Deep gratitude always begins with my writing group: Lisa Harrington, Jo Ann Yhard, Jennifer Thorne, Joanna Butler and Graham Bullock.
To Tanya Trafford for her keen editorial eye and her effortless way of putting me at ease.
To organizations such as Reach for the Rainbow that see beyond disabilities and to the wonderful staff of RKY summer camp, who each year make my nephew Michael Rodriguez a very happy guy. One summer in particular they surprised their very own Spider-Man (Michael) by dressing up as superheroes. The day he leaves, Michael starts counting down to the next summer.
To the Gibson family, who sat around the campfire jogging my memories of Big Cove Camp with their updated version of camp life—including real toilets.
To the Big Cove YMCA Camp, where I spent many summers working, and to the lifelong friendships I made there. A special nod to Keith Publicover, who taught me how to be a good leader, and to my dear Julia Rowell, waterfront director, who taught me I was braver than I thought. I had to walk her down to the waterfront cabin each night because she was too afraid to do it alone, even though I had to walk back alone to my cabin. In the dark.
To Nancy Allen, whose devotion and love for her brother is sprinkled throughout this story, and Alison Rodriguez, who keeps me in endless supply of story ideas for my beloved Duncan.
To my youngest daughter, Grace, who came up with the title for the book, and to my husband, Ken, who is the biggest cheerleader a girl could ever ask for.