
I fell in love with Whiskey and it’s all thanks to this series and the people who work with me on it. Every time I dive into Whiskey, Pennsylvania, I’m not alone and there are a lot of people to thank.

Thank you Chelle for not only being my rock, my touch stone, but for being a fantastic editor. And for holding my hand when I went a little too Criminal Minds all the while wanting me to go even darker.

Thank you Charity and Jenn for your work on this cover. This series makes me so happy!

Thank you Tara for listening to me when I send twenty emails in a day and yet answer each and every one of them.

Thank you Mom and Dad for being fantastic and holding me when I needed it. And thank you Mom for walking into your living room asking how many words I had down even though I was there to visit you and yet I was still on deadline.

Thank you Andi, Marni, Anne, and Maxine for your help and work on this book. I’m thrilled with what we’ve come up with and I love it!

Thank you dear readers for loving Whiskey and my books. Without you, I couldn’t do this. While this is the final Whiskey book, it’s not the final book in this world. So thank you for following me and reading.

And while I’m here, thank you Dan. I miss you and our kitten miss you too. Love you.