If you do notice your partner at all, it’s to think, Who is that tall, hairy person hanging around ME AND MY BABY? But once the kids started sleeping through the night, we’d still enjoyed the odd bonk-a-thon, hadn’t we?
Rory was still pounding away. If he were working on a DIY creation. I’d have been a bookcase with built-in music cabinet and television swivel panel by now. I wondered if he’d get the hint that I wasn’t exactly enjoying myself if I took out the nail file Hannah had given me and started pushing back my cuticles?
I realized with relief that his momentum was building up.
Rory always came precisely the same way. A series of identical moans, crescendoing into a sequence of mini-moans which rose towards one giant inflection, concluding in a loss of amplitude on the final surge, followed, a few minutes later, by thunderous snoring.
I lay on my side, looking at the landing light sliding in under the bedroom door. Perhaps I should try harder. Don a filmy gown, get a prescription for She-agra — even make the first move? After all, one good turn — gets most of the blankets, I thought, as Rory lurched and the arctic air groped my body.
With a sickening heart, I admitted to myself that Jazz was spot on. The thought of her gloating was unbearable. Drifting off to sleep, I determined not to tell her that ‘sexual freedom’ was, indeed, the freedom not to have sex with your husband.