ef: no death
cleo: glap you’re here! why didn’t you reply i was worried
ef: sorry
cleo: ok you coming in?

open cleo’s cell

ef: enter cleo’s cell

cleo: you like it?
ef: yeah of course it’s nice here
cleo: no i mean the dog you remember it was you who sent me the link so i hooked myself up a dog

cleo has updated her status: dog-owner

she’s already learned to get excited when guests come look how happy she is that you’ve come do you like her?
ef: i don’t know
have you ever seen real dogs?
cleo: no
oh well fine you don’t like her…
all for nothing
it’s a really interesting program you can train her the dog can learn twenty commands and then if for example you give her a bone then take it away she bites you it’s really funny
want to give her a bone?
ef: no

cleo: fine i’ll do it myself

command heel
command chew bone

tell me about it
ef: what?
cleo: you know
in socio there was an announcement that zero stopped living
you were with him
tell me about it
ef: why do you want to know?
cleo: come on please i want to know
ef: he set himself on fire
cleo: but are you ok?
ef: yeah got a little burned but nothing too bad
cleo: is it true he didn’t get reproduced?
ef: it’s true
cleo: fofs! and that they’re closing his file now?
ef: that’s classified
cleo: ok fine
ef: why do you ask?
cleo: you know it’s just
ef you’re weird somehow
are you sleeping alright?
ef: yeah and you?
cleo: me too
what do you dream about?
ef: i have bad dreams
cleo: like what?
ef: about animals probably cos of your dog
by association
cleo: and what do the animals do?
ef: should i tell you the dream?
cleo: ok then
ef: in my dream i’m at a farm
it’s dark i can’t see anything i feel my way but i know that it’s a farm because they are screaming they’re frightened i feel their fear i’m frightened too the thing we’re afraid of is here at the farm
it’s alive
i have to find it i know it’s hiding in one of the cages
i feel for the iron bars with my hands until i find the right cage
i just know it’s there behind the bars
it’s quiet it isn’t screaming
in my hand i’ve got a key
i have to open the door and go in inside
i turn the key in the lock…
cleo: no don’t go in
ef: i have to
cleo: ef it’s just a dream
you shouldn’t go in there
you’re probably sleeping in an uncomfortable position got a crick in your neck or something
that’s why you’re having nightmares
try and move or say something out loud in first layer so did it work?
ef: yes thanks
cleo: they say that dreams are memories from your past maybe you once looked for something on a farm in a different reproduction
some sort of violator
ef: yeah could be
cleo: you were a planetman before weren’t you?
ef: and what do you dream about?
cleo: you
such a strange dream
it’s like me and you are in first layer at the festival in the reproduction zone…
we’re not wearing any clothes
not even contact underwear or gloves you’re hugging me from behind
and it’s nice
weird right?
ef: what’s weird?
cleo: you know that in dreams strange things like that can seem nice
skin to skin
without contact underwear
i can’t even imagine it!
sometimes even with underwear i feel awkward
ef: you don’t like festivals?
cleo: of course not who does?
i mean what normal people
it’s too rough
of course you need to put up with it for the sake of the living
but liking that sort of thing when you’ve got access to luxury?
do you like festivals?
ef: no of course not
but it is our duty
cleo: ok let’s not talk about duties now alt
i’ve got altogether different plans alt

connect to luxury
invite user ef to participate in an act of luxury…
invite other friends to participate in this act? yes no

cleo: come to me
i’ve missed you
ef: the dog… i don’t like it when she’s watching
cleo: oh sorry alt

temporarily turn off dog app
invite user ef to participate in an act of luxury…
come on ef!!!
ef: accept invitation