excites us the most. Focusing on the present and future are both equally important but should be well balanced as well.
Day 15 – Ignorance Is Bliss
  1. Things, information or interruptions that are irrelevant, unimportant, and negative.
  1. Things that are unactionable or outside of our own influence as they can only make you feel more overwhelmed and helpless. There is a lot of stuff we can’t control in this world.
  1. Thoughts on what is missing in your life despite the fact that it may be true. The difference is not what happens to you, but what you do when it happens. Instead of focusing on the fact that she is an African-American, she is poor, broke, and has no resources, Oprah focus on how much power she has within and how she can change the world so that nobody has to suffer like what she did before.
  1. Your past. The past is something that you can’t control. It will only waste your energy and cast you into the world of depression.
Day 16 – The Focus Minimalist
Avoid Gossip and Stop Complaining
Gossips are a complete waste of your precious time. So, avoid office gossip at all cost. Also, try your best not to complain. When you complain, you only torture other people with your negativity. It also causes stress, too. Plus, no one wants to be around someone who complains all the time. Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on the solution.
Stay Offline for One Day
Do not check your phone. Do not check your email or your social media accounts. Stay offline for one day and you’ll discover that you can actually live without social media.
The Internet is a modern drug that everyone seems to be addicted to. If you’re serious about changing your life, you must do a digital detox a month. As you continue to practice the minimalist lifestyle, it’s best to do the digital detox at least once every two weeks
Keep the TV Out of Your Bedroom
Watching TV is a great way to kill time. But, it’s also a waste of time and it’s filled with digital noise. Keeping the TV out of your room improves your sleep. It also allows you to do more important and beneficial activities like meditation. Also, studies show that couples who do not keep a TV in the room have sex more often than people who keep a TV in their bedroom.
Day 17 – The Therapy
The Star Therapy
Find a day to ponder on the stars, consider how the light that is hitting our eyes are thousands of years old. When you start to ponder on the enormity or how grand is the universe, the fact that you get frustrated and angry just because somebody ate your lunch or spill some coffee on your new shirt will be ridiculously nothing.
The Bonfire Therapy
A lot of us do not have a problem of getting rid of stuff, but most of us, would have a hard time letting go of guilt, resentment, and painful memories of lost youth.
Minimalism is not just about getting rid of the things that you do not need. It is also about getting rid of memories and thoughts that are keeping you from living a happy and peaceful life.
Sit in a quiet space with a pen and a thin notepad. Sit for a while and think about the thoughts and emotions that are holding you back. What are you worried about? What do you feel guilty about? What are your fears? What are your regrets? What are your negative thoughts about yourself? Do you think you’re stupid or ugly? Write those negative thoughts and emotions down.
Now, think about the people you’ve disappointed and all the terrible things you’ve done. Did you accidentally cause your cat’s death and you’re still guilty about it? Do you feel guilty about declining a social call? Do feel guilty whenever you say “no” to a request? Do you feel guilty about leaving your pet alone? Write all those things down.
Now create a bonfire. If you have a fireplace, you can sit in front of your fireplace. Hold the pages containing all your negative thoughts. Now, say this:
“I let go of all the thoughts and emotions that are holding me back from living a life that I truly deserve. I am now ready to move on to the new chapter of my life”.
Now, throw these pages into the fire and watch them burn into ashes. Now, hold the pages containing all the things that you are guilty about. Say this:
“I ask for forgiveness to all the people I hurt in the past. I forgive myself for all my mistakes, bad deeds, and bad decisions. I am no longer attached to my guilt. I give myself permission to move on. I give myself permission to be happy”.
Throw the pages to the fire and as you watch them burn, breathe and feel the peace in your heart.