Chapter 14

“Ainsley, baby, wake up.” Loch’s voice shook as he spoke, his hands cupping Ainsley’s face as he tried to wake her up.

He’d come to the graveyard after hearing her message once he left the station, knowing exactly where she’d be on this day at this time. He should have thought of it before he left her alone so he could have come with her, but he’d had other things on his mind.

Now, he just hoped to hell his lack of foresight hadn’t cost her everything.

“Loch?” Her eyelashes fluttered as she opened her eyes, even as she spoke. “Did someone hit me?”

He cursed under his breath, thankful that there wasn’t any blood beneath her on the snow. He’d never forgive himself if she bled because of him. He wasn’t going to forgive himself as it was.

“Looks like it. I called the cops already, and since I was just there, they’re on their way. Jesus, Ainsley. Are you okay? What happened?”

She waved him off, trying to sit up. “Let me sit up,” she begged when he held her down on his lap.

“I need to hold you for a bit, and in case you have a concussion. Let’s just keep you steady.”

“I’m fine. Just a little sore from whoever came up from behind and hit me.” She paused, her eyes going unfocused for a moment. He hoped she was just remembering something and not truly hurt, because he wasn’t sure his heart could take that. “I was all alone for the whole time. The only footprints in the snow were my mom’s since she called and said she had already come by.”

He nodded, frowning since he knew Ainsley was never okay on this date, and really not okay after talking to her mom. Add to that the fact that she was just attacked, and it was all he could do not to bundle her up and take her home, keeping her locked away from anyone who could hurt her.

“There was a sound like someone stepping on a twig, and as I turned, I saw a blur of movement, and then my head hurt.” She touched her head and paused. “And then…you were here. How did you find me?”

“You called and left a message. Plus, if I would have looked at the date earlier, I would have known where you were.”

I know you.

He didn’t say it, but he thought it, and from the look in her eyes, she understood.

He cupped her face, lowering his head to brush his lips against hers. He’d picked her up slightly so she was lying on him and not the melting snow, but he wanted to get her someplace warm soon. Thankfully, he could hear a siren in the distance so he knew the authorities would be there soon—hopefully with the ambulance he’d requested. Considering they had seen him yesterday at his house and just a bit ago at the station, he was getting a little too familiar with the local authorities.

“I’m so damn sorry,” he whispered, his head bent low as the others came closer.

“It wasn’t your fault.”

He didn’t agree, but he didn’t have time to say anything else. By the time they were questioned, again, and Ainsley was set to rights with only a bump on the head and thankfully not a concussion, Loch was past being on edge and wanting to be home and out of the bitter wind.

The two detectives who seemed to be everywhere Loch was these days didn’t act as if they thought it was Loch, and for that, he was grateful. After Loch had given them all the information he had about his past and possible motives, and after the incident at his house, he had a feeling they were finally on the same page.

He just didn’t know if it was going to help since Riker always seemed three steps ahead of him.

It had to be Riker. Chris wasn’t saying anything, at least from what Loch had gleaned from the police, but Loch knew that Riker was behind it all.

And the man was watching.

Because either Riker had another partner, one who wanted the company in Riker’s hands for God only knew what reason, or Riker had attacked Ainsley himself. There was no way it wasn’t connected. It was all a message.

And that meant Loch needed to keep his family safe. Close. And protected.

They were on the way to his place, having left Ainsley’s car in the lot. Fox and Dare had said they’d take care of it for him soon, and it was all Loch could do to not break the damn steering wheel off in his rage.

“You’re moving in with me,” he said out of the blue through gritted teeth.

“What?” Ainsley asked, her voice a little high-pitched. “That…what?”

He held back a curse. He needed to coax her into it, make her see that it was for her safety and not because he was once again dramatically shifting their relationship—though that would be a byproduct. He didn’t know when everything had gotten so complicated, but then again, when it came to him and Ainsley, it was always complicated.

He let out a breath, trying to calm his heart as he turned into his drive. “You're staying here with me. For your safety.” He paused. “With Misty too since I’m getting her from her grandparents’ today.” He turned off the car and looked at Ainsley. “Riker and his men know you belong to me.”

“Oh, really?” She arched a brow and didn’t for one instant look like a woman who’d just been hit on the head in a damn graveyard. Instead, she looked like his Ainsley, sarcastic and fucking beautiful.

He closed his eyes for a moment, praying for patience. He didn’t have much, especially when it came to the idea that Riker could hurt those he loved. “You know what I mean.”

“I don't, but let's move on. That's what we do best.” She gave him a look, and he winced. Yeah, they needed to talk some more about what they were doing together, but first, they had to stop whatever the hell Riker was doing.

“You’ll be safe at my house.”

“Yeah, because being at your house was so safe for you last night.” Anger flashed in her eyes, and he knew she was thinking about the bandage on his arm under his coat. It didn’t hurt, but she’d told him that she didn’t like seeing him bleed. And, hell, his heart had almost stopped when he saw her prone on the ground in front of Katie’s grave. They were even then, though he wasn’t going to say that. The fact that it was even an idea made him want to find Riker and strangle him. Going by the book and the law wasn’t making things easier, but he wasn’t going to become a vigilante, he was just going to keep his family safe.

“The house is good. I fixed everything and will be adding an additional layer of security today after I pick up Misty. It won't happen again.” That was a vow he’d do anything to keep.

“So says every murder podcast I've listened to. I want to stay sexy. I don't want to get murdered.”

“If you bring up that murderino shit one more time…”

She gave him a smile that said they weren’t finished, but joking about silly things was the only way to break the tension. “Whatever. I'll stay with you because I believe you and, yeah, your house is theoretically safer than mine. But something needs to happen because I'm scared, Loch. I don't like being scared.”

He leaned over and kissed her then, cupping her face as gently as he could. “Let me take care of you.”

“You always do, Loch. Just remember, I need to take care of you, too.”

The two of them made their way inside the house, Loch triple-checking security before he called Marnie’s parents. Instead of him driving to them, they were going to drop Misty off, wanting to see him, as well. They didn’t know everything going on, but they were worried and were damn good people—even if their daughter wasn’t.

It was weird that he didn’t even consider contacting Marnie to tell her that her daughter was safe. There was no need, and he had no idea where she was anyway. Her parents might have a number for her, but it was constantly disconnected, her address ever-changing. Marnie literally had nothing to do with Misty’s life, and Loch was fine with that. Misty had women in her life she could look up to, and two sets of grandparents she loved.

And she had Ainsley.

A fact that he had almost ruined because he’d been too fucking scared to face reality and take a chance.

Standing in his bedroom, he pulled Ainsley closer, holding her to his chest.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. “Besides the obvious.”

“I’m sorry for pushing you away. It was a gut reaction because things were changing…and because of Riker. I can’t believe I did that. Even if you and I weren’t…doing what we are, I never should have threatened to pull you out of Misty’s life. It might get even more interesting when she finds out we’re dating, but that’s something we’ll work on together. There’s no way I can separate you two. And the fact I thought I should in order to protect her, to protect me, just goes to show you that I’m a fucking idiot sometimes. Well, most of the time if you listen to my brothers and Tabby.”

“I wasn’t going to let you take that little girl from my life, Loch. It might have changed things if I was out of your life, and I would have broken a bit inside by losing you, but there was no way I wouldn’t have fought for her. For you.”

He kissed her then, needing her so much he could barely breathe. “Never again. I don’t know what’s going to happen with us, but know this, no matter what, Misty will always be in your life. You make her smile, make her laugh. You give her something I can’t. And I don’t want to break that.”

She searched his eyes with her own, and he kissed her again. “You say no matter what happens. But, Loch? I don’t want to lose you either. You’re my best friend. Remember that.”

“I do. Always.”

Then his mouth was on hers, and her hands were under his shirt, skin-to-skin, breath-to-breath.

“Are you too hurt to do this?” he asked. “We have an hour until Misty gets here.”

Her eyes sparkled. “Just be gentle.”

“For you, I can try.”

She reached up and bit his jaw, and he knew it might take effort for him to try, but for Ainsley, he’d tie himself down before he hurt her. He slowly stripped her of her clothes, taking care not to touch the bump on her head, and then he stood back, and she stripped him of his, her hands shaking as she reached his belt buckle, but he knew it wasn’t from pain or even nervousness.

The anticipation sparking between them was what moved them forward.

It was the antidote to his pain: his need.

She was his everything.

She wrapped her hand around his cock, giving him a squeeze before pumping a few times. His eyes crossed, and he groaned but didn’t step away, loving her hands on him. When she started to go to her knees, however, he stopped her.

“I don’t want you to hurt your knees.”

“But I want to taste you.”

He licked his lips then picked her up, carrying her to his bed. “Then let’s do it this way because the idea of your mouth on my dick is something I’ve thought about for far too long.” He settled her on the edge of the bed as he moved to get comfortable in the middle. “But if you’re going to taste me, I want to taste you at the same time. So, it’s up to you if you want to ride my face, or we go side by side.”

She blushed even as she licked her lips. “You say the sweetest and sexiest things.”

He wasn’t normally like this, had never been that guy. But for Ainsley? Yeah, he’d be that guy. “Just for you.”

“You better. And I don’t know if I can straddle you and reach your dick since you’re so much bigger than me.” She gave his dick a pointed look. “Well, you’re big all over. Aren’t you?”

“Now you’re the one saying the sweet and sexy things.”

They moved so they were on their sides and, soon, his mouth was between her legs, and she was giving his cock tentative licks before she sucked him into her mouth. He groaned, almost losing his concentration when it came to eating her up, drip by drip, lick by lick when she hollowed her mouth and flattened her tongue on his tip.

When she sucked on his balls then cupped them in her hand as she swallowed as much of him as she could, he almost came right then but forced himself to hold back since she hadn’t come yet. He licked her clit, gently biting down as he used her wetness to play with her back hole. She sucked in a breath, pressing into his hand as he used his forefinger to gently breach her entrance.

“Loch,” she gasped, pulling away from his dick.

“Too much?”

She shook her head, licking down his shaft. “Not enough.”

He grinned, then worked more of his finger inside her, pulling out as he used his other hand to play with her pussy, lowering his head to lick her at the same time. He worked her, loving her taste, the way she gasped when he moved just right. And when she came, he lapped her up, wanting every drop of her and not intending to miss anything.

He almost came again when she tightened her grip on him, but he pulled away and maneuvered them both so she was straddling him, her breasts bouncing from the movement. And since they were there, and he could never get enough of her tits, he cupped them in his hands, pressing them together and brushing his thumbs over her tight nipples.

“I wasn’t done,” she said with a gasp when he filled her with his cock in one thrust. “Jesus. You’re so fucking big. I forget sometimes.”

He grinned, slowly sliding in and out of her as she rocked back and forth over his dick. “And you’re wet and tight. Not going to last long.”

“As I was trying to get you to come in my mouth, you better be close.”

“Come here and kiss me, taste yourself on my tongue.” And she did, still moving her hips with his as they fucked, slowly and softly, yet just a little hard like they liked it.

She came again, and he followed her, his climax so intense he knew he’d release everything inside of him just by her touch alone.

This woman was his.

His to love.

His to protect.

His to cherish.


And he’d do anything in his power to keep her that way.
