Converting favorite recipes that call for sugar to honey is not a simple ratio. It depends on what type of recipe it is. Even mild honeys have more sweetening power than sugar. As a general rule, substitute about 3/4 cup (255 g) honey for 1 cup (200 g) white sugar. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

To achieve an end result that is as close as possible to the recipe made with white sugar, use the lightest and mildest honey you can find. The darker, stronger honeys could possibly change or overpower some of the other flavors in the recipe.

If the recipe contains a liquid, reduce the amount of liquid slightly. Honey adds/retains more moisture than sugar.

When using honey in baked goods, reduce the oven temperature by about 25°F (14°C). Recipes baked with honey will brown faster in the oven.

Honey is also heavier, denser, and wetter than sugar. Leavening agents may have a harder time rising. Increasing the quantity of leavening agents slightly will counteract this.