Ainsley groaned as Loch’s phone went off twenty minutes ahead of their alarm. He unwrapped himself from her, quickly rolling over and turning off the sound so it wouldn’t echo throughout the house. Misty was probably still fast asleep since she didn’t have to wake up early thanks to a school break day. A break that meant Ainsley didn’t have to go to work either. She didn’t understand why they had the day off right after a weekend without her having to go in for even a teacher workday, but she’d take the time off.
However, the phone ringing this early in the morning meant she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep anytime soon anyway.
She rolled over and looked at Loch’s back, trailing her hand down his bare skin as she tried to wake up enough to understand what he was saying. She hoped it was just a normal call and not something serious, but she knew that wasn’t going to be the case. Not when Riker was still out there, and God knew who else that was connected to Chris and that man.
Plus, with Melody pregnant and Kenzie trying, she was always afraid that a phone call this early in the morning would be about one of them. Thankfully, Misty was with them and not at the grandparents’, meaning that was one less worry.
But from the gruff sound of Loch’s voice and the tension in his shoulders, she knew that whatever the call was about, it wasn’t good.
“I’ll be there in ten minutes. No, that’s fine. Thanks.”
Loch hung up and turned to face her on the bed, his face screwed into a scowl she could see even in the dim light of the breaking dawn through the window.
“What is it?” She sat up, pulling the sheet over herself since she was cold without his body heat. She still wore his shirt and panties since Misty could come in at any moment because of a nightmare, and that meant Loch also wore shorts. Sleeping naked wasn’t something you could do with kids in the house.
“Someone trashed my gym. Broke the windows, every fucking piece of equipment in there. Tore it all up with water and oil. Only thing they didn’t do was set it on fire or get into my office since I added another set of locks on that with so much personal information stored there. But fuck it, Ainsley. It can’t all be a coincidence. Especially since they somehow knew how to bypass my security. I didn’t even get an alert on my phone.”
She shook her head, reaching out to rub her hand down his arm, not knowing what else to do to comfort him. That place was his other home, his pride and joy. He’d put so much into it once he’d fully settled into Whiskey to be a father to Misty.
And now someone had ruined it all.
“Do you think it’s Riker?”
“Unless I’ve pissed off a whole hell of a lot more people than I know about, it’s the only thing that makes sense. I knew the man was living on the edge, but damn it, Ainsley, I don’t know what he’s playing at.”
He leaned down and kissed her hard, then got up off the bed. He started pulling on clothes, and Ainsley got up, as well, pulling on hers from the day before. She’d shower and change into real clothes later, but she didn’t like feeling as if she weren’t prepared to leave if something happened. Not that anything would, but she was on edge, as well, as if waiting for the next shoe to drop. And she didn’t like it.
“Are you heading down there, then?”
Loch nodded, tying up his shoes. “Got to meet with Renkle and Shannon again. They’ve got to be tired of meeting with me at this point.”
“You’re probably tired of them, as well.” She went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. For some reason, she was nervous about him going, even though it didn’t make any sense. With the new security measures he’d added to the house, she and Misty would be fine, and she didn’t think Riker was going to be prowling around the place he’d just destroyed with the cops around, but she still didn’t like it.
She didn’t like any of this.
“I am, but we’re going to get to the bottom of this. He’s making mistakes now, I know it. It’s taken this long because we didn’t put the pieces together, and I’m not a cop, remember? I’m just a guy with a family and the woman he loves in his arms. I don’t know why Riker thinks this is the way to get what he wants, but he’s wrong. Way fucking wrong.”
Ainsley froze at his words, sure she was either still dreaming or not quite awake. “What did you just say?” she asked, her voice a whisper.
Loch stiffened, then looked down at her before moving to cup her face “Shit. I didn’t mean to say that.”
She was pretty sure her heart broke just then. Jagged pieces ripping and tearing until there was nothing left but a pile of ash and regrets.
He cursed again, then kissed her hard, his mouth a pressure point against hers. “No, that’s not what I meant. I love you, Ainsley. I just didn’t mean to tell you when I’m running out the door and dealing with the gym and who knows what else.”
She took a step back, her heart beating so hard in her chest, she was afraid it would pop right out like in one of those cartoons Misty watched on Saturday mornings.
His face shut down ever so slightly at the tone of her voice, and he gave her a tight nod. “I know it’s fast and doesn’t make any sense how I could love you so quickly, but the thing is, I’ve tried not loving you this way for so long, it’s only natural that I feel this for you now that the blinders are off and we’re finally where we should have been years ago. I’m sorry it took me so long, Ainsley. I’m sorry I was too stubborn to see what was right in front of me. I know you might not be ready to say the same words, and I get it. I was going to wait until we figured out who we are together outside of what’s going on in the town. I mean, fuck, I haven’t even taken you out on a real date. What kind of man am I?”
Ainsley threw her arms around his neck then, pressing her lips to his so he wouldn’t talk himself out of loving her. She knew him and herself and they both could probably end up doing that if they talked in circles enough.
He wrapped his arms around her, tucking her close to him. They fit, and that was something she’d always known, even if she tried to forget that she wanted it to be true.
“I love you,” she whispered against his lips. “I’ve loved you longer than I’ve known what you taste like on my lips. I thought you only saw me as your friend, and maybe that’s the case, but, Loch? I love you so damn much. Misty, too.”
He grinned then, tugging her close. “We’ll move slower after this, I promise, but I like you in my bed, in my arms. In my life. After we stop Riker, we can talk about serious things, but I’m not letting you go, Ainsley. No matter what.”
And when he kissed her again, she almost swooned in his arms. She’d never swooned before in her life but, apparently, today was starting out as a day for surprises.
She knew they had more to work out, more to deal with, but feelings couldn’t be ignored. They hadn’t even been together long enough for her mind to settle and yet…yet it worked. Because it was them. Because they were Loch and Ainsley. They’d been together for years, and yet… now it was different.
Now…now, she had hope.
Loch had been gone for a couple of hours by the time Misty woke up, and Ainsley was making breakfast for the two of them. This wasn’t the first time Ainsley had stayed over and made breakfast for Misty since she stayed in the guest room while Loch was out of town for work and she watched Misty overnight. It was always for work though, thankfully, and never for a date.
She winced. Nope, she didn’t want to think about that. Loch had told her he’d never had another woman in that bed, only her, and that made her smile. She’d had another man in her bed, she hadn’t been celibate before Loch, but she was territorial when it came to Loch, so she didn’t mind being the only one when it came to him.
“I like that you’re here and I don’t have to wait for you to come over,” Misty said before taking a bite of her pancake. Ainsley had gone overboard just a little with the chocolate chips, but it was her first morning alone with Misty after staying over as Loch’s girlfriend and she was still feeling her way. The situation was so different for her than it would have been for anyone else because of her relationship with Misty outside of her connection to Loch, but she would find her way.
“I like that I’m here, too.”
“Are you going to stay here forever?”
Ainsley just smiled. “I have my own place.” It was too soon to actually move in for real, and she knew it. She didn’t want to rush things more than she already was and ruin what she had with the two most important people in her life. “But I’ll be here like always. I’m just staying for a bit to help your dad.” Sort of. They hadn’t told Misty about what was going on in the town, but they had told her to be careful with strangers—like usual. Loch was good about things like that, and Ainsley was grateful.
“I like you here.”
“I know. I like it here, too. But you like my place.”
Then the little girl just smiled and went back to her pancakes. Ainsley grinned and finished hers while making a grocery list. They were running out of certain things they’d need for the day, and she wanted to get it done. She often shopped for Loch, and he did for her, as well so it wasn’t any different for her to do it today.
Except for the whole Riker thing.
She frowned and pulled out her phone, not knowing when Loch would be home. He’d been keeping her up-to-date and had called to talk to Misty earlier, but she knew he was dealing with the authorities, contractors, and who knew what else. Fox and Dare were down there, as well, their women helping out at Dare’s inn since Melody’s dance studio was located next to Loch’s gym. The place was fine, but Melody was going to keep it closed until Loch knew what was going on. Both women had offered to come over to spend time with her, but Ainsley hadn’t wanted to worry Misty.
Ainsley: Hey, I need to go to the grocery store. Is it okay if I take Misty? Or should I wait for you to come home?
She’d used the word home before when she stayed over because the context was easier, but now, it was different. Worrying over a word she used would give her a headache, though, so she pushed those thoughts out of her head.
Loch: I’m going to be a few hours more. Sorry, babe. Go get what you need and put in on the card. Just be safe and check your surroundings. Can’t live if you’re constantly locked up…though I sort of want you to be.
Ainsley grinned then and shook her head. She’d use his card even though she hated it. She didn’t make much money as a high school teacher, and they both knew it. Loch made more and had invested wisely. So, for groceries and things having to do with Misty, she used the card he gave her even if she wasn’t a huge fan of doing so.
Ainsley: I’ll be safe and take care of your girl. Just be safe too. Okay? Love you.
It gave her a little thrill to write that last part, and she held back a giggle since Misty was watching her.
Loch: Take care of both my girls. Love you too.
And there went that thrill again.
“Want to go grocery shopping with me?” Ainsley asked, cleaning up their plates.
Misty bounced on the seat. “Yes!”
“Wash your hands and brush your teeth first.”
“Okay, Ainsley.” Then she was off like a rocket, and Ainsley just shook her head, putting the rest of the dishes in the dishwasher. She’d run it while they were gone, and after they came back, she’d start dinner since stew sounded amazing. It was one of the recipes she’d learned in her cooking class, and she hadn’t tried it out on Loch yet. Hopefully, she wouldn’t mess it up. But, hey, the pancakes had come out okay.
By the time the two of them were all bundled up and in Ainsley’s car, headed to the store, both of them were a little hyper from the sugar in the pancakes and were singing to one of Misty’s songs on the radio. Ainsley knew all the words since she was with her so often, and the two of them kept grinning and smiling…until a car pulled up right behind them, so close Ainsley couldn’t even see its lights.
Ainsley turned down the music, hushing Misty when she complained, and sped up around the curve, trying to get to a place where this asshole could pass her and stop freaking her out. Only he wasn’t moving away. Instead, he only got closer. Then he bumped her rear bumper, and Misty let out a scream.
Ainsley only barely held back one of her own as she gripped the steering wheel, trying to stay on the road. But he bumped her again, and she slid off the gravel and into the farmland beside the road. They plowed through the grass, the sound deafening, but they didn’t flip over. Instead, they came to a stop, the car shaking, and her pulse racing. There were no other cars around since they weren’t on Main Street and it was still early on a weekday. She was grateful that they hadn’t hit the embankment or one of the trees that lined the road.
Misty was crying behind her in her booster seat, and Ainsley shook as she put the car into park and tried to turn around to see if the little girl she loved was hurt.
“Misty? Are you okay?”
Misty nodded. “I want Daddy.”
“Me, too.” She turned to see if the other car had gone off the road, as well, the adrenaline in her system spiking to the point where she could barely think. But before she could take a good look around, she screamed and threw herself over Misty’s legs, the only part of the little girl she could reach, as someone smashed the driver’s side window into pieces. Then the door was being pulled open, and someone was reaching inside for Ainsley’s seatbelt as they pulled on her hair with such force that her eyes watered.
As the man pulled her out of the car by her hair, her butt hitting the frozen ground with enough force to rattle her teeth, Ainsley kicked and screamed and tried to scratch at him, but he wore long sleeves and gloves.
She tried not to panic, but she knew it was no use when Misty was in danger, as well. She looked up as the man threw her to the ground so her head hit hard, but she was still able to look over at the car where another man was opening the back door and pulling Misty out.
Ainsley screamed again, this time kicking out when the man reached for her. He let out a grunt since she hit him in the knee, and then she scrambled to her feet, ignoring the blood on her hands from scraping them on the ground. She ran toward Misty, screaming her head off in hopes that someone might hear. But they were on the curve of Whiskey where there were no houses or businesses.
And these men had been watching. Waiting for her to get here.
Oh, God.
She didn’t think either man thought she’d fight back, or that she’d have any skill, but Loch had taught her how to get safe and how to defend herself—at least as much as possible. With all of her strength, she threw herself at the man who had Misty by the hand and was trying to drag her out of the car rather than pick her up.
Thanks to gravity and the force of her body, Ainsley knocked the man down to the ground, both of them hitting the back of her car.
She rolled, but he rolled with her, pinning her to the ground. “Run!” she called out. “Misty, run!”
And the little girl did. Her little legs pumping as she ran away. That was what Loch had taught her to do. Run to a cop or to a family member. Run from strangers.
And, for some lucky, or maybe unlucky, reason, the other man didn’t run after her. Instead, he came to Ainsley’s side and tilted his head as he studied her. That was when she realized they were both wearing masks and the only thing she could see was their eyes.
“You’re the one we need anyway,” the one on top of her said, then he pulled back his fist and hit her.
Then she didn’t see anything else.
Just darkness.