All of my recipes are written using percentages. The advantage to doing this is that the recipe can be easily scaled up or down. The disadvantage is that a little math is needed in order to convert the equation into a usable recipe. Here’s how to do that.
Here is an example of a recipe: |
Shea Butter |
31% |
Sweet Almond Oil |
31% |
Beeswax |
31% |
Flavor Oil |
7% |
Choose a unit of measure with which to work. Metric units, such as grams or milliliters work best, as the math is more straightforwrad. They can be converted back to English units at the end of the process.
Decide the desired size of your batch. For this example, we will use a 10 ounce batch. That is equal to 283 grams.
Determine the percentage of each portion of the recipe.
Multiply the number by the percent. Example: [283 (grams) x 0.31(%) = 87.73 (grams)]
Round to the desired precision [87.73 rounded to the nearest whole number = 88]
Finalize the recipe.
Using the sample recipe, it now looks like this: |
Shea Butter |
88 grams |
Sweet Almond Oil |
88 grams |
Beeswax |
88 grams |
Flavor Oil |
20 grams |