advantage (ad-VAN-tij)—something that helps or is useful to someone

bargain (BAR-guhn)—agreement

chaos (KAY-oss)—total confusion

checking (CHEK-ing)—using your body or stick to move or block another player

complicated (KOM-pli-kay-tid)—something that is difficult to understand

equipment (i-KWIP-muhnt)—the tools needed for a particular purpose

hick (HIK)—an insulting way to describe a person from a small town

miserable (MIZ-ur-uh-buhl)—sad, unhappy

overheard (oh-vur-HURD)—heard what someone else was saying without them knowing

penalty (PEN-uhl-tee)—a punishment that a team or player suffers for breaking the rules

scrimmage (SKRIM-ij)—a game played for practice