


Two of my favorite sayings capture the way my community has poured into my life over these past two years in the creation of this book—Together is better and Teamwork makes the dream work. Both of those sayings sum up all of the thank-you’s that I’m about to share.

Jenni Burke, you took a chance on me, and for that I’m grateful. I’ll never forget sitting in the room with you putting all of my thoughts together and outlining this book on a white board. You have cheered me on with great joy throughout this whole journey! Let’s outline the next book in Italy!

Thank you to all of my new friends at B&H and LifeWay. You took this podcaster and helped her write a book! Jennifer, Heather, Mary, Rachel, and Devin, thank you for your patience with me asking eight million questions about every step of this process every single day. Lawrence, thank you for your guidance, your help, and your encouragement! You have all stewarded this story so well, and partnering with you to share the hope of Jesus Christ has been a joy!

Thank you to my church. I hate to tell all of you readers this, but I have the best church in the world. The Austin Stone Community Church has provided numerous opportunities for me to grow in my love for the Word, and to grow in teaching the Word. This journey of freedom that I write about began when I entered that high school gym in 2008 and allowed God to restore my weary and guarded heart.

Not only do I have the best church in the world, I have the best friends in the world. Amy Gayhart, as my longest friend, you have seen this whole story unfold, and loved me every step of the way. Amanda Brown, you make my work life fall into place and I’m so grateful. Your friendship toward me in my career is one of my most precious gifts in this lifetime. I will always say that you are the friend I never knew I needed! Tiffany, Laura, Maris, Kim, Annie, Noelle, Leslie, Suzanne, and Taylor, you all inspire me in your endless support of me. Lindsey and Ginger, thank you for steering these words in the right direction. Angela Suh, you read this whole book and helped me make sure Jesus was always the center of this story—thank you for that, my friend.

Sophie Hudson, your encouragement to me in Kenya has never left me. Nancy Mattingly, I’m convinced no one has ever prayed for me the way you have. You are just simply the best. Shelley Giglio, what an honor to have you write the foreword for this book. It was so fitting since God captured my heart all those years ago at the Passion Conference.

Thank you, podcast listeners, for showing up every single week and inviting your friends to join us! Thank you to every single lady who has joined me on the show. The conversations I have had over the past years have changed me for the better.

To my immediate family: You lived this story, and you never for one moment thought less of me or were embarrassed by me. Thank you for your faithfulness toward Jesus and toward me as your daughter and sister.

My sweet children, Cayden, Amos, Deacon, and Story: People have asked me if I’m worried about what you will think when you read this story. I’m not worried one single bit, because I’m confident that you, too, will see a God who will go to great lengths for His children. The story of God’s redemption on my life is nothing to be embarrassed about. I pray that God will capture your attention and hearts young and you will never let go. He’s worth it. I promise!

Aaron, you have cheered me on since the day we met. There’s not one person who loves me more, believes in me more, or desires bigger things for my life more than you do. You knew this book would happen before I ever believed that it would. Thanks for being my biggest fan!

I’m beyond thankful to the God of the universe who spoke all of this into existence. He has pursued me and loved me in ways I will never comprehend. He put a song in my heart, and I won’t stop singing it. Jesus truly is better.