What Is VBA?
VBA is short for Visual Basic for Applications. It’s a type of programming language which was developed by Microsoft. Almost everything that is part of Microsoft Office is in one way or another based on the possibilities of VBA. This is one of many programming languages that exist in the world, but it is really not nearly as difficult to learn as some of the other programming languages out there.
If you have no previous experience working with a programming language, the first thing that you should keep in mind is that a programming language is based on the same principles as any other language on our planet. In order for the programming language to make sense, certain things must be included in each command, and they have to be in the correct order. The same way that you need to align words in your own language in a particular order if they are to create a thought that makes sense.
However, you will not use programming languages to talk to another person, you will use them to talk to software. More precisely, you will be sending the software specific instructions which the software will then complete for you. But only if you have created the right commands. If there are any errors in the programming that you wish to send to a software, it will not complete the task the way you want it to.
In this instance, we will be using VBA to talk to Excel and to make sure that we can create an environment in Excel that works best for us and helps us to be as efficient as humanly possible. You will start your journey in learning VBA by understanding its structure. When you can understand the structure, you can then easily use each element to create your own journey through Excel through VBA.