Most of us feel that our lives keep speeding up. That’s actually been going on for a while. It’s just going faster now than ever before—more to do in less time, more things pulling us in different directions. It’s easy to feel relentlessly bombarded with “high-speed” communications and an overload of information. New technologies designed to make things happen more quickly seem to be quickening us on the inside too. It’s often hard to keep up. One word describes what many of us frequently feel—Overwhelmed.
However, another momentum is also taking place. Many people from different backgrounds, cultures and professions are sensing an impetus for positive change within themselves and in the world. There is an inner stirring, a prompting from our intuition to awaken to new possibilities and a desire to grow. When I speak to audiences all over the world, I observe people responding to these inner promptings and making changes in the most elegant and beautiful ways. They are taking action on their insights, shifting beliefs and values, overcoming old patterns, accepting and embracing change and making an effort to facilitate the larger whole.
The increasing complexity we experience in modern life is an outward reflection of the speed of change. Life, including each of us, is always evolving. It is just happening at a very fast pace now, during an important and unique time in history. Old systems are dying and new ones are trying to emerge. Numerous societies and governments are in a state of rapid, often chaotic transformation. Faster change and growth seem to be the evolutionary imperatives of our time.
One of the most important aspects of the changes taking place is the emergence of a more heart-based awareness or “heart intelligence.” Learning to access the heart’s intelligence is a key to managing the speed of personal and planetary change while creating a new life experience of increased fulfillment. Throughout this book we will explore heart intelligence, what it is, the scientific research on it, how we can develop it and what can happen as more and more people awaken to this powerful resource that lives within us all.
In the workshops I give, people often share their challenges trying to manage so much change taking place in such a short amount of time. They also share a deep sense of opportunity to help usher in a new and very different world, and the realization that we have to do it together. I am often asked questions such as: How can we advance individual and collective growth and improve the state of the world? How do we handle so much change and maintain balance? How can we use this momentum of change to find new fulfillment in life? How can we find solutions to problems that seem to have no viable solutions? What can I/we do? In the forty plus years I’ve spent focusing on my own personal development, I found that my answers to questions such as these have come from a deep place in my heart, not from mental speculations.
I have been fortunate. When I was a young man I had a realization that life was about continuous growth and I felt my life had to be about service to others in some way. While it was exciting to have these insights, it was also a bit disconcerting. I was overly ambitious, full of myself and prone to the pitfalls most of us experience as we mature. I pondered how I could stay committed to my growth, make changes I knew I needed to make and not become complacent. I wondered how I could overcome the resistances, vanities and self-centeredness I had, as well as the growth challenges life can present while trying to find practical, meaningful ways to serve others.
Through pursuing the path with friends and the promptings of life, I began to see that my way forward was through the conscious development of qualities born from what I understood as “heart,” such as care and compassion, and replacing judgmental reactiveness with more kindness. My heart’s promptings cultivated a genuine desire to become a self-empowered person and to find ways to live that were more balanced, loving and fulfilling. Following those heart promptings eventually led me to work with Doc Childre and others to help unfold the HeartMath system that Doc was creating.
The development and growth of HeartMath has far exceeded any vision I could possibly have had when we started. That realization alone is something for me to always appreciate. It is verification that life can exceed expectations when I listen to and follow my heart. The practice of unfolding my heart intelligence is what has given me the sustained motivation to stay true to my commitments and put me in a position where I can help others learn how to do this as well.
Simply put, HeartMath is a system for awakening and developing our heart’s intelligence. It includes heart-based tools designed to help people empower, to connect with their heart’s intuitive guidance and unlock the potential of who they really are. We share the HeartMath system through books, technologies and training programs that have been delivered to thousands of individuals interested in personal growth or improving their health and performance. HeartMath has worked with Fortune 500 companies, health care systems and social service sectors, such as educational institutions, the military and law enforcement. Through this process, millions of lives have been touched. We have learned a lot about people, and especially ourselves, some of which we will share in these writings.
As you will find in the coming chapters, science has always played a big role in HeartMath. Long before the HeartMath organizations were officially formed, Doc realized that if we were going to offer a system called “ heart intelligence,” we needed a bridge to take the philosophical and spiritual understanding of heart into practical day-to-day applications. He chose science as one of the building blocks of that bridge.
When something is better understood through scientific research, it increases the power of belief and application. Many people want to believe in and trust their hearts more, but often don’t know the difference between what their heart is saying and their mental or emotional biases. If scientific research could reveal new understandings about the heart, emotions and mind, it would make it easier for people to accept and apply what they already intuitively know and feel.
In the early 1990s the HeartMath Research center was established, and since that time it has greatly expanded people’s understanding of the heart’s role beyond being an organ that pumps our blood. In forthcoming chapters you will see that the heart is also an information processing center that sends important information throughout the body and can have profound influences on our brain. In the lab, our researchers started by looking at the physiological connection between emotional state, the heart and the brain. They found that a measurement called Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was reflective of people’s emotional states and that HRV or heart rhythm analysis offers a unique window into the communication between the heart, brain and emotions.[1] Over the years, the HeartMath research lab became one of the leading authorities in this field.
Researching HRV helped us refine techniques to improve heart/brain communication and to self-generate a highly beneficial physical and emotional state called physiological coherence, or “heart coherence” for short. We found that positive feelings of love, care, appreciation and other uplifting emotional qualities long-associated with “heart” activated this state of coherence. This important discovery on the link between emotion and the heart’s rhythms was published in the American Journal of Cardiology in 1995 and then in other peer-reviewed scientific journals.[2] Further studies on how people can learn to activate heart coherence led to the development of our HRV technology products (originally Freeze-Framer®, then emWave® and Inner Balance™ Trainer), which by now have been used by people in over 100 countries as a way of training themselves to improve their emotional self-regulation and self-empowerment skills .
Social science has also played a role in our research. We created pre- and post- assessments to determine the effectiveness of our programs in organizations, health care and education. As people practiced HeartMath methods, there were significant results in lowered stress levels, improved health, reduced health care costs, improved test scores, and heightened ability to sustain positive emotional states, along with other performance measures. Increased heart coherence also resulted in a deeper connectedness between people. Researchers recorded a number of instances in which a loving mother’s brain waves synchronized to her baby’s heartbeats and where happy couples’ heart rhythms synchronized with each other when sleeping together.[3] They also found that increased physiological heart coherence in individual team members resulted in enhanced synchronization and performance—a type of team coherence.
Anyone who has watched a championship sports team or experienced an exceptional concert knows that something special can happen in a group that transcends their normal performance. It seems as though the players are in sync and communicating on some unseen energetic level. Many teams, including Olympic and professional sports teams, understand the importance of team coherence. While they may refer to coherence as “team spirit” or “bonding,” they instinctively know there is a palpable “team energy” that impacts their performance. Such elite teams pay close attention to their group’s cohesion, and the team leaders actively take steps to resolve any interpersonal conflicts or distortions that may hinder or erode it. They know that internal group discord or conflict has a negative impact on the team. They also know it takes connecting with the power of the heart to create team coherence.
Curt Cronin, CDR (SEAL) former Commander Navy Seal Team Six and his partner Dr. Jay Ferraro, PhD, are HeartMath Certified Trainers who work with NFL players and teams using HeartMath techniques with emWave HRV technology to help them connect with the power of the heart and monitor their heart rhythms to develop team coherence. Here is great story that illustrates what can happen when a higher level of team coherence occurs. It was taken from the book, Second Wind: The Memoirs of an Opinionated Man written by basketball legend Bill Russell .
“Every so often a Celtics game would heat up so that it became more than a physical or even mental game, and would be magical. That feeling is difficult to describe, and I certainly never talked about it when I was playing. When it happened, I could feel my play rise to a new level. It came rarely, and would last anywhere from five minutes to a whole quarter, or more. Three or four plays were not enough to get it going. It would surround not only me and the other Celtics, but also the players on the other team, and even the referees.
“At that special level, all sorts of odd things happened: The game would be in the white heat of competition, and yet somehow I wouldn’t feel competitive, which is a miracle in itself. I’d be putting out the maximum effort, straining, coughing up parts of my lungs as we ran, and yet I never felt the pain. The game would move so quickly that every fake, cut, and pass would be surprising, and yet nothing could surprise me. It was almost as if we were playing in slow motion. During those spells, I could almost sense how the next play would develop and where the next shot would be taken. Even before the other team brought the ball inbounds, I could feel it so keenly that I’d want to shout to my teammates, ‘it’s coming there!’—except that I knew everything would change if I did. My premonitions would be consistently correct, and I always felt then that I not only knew all the Celtics by heart, but also all the opposing players, and that they all knew me. There have been many times in my career when I felt moved or joyful, but these were the moments when I had chills pulsing up and down my spine.
“... On the five or ten occasions when the game ended at that special level, I literally did not care who had won. If we lost, I’d still be as free and high as a sky hawk.”
Most all of us have had the experience of walking into a room and feeling immediately uplifted by the positive vibration of the people there, and at another time walking into a room and sensing that people’s feelings were at odds with each other although everyone appeared fine. What we were experiencing was some type of heart-to-heart bio-communication or energetic transfer. To research this, the HeartMath team wanted to see if they could detect heart-to-heart bio-communication between a person and their pet.[4] They looked at the heart rhythms of a twelve-year-old boy, Josh, and his dog, Mabel, using two portable HRV recorders, one fitted on Josh and the other on Mabel. They synchronized the recorders and placed Mabel in one of our labs. Josh then entered the room and sat down a few feet away from Mabel and proceeded to consciously radiate feelings of love towards the dog. In the graph below, note the synchronous shift to increased coherence in the heart rhythms of both Josh and Mabel as Josh consciously radiated love to his dog. An energetic transfer was taking place through their emotional connection. The graph was like a signature that reflected the love and bonding that was taking place.
The research lab did a similar experiment with a woman named Ellen and her horse, Tonopah, and saw the same synchronous shift to increased coherence in Ellen and her horse. This occurred while Ellen was practicing HeartMath's Heart Lock-In® Technique and sending love to Tonopah (see graph next page) from just inside the corral. Again both Ellen and her beloved horse were linked in some unseen way.[4]
When I show these slides in my presentations, people in the audience sometimes start to tear up a little. It touches something deep inside the heart. I know it did with me the first time I saw the graphs. From this research, we can see that as people practice heart coherence, it generates an energetic field that makes it easier for others to connect with their heart and create social coherence.
Today much of our research is focused on the science of interconnectivity. Our vision is to help create a more heart-connected world and to explore the potential of global coherence. It’s well-documented that humans and animals are affected by changes in the earth’s magnetic (energetic) fields. The research team is testing the hypothesis that humanity is actually interacting with the earth’s magnetic fields. Thus far, our research studies have found that the heart rate variability (HRV) or heart rhythms of individuals in different locations across the planet actually synchronized with each other over a 30-day period, indicating humanity is synchronized to rhythms in the earth’s fields. (We will talk more about exciting social and global coherence research later in this book. )
Emerging Heart Awareness
There is much more to the emergence of new heart awareness than what HeartMath science or anyone’s science has contributed so far. It’s in the air. More speakers, articles, books and programs are referring to the heart. More company mission statements make a point to mention the importance of the heart in leadership and customer care. Whether people mention speaking from the heart, listening to the heart, connecting with the heart or following the heart, it is a clear sign that there is an increased energetic awareness of the importance of the heart in life’s decisions.
I have been seeing more references to the heart and qualities associated with the heart in areas I wouldn’t have imagined. For example, in advertising and business. Whether or not it is a motivation to sell more products, advertisers are more overtly using words and images related to heart with messages about love, care and compassion. “Purpose Driven Marketing” and “Conscious Capitalism” are examples of heart-based movements that are changing how business is done.
A new understanding of “heart” that moves past just the philosophical, often soft characterization is advancing into a realization of the heart as a dynamic, connecting, creative intelligence. Connecting the physical, emotional, intuitive and spiritual aspects of heart in a coherent alignment can lead to a new way of perceiving, thinking, acting and relating—which we call heart-based living.
The purpose of this book is to provide an understanding of heart intelligence and how to apply it in practical ways to raise our vibration which enables us to manage our energy, unfold our higher potentials and create a fulfilling life. We will be sharing key practices and concepts, some of which may be new to you and others you may have explored along your own personal path. We will expand on the benefits of learning to access our heart’s discernment and guidance to create forward movement through these transformational times with much more clarity, ease and grace.
Of course paradigms don’t change overnight, but as the planetary heart energetics increase and we gain more understanding of heart intelligence, we will collectively refine and advance the process. As I travel in the U.S., Europe and Asia, I see people from many different occupations increasingly demonstrating the qualities of heart-based living. It’s hard to quantify, but amidst the conflicts and struggles taking place I perceive new awareness and hope manifesting. It shows up in casual, uncalculated moments. There is often a different quality in how people communicate with one another, demonstrated by a spirit of openness, general respect and collaboration. I observe a new alignment with core values that people are using to guide their decisions and actions. It is especially evident in the ways that people react or don’t react to challenges. The normal, predictable, emotional patterns just don’t seem to be as dominant at times.
The next few paragraphs are some of Doc’s thoughts on the planetary shift we are experiencing that helped explain to me what I was seeing.
“Even as the world is becoming more heart-connected, it is also obvious that the global stress bar is being raised. Waves of emotional turbulence modulate throughout the planet, resulting from our collective emotional responses to terrorism, wars, climate change swings of droughts, floods, tornados and other Earth changes, world stage instability, and on. These stress waves get powerfully stirred and amplified by the media, which sustains a collective uneasiness that can dampen how we think, feel and respond to life’s interactions—especially on the emotional level.
“On the upside, the media and internet provide us with a world view that is drawing out more love, care and compassion for humanity’s challenges than we’ve ever experienced at one time on the planet. This influence is showing up in the thousands of social causes that continue to form through the internet connectivity available today. More people are caring and taking action in areas of global challenge like social and financial inequities, healthcare and political reform, ecology and much more. The people’s voice, the voice of their hearts, is rising and increasingly being heard. People in every part of the world regardless of culture, age, spiritual/religious beliefs and so on are experiencing an up-grade in heart-based awareness.
“As more people access their heart’s intelligence, it creates an energetic connection that makes it easier for others to do the same. We contribute to this energetic momentum of heart-based awareness as we take responsibility to release judgments and separation. This helps to clear the energetic density between our spirit and humanness that restricts the manifestation of our higher potentials. It requires self-empowerment and there is more facilitation and capacity to do that now than ever. As time unfolds, the general tone of collective consciousness will progressively change from survive to thrive as humanity becomes kinder, more compassionate and cooperative through this transformational adventure.”
It’s an adventure in discovering the power of the heart .
1.McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D., & Bradley, R. T, The coherent heart: Heart-brain interactions, psychophysiological coherence, and the emergence of system-wide order. Integral Review, 2009. 5(2): p. 10-115.
2.McCraty, R., et al., The effects of emotions on short-term power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability. Am J Cardiol, 1995. 76(14): p. 1089-93.
3.McCraty, R., The energetic heart: Bioelectromagnetic communication within and between people, in Bioelectromagnetic Medicine, P.J. Rosch and M.S. Markov, Editors. 2004, Marcel Dekker: New York. p. 541-562.
4.McCraty, R., The Energetic Heart: Biomagnetic Communication Within and Between People, in Bioelectromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine, Second Edition, P.J. Rosch, Editor 2015.