I looked everywhere. Nada. Nothing. All I saw were other campers’ backpacks and a hamper filled with white towels.
There was only one explanation. Someone took my backpack with my super shoes! How could I be a superhero now?
I sat on the bench to think. Who could have done this? Only one person popped into my mind—Erika! She said she was going to make me pay. Did she know my backpack had my super zapatos, my goggles, and my wristband? Or did she just think she was stealing my clothes?
“Freddie!” Mrs. Barlow knocked on the door. “Swimming time is almost over. Did you find your goggles?”
When I went back out to the pool, I didn’t have my goggles, my super zapatos, or my courage. Mrs. Barlow said we should try again next time.
On the way home, my flip-flops hurt my ears. Every flip and every flop asked how I was going to get my super zapatos back. Where did Erika take them? Could I find out where she lived? Starwood Park had lots of buildings, and my only clue was purple bubble gum. I walked slowly, with my eyes on the ground, searching.
At first, all I found was Adriana. “Hey, Freddie!” she said. “What are you looking for?”
I wanted to tell her I was following a trail of bubble gum to find a thief, but then I realized I couldn’t accuse anyone, not even Erika, without evidence.
“My white backpack,” I said.
“Did you try the lost-and-found?” she asked. “Summer camp has a bin in the cafeteria.”
The bin in the cafeteria was for lost things, not stolen things. Could I trust Adriana if I told her more?
“I don’t think my backpack is lost. Somebody took it.”
“That’s what I thought about my wallet,” Adriana said. “Then I decided to check and be sure I didn’t just drop it. Accidents happen, Freddie.”
“Thanks for the advice,” I said, walking off. The trail could be getting cold. I didn’t have time to waste.
At the next corner, I found a blob of grape bubble gum. Then, I found two more outside 25D. Could it be Erika’s apartment?
I tiptoed into the bushes and peeked over the windowsill. Bingo! This had to be Erika’s bedroom. There was a green bike inside! What about my backpack? I raised my head higher to search the room. I didn’t find what I wanted.
“You little snoop!” Erika opened the window and hollered at me. “If you don’t get out of here, I’m calling the police!”
Superheroes are supposed to help the police, not be chased by them. I learned something: when I had to, I could still run fast, even without my zapatos.
The next day was the Fourth of July. We didn’t have summer camp. Instead, I went to a parade with Maria and Gio.
My feet made such a sad sound as we walked.
“Why aren’t you wearing your purple sneakers?” Gio asked.
It was the last question I wanted to answer but the only thing on my mind. Sometimes you have to talk over your problems with friends.
“I lost my backpack,” I said.
“The new one?” Maria asked.
I nodded my head.
“What does it look like?” Gio asked.
“It’s white,” I said. “All over.”
“Like a T-shirt?” Gio asked.
“Yes.” Maria giggled. “Or a towel at the summer camp pool.”
Everybody in the parade was happy to be celebrating America’s birthday. There were marching bands and lots of red, white, and blue. Sometimes it was hard to see because so many people were watching. I would have had more fun if I wasn’t wearing flip-flops. With Zapato Power, I could have bounced up high and seen over the crowd.
Where were my super shoes? Did Erika have them? When I thought about her, my stomach twisted up, just like it did when I tried to put my face into the water at swimming lessons.
At night, my mom took me to see the fireworks at the high school.
“The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday,” Mom said as we sat down in the football seats. “It was your dad’s, too.”
“Really?” I liked learning stuff about my dad. He was a soldier and a hero for our country. We will always miss him.
“Sí.” Mom kissed my forehead. “Your dad loved America’s birthday.”
A band played happy music. Then the dark sky filled with colors, bursting open like gigantic flowers. I looked over at my mom. Her smile was as bright as all the colors. We clapped and cheered together. For a little while, I forgot all my worries.
On the way home, Mom and I passed by the building with the summer camp pool, the last place I saw my white backpack with my super zapatos inside. Maybe it was all the noise from the fireworks, but something in my brain popped open with questions. What if Erika didn’t steal my white backpack? What if it was just lost, like Adriana said?
How could a white backpack get lost? I remembered something Maria had said on the way to the parade. Suddenly, I had an idea.