

abstraction 141, 229, 31214

abstract part 229; see also moment; part; piece

act 5455, 200, 246, 253; propositional act 253; types of 56

action 17476

adequacy 31921

adumbration 212, 275

analytic 14748

analytic phenomenology 39599

analytic philosophy 2, 23, 39095; see also continental philosophy

apodicticity 31920

apophantic 112

a priori 147

Aristotle 51, 62; his categories 8283, 131

axiology 61, 353


background: of consciousness 198200, 33133; of an object of consciousness 103; see also background sense

background sense 27380

Bayne, Tim 411

Beauvoir, Simone de 38889

Berkeley, George 266, 301

Bolzano, Bernard 4647, 9192, 193, 251, 302

bracketing 29, 190, 22932, 23536, 23740; see also epoché; reduction; phenomenological

Brentano, Franz 16, 193, 302, 412


California phenomenology 251, 293, 39596

Cantor, Georg 4, 16, 8485

Carnap, Rudolf 23, 86, 115, 379, 392

Castañeda, Hector-Neri 29596

categorical imperative 345, 34648, 36061

category 53, 172; system of categories 13141, 14951; substrate versus syntactic 14244; various types of 14549

certainty 319

Chalmers, David J. 403

Code, Alan 434

cogito 246

cognitive phenomenology 411, 418

completeness, logical 69

concept 96, 201, 244

consciousness 54, 19597, 246; properties of 120

Consciousness 53, 138, 158, 401

constitution: introduced 61, 73; and manifolds 104; of my body 219; of other “I”s 219; relates us to the world 28688; of space and spatial objects 21517; of time and temporal objects 2068; as tracing to foundations 379; of values 35658, 36566, 368, 379

constructivism 342, 373, 37677, 379

content 5455, 10708; of a noesis 247; as part of an act 292; phenomenology's proper object of study 193; prescribes an object 200, 248, 252; types of 263; as ideal meaning 415

continental philosophy 2, 38690; see also analytic philosophy

culture 62

Culture 53, 138, 158


Damasio, Antonio 404

demonstratives 11718, 31011

dependence 7071, 14546

dependence idealism 168

dependent part 65

Descartes, René 74, 301

Dilthey, Wilhelm 156

Dreyfus, Hubert 251, 396ff

Drummond, John 416, 433

Dummett, Michael 393


eidetic 24245

eidetic intuition 135; see also essential insight

eidetic variation 31417

eidos 52, 13536, 154, 242

Einstein, Albert 5, 118, 168

empathy: compared to Dilthey's Verstehen 156; its methodological importance to phenomenology 189; its role in constituting other “I”s 21921, 367; its role in experience of value 63; its role in semantics 110; as a type of intuition 31719

empiricism 59, 301, 305, 307; see also rationalism

epistemology 5761, 3048; Husserl's place in 3004

epoché 23132; see also bracketing; reduction; phenomenological

essence(s) 5253, 13536; distinct from meaning(s) 65, 24243; have syntactic form 144; knowledge of 32223; types of 15758

Essence 13738

essential insight or intuition 306, 309, 31217; see also eidetic intuition

ethics 6163, 33943; constructivist (or constitutionalist) ethics 37380; ethical systems compared 35761; foundation(s) of 34351; pure ethics 34955

evidence 64, 30910, 31922

existentialism 24, 389

experience: chief concern of phenomenology 198; Erfahrung 3034; Erlebnis 235; ontology of 262; pre-predicative experience 253; predicative experience 253; role in semantics 1056, 10910; types of 54, 56; unity of 19394, 196; universal experienceability 16667

expression 50, 106, 108


fact see individual

Fact 137

feeling ethics 35758

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 92

Fine, Kit 410

first-person (point of view) 54, 181; importance to phenomenology 186; its structure 240

Føllesdal, Dagfinn xiii, 395ff, 425ff; Fregean analogy for intentionality (initiated by Føllesdal) 24954

form 51, 9697, 142

formal essence 137

formal logic 47, 86, 11113

formal ontology 51, 9597, 134; governs material ontology 13839; the objects of 153; see also ontology

formal versus material 53, 9697, 101,13637, 147

formalization 14142

foundation 14546; of ethics or values 34348, 351, 357, 363, 375; of validity 349; see also dependence

Frege, Gottlob 17, 84, 249, 259, 428

Freud, Sigmund 20


Geist 53, 138

generalization 14142

geometry 138, 330; axiomatization of 85; Euclidean 164, 330; non-Euclidean 164; its relation to manifolds 99100

Gödel, Kurt 23, 115, 417

ground see also dependence; foundation

ground norm 34345, 362

Gurwitsch, Aron 292, 390


hard problem of consciousness 404ff

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 156

Heidegger, Martin 24, 36970, 38788

Hilbert, David 4, 18, 115

Hintikka, Jaakko 103, 252, 275, 396

historical genesis of meaning/noema 421ff

historicism 159

historicity 34

holism 384

horizon 167, 200, 27380

human being 17374, 220, 350, 36667

Hume, David 62

Husserl, Edmund: individual works discussed 8, 1718, 20, 2432, 42, 64, 85, 90, 11112, 118, 12930, 173, 209, 21112, 22223, 22627, 32728, 34950; life 5, 1125, 38687, 392; his Nachlass 11, 2526, 31

hyle 247

hyletic data 305, 335


I: ontological structure 16061, 174, 21718, 32122; its relation to an act 55; role in intentional structure 196, 198; semantics of “I” 220

idealism 53, 157; Berkeleyan 170; classical 163; noematic 16364

implicit sense 104, 200, 27374

independence 145; see also dependence

individual 5253, 136, 14445

Individual 96

Ingarden, Roman 19, 29091

inner awareness 41014; versus higher-order monitoring 4111; and time-consciousness 412; as pre-reflective awarness 413

inner consciousness 55

intention 183

intentional character 200

intentional object 29091

intentional relation 200, 248

intentionality: characterized 18384, 286; early model of 90; structure of 5254, 198201, 245

intersubjectivity 21721, 38385

intimation 108

introspection 24142

intuition 5761, 303, 3079; empathy as a type of 22021; originary versus reproductive 317; types of 114, 31722

intuitive fullness 303, 31011


James, William 1920, 413

judgment 59, 1089


Kant, Immanuel: categories 131; epistemology 5859, 3012, 3056; ethics 61, 346, 34950; on experience 74, 209; relation to constitution theory 288

Kaplan, David 117

kinesthetic experience 21416

Körper 173, 209; see also physical body

Korsgaard, Christine 37678

Koslicki, Kathrin 410

Kriegel, Uriah 405


language 4951, 10411, 1901

laws of essence 14546, 157

Lebenswelt 327, 36768; see also lifeworld

Leib 173, 209, 214; see also living body

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von 91

Levinas, Emmanuel 388

life-world 119, 17376, 22223, 32734, 369

lived or living body 17375, 209, 214, 219

logic 4549, 8287, 12125, 394; critique of psychologism 8790; distinguished from metalogic 69; of experience 10411; logical semantics 9498; and ontology 98104; as a study of propositional meanings 57; see also formal logic; pure logic; transcendental logic

logical empiricism see logical positivism

logical form 8384, 140

logical positivism 23; see also positivism

Lotze, Hermann 17


McIntyre, Ronald xiii, 396ff

manifold 98104, 278; relation to a set 85

Marbach, Eduard 416, 433

mathematization 4, 11821, 165, 22223, 32728; of nature 422

mathesis universalis 91, 138

meaning(s) 14849, 181, 193; have parts 141; method for attending to 23233; ontological status 47, 64; propositions as a type of 57; are representational 49, 93; role in semantics 50, 106, 10910, 200, 24849; studied by (pure) logic 94, 104; as ideal 41420; in the Crisis 421ff; with historical genesis 421ff

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 389

Meinong, Alexius 193, 29596

metaethics 34142, 349, 355

metalanguage 68, 115, 261, 349

metalogic 6768, 98, 34849

metaphilosophy 6768, 121

metatheory 6, 6771, 12123

methodology 44, 183, 22930; see also bracketing; noematic quotation; reduction; phenomenological

Miller, Izchak 396

mind 55, 1201, 15557

model theory 116

Mohanty, J. N. 397

moment 5253, 65, 14547; its role in instantiation of universals 15253; moment theory in ontology of consciousness 40310

Montague, Michele 411

motivation 81

motivated possibility 27475


naturalism 159

nature 137, 21617

Nature 53, 1378, 157

necessity 14748

neurophenomenology 407

neuroscience and phenomenology 404ff

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm 36970

noema 24554; alternative models of 29097; as content of an act 55; ontology of 26267; relationship to intentional object 25462; its role in constitution 163; structure of 26773; ontology of 41821, 42533; as phenomenal 425; as ideal 425; as “included” in noesis 427; as content 429; as required by intentional essence 430; as “entertained” by experience 42932; as dependent on historical genesis 433; see also noesis

noematic quotation 230, 23438, 26162, 29495

noematic sense 148, 163, 24446; see also noema

noesis 24749, 254, 26269; see also noema

norm 341, 34445

normativity 8889, 350


object 13334; distinct from sense 50; ideal objects 15154; of an intention 5455, 200

object as intended 148, 25458, 292

objectivity: of ethics 364; of a theory 59; of values 6162, 353, 357; relation to intersubjectivity (and subjectivity) 218, 38385

ontology 5154, 101; of essences 13541; in Husserl's system 12930; of ideal objects 15154; of meanings 14849; of mind or consciousness 15761; of parts and wholes 14547; in phenomenology 28086; systematized 13133, 14951; of values 37374; see also transcendental idealism

other I 21721; role in experience of value 64


part 53, 1401, 14546; see also abstractpart; piece

Peirce, Charles Sanders 19

perception 211, 21417, 31921

person 217, 22021

perspectivism 16566

phenomena 292, 305

phenomenal consciousness 40110

phenomenalism 292

phenomenological analysis 241, 24445

phenomenology 5457, 19597, 22629, 24244; characterized 18084; as a discipline 192195; its place in Husserl's system 7175; the practice of 11791

philosophy as a science 41

philosophy of language 4951; relation to propositions 57

philosophy of logic 51

philosophy of mathematics 34, 90

philosophy of mind 120, 15561, philosophy of science 9293

physical body 17374; see also Körper

piece 145; see also moment, part

Pitt, David 418

Platonism 17, 52, 135, 151, 267, 417; see also ontology

pluralities 97

political theory 63

positivism 307; see also logical positivism

possible world 103, 11617, 275

practique 6162, 353

precise whole 6

primal or primary impression 203

privacy 110

proposition 4748; defined 93; semantic role 107, 253

protention 2035

psyche 220

psychologism 26, 8791, 353, 354

pure consciousness 7677, 231

pure I (ego) 32122

pure logic 35, 46, 49, 9094; as an analysis of meaning 269; as a metatheory 67, 86, 105; its relation to manifolds 9899

pure phenomenology 5657, 28081; its restriction to the region Consciousness 160


qualia 181, 415


rationalism 58, 301, 3045; see also empiricism

Rawls, John 379

realism 21, 53, 16162

reduction, ontological 159, 228, 232

reduction, phenomenological 28, 232, 235; as reinscribing the world 416; see also bracketing, epoché

region(s) 53, 13739; listed 15758

Reinach, Adolf 19

relativity theory 1012

retention 2035

Roy, Jean-Michel 417, 433

Russell, Bertrand 393

Ryle, Gilbert 393


Sartre, Jean-Paul 18889, 37378, 38890

Scanlon,T. M. 379

Schlick, Moritz 392

Searle, John 253, 403

Sellars,Wilfrid 393

semantic ascent see noematic quotation

semantics 48, 8486, 9498, 105; of consciousness 288; history of 11318

sensation 158, 24647, 26364, 305

sense 14849; compared to linguistic meaning 2001; distinct from object 50, 255; its role in semantics 24954, 25662, 293; “seen” through quotation 23536; see also content; meaning; noema

sense data or sensory data 158, 263, 3056

set theory 83, 97, 101

skepticism 33234, 353

social theory 62

solipsism 2930

space 20817

species 5153, 31314; distinct from meaning 6465

state(s) of affairs 9697, 105, 141

State of Affairs 96

Stein, Edith 19, 387

stream of consciousness or stream of experience 2028, 246

subject 197, 200; in transcendental reflection 240

subjectivity 38385

substrate 14344; see also individual

surrounding world see Umwelt

syntax 48, 115, 142

syntactical objectivity 144

synthesis 28687

synthetic 147

system see systematicity

systematicity 57, 3436, 4044, 6475


Tarski, Alfred 48, 68, 87, 115, 26162, 34849, 417

theory 41, 60, 99; defined 93

theory of knowledge see epistemology

theory of science 9093

thetic character 26769

thing: constitution of 20709; experienceable by others 21720; its relation to its adumbrations 21113; its relation to my body 21317

three-facet ontology 420; applied to noema 420ff

Tieszen, Richard 417

time-consciousness 2028; inner timeconsciousness 2067; outer or objective time-consciousness 2067

transcendence 21213, 273

transcendental 2122, 76

transcendental idealism 20, 28, 7677, 22829; and constitution 288; possible interpretations of 16173

transcendental logic 29, 11113, 116

transcendental phenomenology 12, 22; alternative view of 7778; its object of study 5657, 113, 161

transcendental philosophy 7578, 161

transcendental reflection 76, 261

transcendental relativity 16873

truth 26162, 34849

truth definition 34849

Twardowski, Kasimir 193


Umwelt 173, 231, 32734, 36668

utilitarianism 35758, 360


value(s) 6163, 33943; crisis of 36973; constitution of 35661, 37380; foundation(s) of 34351, 36265; objectivity of 34955

Value 15051, 351, 353

Varela, Francisco 404, 407


ways of givenness 268, 276

Weyl, Hermann 101, 165

will 356, 359, 37576, 377; phenomenology of 63, 342, 354, 36465

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 96, 140, 15657, 39395

world 173; see also object; ontology; state(s) of affairs


Yoshimi, Jeffrey 404


X or the determinable X 27073
