Further Readings

BBC. 2010. Paradox (television series). Season 1.

Bell, J. 1964. On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox. Physics 1 (3): 195–200.

Chihara, Charles. 1979. The Semantic Paradoxes. Philosophical Review 88 (4): 590–618.

Hume, David. 1757. “Of the Standard of Taste.” http://academic.evergreen.edu/curricular/IBES/files/taste_hume.pdf.

Jeffrey, Richard. 2004. Subjective Probability. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Mayo, Deborah. 1996. Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

McNeill, Daniel, and Paul Freiberger. 1993. Fuzzy Logic. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Salmon, Wesley. 2001. Zeno’s Paradoxes. Indianapolis: Hackett.

Steinhart, Eric. 2009. More Precisely: The Math You Need to Do Philosophy. Toronto: Broadview Press.