For my husband, who is patient with my endless scribbling.
For my son, who makes me laugh every single day and gives me all kinds of fun ideas.
For the people in and around my life who inspire me, let me be weird and make me feel brave.
And for Brigham Vaughn, who endures my questions and rants, indulges my humor, and is nearly always willing to put pen to paper when our stars align. Frustrating as the co-writing can sometimes be for both of us, it’s a blast.
—K. Evan Coles
This book is for my friends who were patient when I was too busy writing or editing to spend time with them. For the people who cheered me on and had faith in my writing long before I did. For my parents, who are the best patrons of the arts a writer could ask for.
And, mostly, for K. Evan Coles, who got me into reading and writing gay romance in the first place. I wouldn’t be here without you! It’s been a wonderful—and occasionally frustrating—journey. There’s no one I would rather have done it with.
—Brigham Vaughn
K. and Brigham would also like to thank their patient beta readers: Shell Taylor, Rebecca Spence, Allison Hickman, Jayme Yesenofski and Sally Hopkinson. You’ve helped us mold six books over the years. Truly, we could not have done it without you. Also, our thanks to Lisa Bailey and Melissa Johnson for helping us choose the name of one of the cutest dogs we’ve dreamed up.
And the speakeasy crew who just won’t stop talking—Jesse, Kyle, Will, Malcolm, Carter and Riley. Those boys have got a whole lot more company these days.