

So you’ve probably figured out by now that I couldn’t get Katie Kim out of my head. Otherwise, why would I be writing to my mom about her?

And yes, I know how crazy that sounds. Basically, I had a better chance of being struck by lightning and winning the Megabucks while a unicorn did my homework for me than I had with Katie Kim. Or with Jeanne Galletta, for that matter.

Not to mention, falling in love with a teacher is a little like falling in love with the enemy, right? But if you know me (and I think you probably do by now), then you know that being REALISTIC isn’t exactly my best quality.

In other words, why have one stupid, impossible, ridiculous crush when you can have two?

I couldn’t help it. Every time I was anywhere near Katie, it was like she hijacked my brain. I’d be sitting there in math class or floating around on the lake, and I’d just start thinking… and thinking… and thinking….